Woody's Shoot N Snore

Here is the line up so far.......

1)Ray Woodrow 3rd
2)Mrs.Woody6(my better half)
4)Quantril's better half
7)ammoeater's friend
11)pdmoderator's better half
12)David Park
15)FlyinGn's better half
16)FlyinGn's father-inlaw
17)Ray Woodrow Jr.
18)Daniel Weston
19)Russel Down
20)Ed Pittman
21)Make Mine A Nine
23)Rovert's friend

Anyone else feel like coming out to play? Let me know so I can add you to the list!;)
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WOW! What a change from the way I was taught and later taught others. I shot my first PPC in 1968 at Atlantic City Police range. It was called the FBI Academy Course at that time. Back then, There were no automatics allowed and everything was set-up for a revolver. I still have the original pictured text using only 5 shot loadings in a wheel gun and starting in the prone position at 60 yards. The 5 shot loadings was a holdover from the days of letting your hammer rest on an empty cylinder. One also had to run from cover to cover during the allotted time. Later on I qualified a few police depts. in Atlantic County with a Game Warden who was a pretty savvy pistolero. Mary Lou and I attended the week long NRA Police Firearm Instructor School at Camp Perry 4 years in a row, also attending the Small Arms Firing School (SAFS) conducted by the military for M-16 and service pistol. I have gotten out some of the instructor manuals and looked them over. We also were invited up to NYPD Firearms Unit and spent a day with those folks. We got to meet many people like Bill Jordan, Frank Mcgee, Dan Wesson, and Herb Binsbacher. I shot PPC competition and once shot next to Frank May who was the National Police Champion at that time. Pretty heady stuff for a comparative novice. Didn't mean to run on so but I am amazed at changes that have taken place. Thanks again for transcribing the course for us. Quantrill
I shot the police qualification at my local range today with three different handguns, trying to decide which one to use in NJ. Which target are you going to use, the B21E again? I used a B27E silhouette, which is obviously very easy to hit, and I'm currently studying my groups. I think I'll be using my carry gun, SIG P239 in 9mm, simply because it's easiest to shoot one-handed, which helps during those difficult 25-yard shots.

Tip: don't try the 1-yard drill with hanging paper targets. The first shot blew the target back so it was nearly horizontal, and my second shot ripped a long 3-inch hole through it. :o After that, I moved the target back to 3 yards.
Oh Great! Everyone is practising for the shoot.

Now I am going to have to practice too if I expect to uphold my last performance. :rolleyes:

As I remember the only mandatory one handed hold is the shots at the 5 yard line. The 25 yard shots can be supported.

Since I am going to be using a 1911 I will be able to shoot SA :D Most of the misses I had last time were shots taken DA.

Where is Rovert, he has been awfull quiet lately, been out workin out with the Kimber?
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They are getting ready!

You are correct K80Geoff. The 25 yard shots are with a supporting hand. Looks like you have some serious competition comming your way! 1st place last time was you, 2nd place was FlyinGn, and 3rd was Rovert. Remember, FlyinGn has that new Spectre 45 love fest machine that is half Glock and Half 1911. He's been pretty quiet too............The quiet before the storm:eek:

and yes, the B21E will be used again David.:p
I would like to attend,but I will be in Montreal that weekend. Though Sunday I am getting a full day of range time in :)
will a DVD player be availible? ... if i can get SHE WHO MUST BE OBEYED to authorise my attendance , i can bring a copy of "kellys heros"

btw is barnagat any place close to barnagat hook?

the spelling errors contained in this post are in spite of the best efforts of the camp hill PA. school district.
No scoped pistols jmlv. rms/pa, there will be a DVD player. I'll put you down as a go until you say otherwise. I just sent you a copy of the flyer for the shoot. Anybody else that wants a flyer post here and I'll send it along.
Im from pa so im not 100% sure.. But I have never heard of Barnaget hook. Theres a Sandy Hook and Marcus hook tho:)

Do u mean Barnaget LIGHT?

regular factory no frill sights only.. You cheaters..

Im gonna shoot with my sights removed to make it fair for the rest you guys:) :)
Alchemy arms makes an ACCURATE gun...
