Woody's Shoot N Snore

The funny thing about both of those guns, is, I can't even bring them to NJ. I don't have anything but 20rd and 30rd mags.

Well, last time we had the competition, I bet Ray, that Geoff would win. I was right!:mad:

As soon as that SOB showed up with a revolver, I knew it was over for Me. I was shooting wuss re-manufactured $6.99 a box 9mm ammo and wasn't very good with the Beretta. I would show up with Hydra shoks, for the rope shoot, but that damn state that Ray lives in would prosecute Me as a felon. :rolleyes:

I think we need to inspect all the ammo Geoff brings. He's liable to show up with tracers that burn up the rope.:eek:

I just want to say that I hope all of you get flat tires and can't make it. That way I'll have a chance of winning. Even if I show up at 6pm.:mad:

PS Is anybody taking this stuff seriously

Are we actually flaming?:D

Better watch out! The Moderators might lock this thread!

Maybe we should all take a deep breath and think twice and post once.
If we don't put out the flames there's going to be a brawl at the gathering. Maybe even a Geoff Ross, burned at the stake.:p

Why don't we have a "friendliest TFL member competition?"
Group hug:rolleyes:
Is there any reason I can't use my

MAKAROV in 9x18 for the police qualifcation? Since I am hoping to use it for my carry gun when my permit comes avaiable I should practice a bit with it. I like a 44 for the rope shoot gotta see if I have any magnum loads. maybe some starfires. I think I even have some Origional "Black Talons" around here somewhere in 44 magnum. do I have a holster through thats the question. maybe use the 44 for pins as well. :D It sounds like its gonna be a 44 magnum kinda day!:D
jmlv: Don't even say "Black Talon" in New Jersey! We don't want to invite the local SWAT team. :eek:

I think our slogan for the meet should be "they all fall to hardball." :rolleyes:

Soda, you're bringing the refreshments, right? :p
Time for a trip to thre gun store for some softpoints in 44

I think all I have is hollowpoints in this caliber. gotta look for sure tonight.
One gun

How about a 357mag. for the one gun? 110gr38 plus p for a fast bullet, Full load 357s for the pins and 38 wadcutters for the paper punching part?? I believe one gun could well do the trick, not that that is what I will be doing. Quantrill
Yeah, 357SIG would work too. Unfortunately I don't have guns in these calibers. :)

I wanna see jmlv do the police qual with his 44 mag. The question is, does he feel lucky?
%#@!&*%$#@! Cable. Been down all day:mad:

Don't worry about the Mods, Hill finally got a job and will be busy for a while! No one else pays attention to this forum:(

Guess what I'm shootin Soda, a REVOLVER. With good factory ammo(if UPS doesn't screw up).

You guys could have had a chance because I was going to shoot my 1911 with the dopey sight but not now!

I looked at my old target last night, I can do better:cool:

No mercy:mad:

"You come fo the king, you best not miss" Omar on "The Wire"
Soda, you're bringing the refreshments, right?

By the time I get there the sun will probable be down. And you guys will all be sun burned from the 100F weather we've been having. I think Ray is going to have to take care of you unless you want to wait 8hrs for me to get there. Let's see who can handle the sweltering heat without drinking anything for 8hrs and still make it threw the qualification course. Who's up for that? I'll be there at 6pm with a bucket of water for ya.

Let's not forget that we all should be chipping in a few bucks toward the Buckeye Gun Club for all of this too. Ray is providing the food and drinks. You can donate money to his wife too (she takes bribes, she was a judge last time *hint* *hint*)

Does the building have AC Ray? Or are we roughing it?:rolleyes:

WARNING: I'm sleeping in the "raw" if there ain't no AC.
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You guys could have had a chance because I was going to shoot my 1911 with the dopey sight but not now!

Thanks for pissing Geoff off guys.:rolleyes: Now your all going to lose. I'll bet $5 Geoff wins again.

I still have My target up in My basement. I just got back from putting 150rds threw My Colt 1991A1 (I wanted to compete with that) and did better than I did with the Beretta at the last competition. I think I was 1 of 4, or 1 of 5, that qualified. I scored bad,but didn't really miss that many. I think I took 4th place.

The double action on the Beretta messed Me up at 25yds. I won't have that problem with the Colt.
make mine a 9

Hi Shannon!

Now we don't have to listen to Mrs. Woody complain about being the only female.:rolleyes:
There is a door prize for bringing single women."

with bonuses for those who have good bird dogs, a paid off new SUV, a collection of desirable firearms and a secluded place up in the mountains.

PS It wouldn't hurt if she had an airplane besides. Quantrill
Make mine a 9....Please do come. Women are always welcome!

Cleans up the language and social habits of some people (I won't say who)

Okay Guys....

I'm glad all this sparring is taking place now and not the day of the shoot. Boy, I think the place would be surrounded!!!

As for bribes, don't listen to SodaPop.... I'm just the rose among all you thorns. I wouldn't take a bribe, right???!!!! ;) :D

Plenty of food and water to eat and drink. Yes, there will be some soda and Ice Tea BUT plenty of water. Sorry SodaPop - we wouldn't want you to have the advantage of dehydrated people. That wouldn't be fair. And besides, I don't want to have to be busy working on people for heat exhaustion or worse. I want to shoot. :p

So, be safe, be legal and see you all at the shoot. Remember to each bring at least FOUR five dollar bills!!!!!
To quote K80Geoff:
625 for everything.
Except that rigged "Rope a Dope Shoot" with the nylon reinforced clothesline
The rope used for the last shoot was apparently pretty sturdy. 9mm had enough velocity to snap it, but .45s just pushed past it. I'm sure using ball ammo is a handicap in this event. BTW, I have some crappy faux-paracord I can bring, and we can see if shooting it is easier or harder.

I'm sure we'll all be well-behaved at the shoot. Remember, "an armed society is a polite society."