Woody's Shoot N Snore

SodaPop we do have a microwave at the club....


State of New Jersey
Department of Law and Public Safety
25 Market Street
Trenton, New Jersey


FROM: Robert T Winter
Director of the Division of Criminal Justice

DATE: January 4, 1991

SUBJECT: Interstate Transport of Firearms

The following guidelines are provided in order to assist law enforcement officers in applying New Jersey's firearms laws
to persons who are transporting firearms through the State of New Jersey

I. New Jersey laws governing firearms permits, purchaser identification cards, registration an licenses do not apply to a
person who is transporting a firearm through this State it that person is transporting the firearm in a manner permitted by
federal law 18 U.S.C.A. 926A.

II. This federal law permitting interstate transportation of a firearm applies only if all of the following requirements are

A. The person's possession of the firearm was lawful in the state in which the journey began;
B. The person's possession of the firearm will be lawful in the state in which the journey will end;
C. The person is transporting the firearm for a lawful purpose;
D. The firearm is unloaded;
E. The firearm is not directly accessible from the passenger compartment of the vehicle;
F. The ammunition is not directly accessible from the passenger compartment of the vehicle;
G. If the vehicle does not have a compartment separate from the passenger compartment, the firearm must be
in a locked container other than the vehicle's glove compartment or console;

H. The person is not

1. a convicted felon
2. a fugitive from justice
3. an addict or unlawful user of drugs, or
4. an illegal alien

I. The person has not

1. been adjudicated to be a mental defective
2. been committed to a mental institution
3. been dishonorably discharged from the armed forces, or
4. renounced his United States citizenship

III. A person who is transporting a firearm through the State of New Jersey in the manner permitted by 18 U.S.C.A.
926A, see Section II above, need not give notice.

IV. Procedure for Investigation of Conduct Involving the Possession or Transportation of Firearms.

1. An officer who reasonably suspects that a person transporting a firearm in violation of New Jersey law
should make reasonable inquiries in order to confirm or dispel that suspicion

2. In a case where circumstances reasonably indicate that the person's possession and transportation of the
firearm may be permitted by U.S.C.A. 926A, the officer should make reasonable inquiries in order to determine
whether the person's possession is permitted by the federal law.

3. If reasonable inquires lead the officer to conclude that the person's possession is lawful under either New
Jersey law or U.S.C.A. 926A, as described above in Section II., the officer should promptly allow the person to

4. Whenever an officer has probable cause to believe that a person's possession of a firearm is in violation of
New Jersey law and not permitted by U.S.C.A. 926A,as described above in Section II, then the officer should
make an arrest.

And finally something from the "Interstate Transportaion of Firearms".

New Jersey---New Jersey does not permit firearms to be transported through the state unless the owner possesses a Firearms Identification Card. Exceptions to this prohibition are: a person traveling to and from a target range or to and from hunting, provided the individual has obtained a valid state hunting license, and
``between one place of business or residence and another when moving.'' In any event, the general rule should be followed.

New Jersey lists over 4 dozen specified firearms as being ``assault firearms.'' An assault firearm is any semi-automatic rifle with a fixed magazine capacity
exceeding 15 rounds, and any semi-automatic shotgun with either a magazine capacity exceeding 6 rounds, an accentuated pistol grip, or a folding stock. Such
firearms require registration and a New Jersey license to possess. Any ammunition magazine capable of holding more than 15 rounds may only be possessed for a
registered and licensed ``assault firearm''.
Last edited:
like The Maltese Falcon.


On second thought......maybe we should get a copy of "Woodstock" to bring back all his forgotten memories of the 60's. Maybe Jimi Hendrix will do it.
Rio Bravo is one of my favorite movies, but it's the only John Wayne I have.
Any ammunition magazine capable of holding more than 15 rounds may only be possessed for a
registered and licensed ``assault firearm''.
Does this mean that mags that hold 15 rounds are OK, but 20-rounders are illegal? I thought the cutoff was 10, same as the feds.
Contest Description

I know you posted the PPC description on the other thread but it did not come up for me. It came up all gibberish. Would you please repeat the description of that and the other matches you intend holding. Also, if you can remember where they are, please bring along my old ammo can and the few 12 ga. shotshells that were in there. If no one else is bringing Dillon's VCR tape,"Machine Gun Magic", I'll look around and see if I can find my copy. Quantrill
I still have your old beat up army can sitting next to my ammo locker.

1st event, the rope shoot. 2nd event, the pin shoot, 3rd event, police qualification shoot. Bring a $20.00 and your set for the day.
Bring your own ammo. No hollow points. You will need at least 100 rounds but I would bring more. 60 rounds for the police qual and the rest for the rope & pin shoot. If you have a holster, bring it for the police qual.

Arrival time: 9:30am
Start shooting: 10:00am

Fees: There will be 3 competitions held. Each competition costs $5.00. The winner of each match will win half of the 50/50 pot. The other half will go torwards the club.

Food: All you can eat hotdogs, soda, water, and fruit will be on hand for $5.00.

1st Competition: The rope shoot. Individuals will shoot in groups of 4's. The winner of each group will compete with the other group winners for an over all winner. What is a rope shoot you say? A rope shoot is a laundry line rope that hangs freely in front of the impact area with a suspended log attached to the other end. Individuals start out at 20 yards with 6 shots and try to cut the rope in half. If not done at 20 yards the group moves up to 15 yards and so on in 5 yard incriments until there is a winner.

2nd Competition: The pin shoot. Individuals will shoot in groups of 4's at 4 bowling pins each. With 6 shots you must clear the pins off of the rack and onto the ground. If not done at 20 yards the group moves up to 15 yards and so on in 5 yard incriments until there is a winner.

3rd Competition: The N.J. Police Qualification course. BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! You will need 60 rounds for this timed shoot. The individual that scores the highest wins.

We are going to shoot the 60 round course of fire starting out at 25 yards and working our way in to 1 yard. Page # 9-62 will give you the rundown on the course for those of you who want to practice. It is Qualification "IS R HQC 1". the course is timed and you will be shooting from various positions, weak hand, drawing from holster reloading, etc.


Any other questions feel free to ask.:D
Flyer for the shoot.....



WHAT: Rope, pin, and police qualification shoot.

WHEN: Saturday, August 24Th 9:30a.m. sign up, 10:00a.m. shoot.

WHERE: Buckeye Gun Club, 501 Rt.72E Barnegat, N.J.

Come and enjoy the company of fellow TFLer's in the surrounding areas as we get together to shoot the breeze and a few other items as well while supporting a good cause, the Buckeye Gun Club. Food and beverages will be on hand. Targets will be provided.
I'm trying to weezle out of my duties Saturday. I have a feeling its probable not going to be until about 6-7pm. There is a possibility I won't be able to make it at all though. I suppose to be going to my Uncle and my two nephews to the shore. But I'm going to see if I can drive down separate and leave early. I'll pack My Colt and Single six but I doubt I'll be there for any of the competitions.

Sorry to be a pain but I still can't get the PPC description to come up on my old computer. Could you possibly cut and paste it for me??? Quantrill
Can anyone play? I feel a road trip coming on (if I don't have to work). Do you have to use the same pistol in all 3 shoots or can you change off?
3 gun....

You can change off. I'll extend the offer to you also. Anybody wanting too can crash at the club that night. I'll be staying down along with K80Geoff, David Park, and a few others. We can sleep 36 individuals so don't feel like it will be cramped quarters. David Park will be bringing a bunch of gun flicks and SodaPop will be providing the popcorn. The more the merrier. Any other questions people feel free to ask.:D
Quantrill, here's a JPEG of the qualification chart. I hope this helps.

I don't have any machine gun videos or stuff like that, so feel free to bring your Dillon tape.


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I can't cut and paste because it will not allow me so I will hand type the course just for you. You better show up!:p


1st group of shots from 25 yards, 12 total shots:

Position: Kneeling strong side cover, 30 sec.
Shooter will start standing 2 yards behind the barricade. On command the shooter will move forward and fire 4 rds from the strong side of cover neeling. Remain behind cover in a ready position with visual focus torwards the threat area.

Position: Over the top of cover, 30 sec.
On command fire 4 rds over the top of cover. Remain behind cover in a ready position with visual focus torwards the threat area.

Position: Support side of cover, neeling or standing(strong hand), 30 sec.
On command fire 4 rds with the strong hand (support is recommended)from the support side of cover neeling or standing. Reload if necessary decoc and holster. Replenish loading devices.

2nd group of shots from 15 yards, 12 total shots:

Position: Standing, 5 sec.
Draw and fire 3 rds standing, decoc and holster.

Position: Standing & neeling, 25 sec.
Draw and fire 3 rds standing, assume a neeling position and fire 6 rds neeling.

3rd group of shots from 10 yards, 6 total shots:

Position: Ready, 3 groups of 2 shots on command, 3 sec.
From the ready position fire 2 rds on each command to fire.

4th group of shots from 7 yards, 12 total shots:

Position: Standing
Draw, fire 3 rds, decoc and holster 4 sec.
Draw, fire 3 rds, make magazine change, fire 15 sec.
Draw, fire 3 rds, decoc and holster 4 sec.

5th group of shots from 5 yards, total 12 shots:

Position: Standing one hand, strong side. 3 groups of 2 shots on command, 4 sec.
Draw and fire 2 rds one-handed with the strong hand, decoc and holster.

Position: Standing one hand, support hand. 3 groups of 2 shots on command, 3 sec.
Weapon should be in the support hand at the ready. Fire 2 shots one-handed with the support hand each command, return to the ready.

6th group of shots from 1 yard, 6 total shots:

Position: Standing, weapon retention. 3 groups of 2 shots on command, 2 sec.
Assume an interview stance position. Draw and fire 2 rds from the weapon retetion position, decoc and holster.
wow, possible Ohio people coming! This has got the potential to be (maybe) the biggest TFL get together.. Im counting the days..

Ray- what are the most TFL members we've ever had come to one of these shoots?

You always have a lot of "guests" so I always loose track. The most I've ever had was 13 at the "Pop Festival" last January. If we could just get everyone to come back I'd probable have close to 40 TFL members at one of the W&W shoots. I was just thinking the other day that I have met about 75 TFL members. Some just at gun shows (that keep saying they're coming) and the rest at gatherings.

We had 10 accual TFLers at the last Jersey shoot and about 5 guests. This up coming gathering is looking pretty good so far. The shoot I went to up at W&W that you were holding was right about the same from what I saw.