Waco TWO?

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I don't cotton to what is said to be going on in the place.:eek:

My next question is are they going to investigate the other 5 or so compounds owned by the same outfit?

Here in the boarder town I live in, we have a group of German speaking folks that come up from Mexico to do there shopping. They all wear uniforms I call them. The ladies and girls are in long dresses , scarf on the head. If you look at them you will not find a hair out of place on them. Colors vary, but all are dressed the same.

There Men and boys are in western shirts, Bib overalls and hat.

If you say hello, good day, or any other attempt to be friendly, they smile and turn there back on you.

They have chosen to Isolate them selves from the outsiders.

I fist thought that they are Meninites. I have since found out they are a different group of Mormon faith. I don't fear them. They mind there business and I respect that.

Should they be investigated?

Please do not take this as a attack on any group or faith. I am just attempting to make a point!

Do we investigate all of the Catholic diocese following the problems they have been having and still seem to have?

Just a thought!:rolleyes:

If this is in fact the way of there CULT, or what ever then it is more intrenched the some may think.
My next question is are they going to investigate the other 5 or so compounds owned by the same outfit?

As soon as they can find some cause to do so, probably.

Here in the boarder town I live in, we have a group of German speaking folks that come up from Mexico to do there shopping. They all wear uniforms I call them. The ladies and girls are in long dresses , scarf on the head. If you look at them you will not find a hair out of place on them. Colors vary, but all are dressed the same.

There Men and boys are in western shirts, Bib overalls and hat.

If you say hello, good day, or any other attempt to be friendly, they smile and turn there back on you.

They have chosen to Isolate them selves from the outsiders.

I fist thought that they are Meninites. I have since found out they are a different group of Mormon faith. I don't fear them. They mind there business and I respect that.

Should they be investigated?

If there are allegations and/or evidence that they are breaking the law, they probably should be. Otherwise, no.

Do we investigate all of the Catholic diocese following the problems they have been having and still seem to have?

If the Pope had been personally performing weddings to underage girls, then been convicted of (accessory to) rape, and if none of the church policies regarding this had since changed, then yes we should.
Religion is a strange thing. Here in Texas, I have the Baptists wanting to outlaw me having a beer. I have the catholics wanting to outlaw sex with my wife outside of procreation (officially and dogmatically), however- both engage in plenty of both!

If a child is raised to be a member of a society and that is how they feel, you will have a damned hard time erasing what they feel is a complete life. It probably is none of my business as my religious beliefs may be found to be fantastic fantasies to a Muslim or Jew on this board.

To Quote from Jefferson- "what does it matter if my neighbor says there are twenty Gods or no God. It neigher picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.

Nuff said. Let the Mormons do what they think will achieve them happiness on earth and hereafter.
Good stuff from you, KJM!

More people have died over religion then famine, pestilence and disease.

I have a feeling the hard line muslims are going in insure it is doubled.

Some one help us?:(
If a child is raised to be a member of a society and that is how they feel, you will have a damned hard time erasing what they feel is a complete life. It probably is none of my business as my religious beliefs may be found to be fantastic fantasies to a Muslim or Jew on this board.

Unfortunately that is not necessarily how they feel, however. The alleged call from this girl would be evidence of this, as would the other women from this sect who have come out against it. If all the young girls being married to older men felt their lives were so complete, the authorities would have a real hard time gathering any evidence (and Warren Jeffs would likely still be a free man).

Oddly, some women eventually decide that maybe being pressured by their parents to marry and have children with 50-year-old men at the tender age of 14 wasn't the direction they'd have chosen for their lives given the option. Who knew? This is why society in general has decided that perhaps such life-altering decisions should be delayed until a slightly older age, when people might have more of a chance to make an informed decision and have viable options. It's not like a 14-year-old is going to have an easy time just moving out when she decides she doesn't necessarily want to marry Uncle Creepy.

Nuff said. Let the Mormons do what they think will achieve them happiness on earth and hereafter.

Sure. As long as it doesn't involve using familial pressure and coercion to commit statutory rape. Again, we're talking about a specific issue, not the idea of religious freedom in general.

We're not talking about Baptists wanting to keep you from having a beer, here, or Catholics wanting to prevent you from buying condoms...both of whom have been largely unsuccessful. We're talking about families pressuring (though lack of viable options and fear) young girls into sex with old men. Or into incestuous marriages with only somewhat older men. Or all kinds of other fun arrangments. Which they seem to unfortunately be having a bit more success with.

To Quote from Jefferson- "what does it matter if my neighbor says there are twenty Gods or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.

It matters when my neighbor pimps out his little girl to old men. As a society at some point we decided that people shouldn't be pressured into such situations by their families, at least not until they have viable options. Again, this is likely the reason for the age of 16 for marriage (not 14 as you erroneously stated)...at 16 a person can, in theory, probably leave home and earn a living on their own. At 14, less so. Which is why we don't let parents marry their kids off until they have that option.

I have a feeling the hard line muslims are going in insure it is doubled.

What the hell does this have to do with anything?

EDIT: Note, and this is important, that I'm talking entirely about the statutory rape aspects, and not polygamy. Honestly, as I stated, I have no problem with polygamy as an abstract concept. Unfortunately, in practice it seems all too often to lead to situations just like this.
I have a feeling the hard line Muslims are going in insure it is doubled !

Some people believe in there beliefs!

No mater what any one says about this it is boiling down to Region.

Within your thought right or wrong they believe in what they do.

Some religions are too far from our norm to even contemplate.

Mine or your sense of right or wrong is not in the equation!

Have you seen a man hanged because he held a woman's hand? I have!

Have you seen people walking around with out there right hand because they took a loaf of bread?I have!

I know your going to say what has this got to do with the price pickles per barrel.

This is what your dealing with.

Some people just don't think like we do!:eek:

If they can find all the bad mans that did and are doing this stuff all the power to them. What are they going to do?
Most of the males in that compound are scumbags who prey on young girls. Matter of fact there are almost no juvenile males on any of the FLDS compounds. They are competition for those old geezers who want to get the pants off 12-15 year old girls. An Arizona deputy sheriff friend tells me that the old guys often haul the juvenile males into the desert and throw them out.

BTW: The cops found a "marriage consummation" bed in a room in that big temple.
"As repugnant as it sounds, 14 with parental consent is legal marriage age in Texas and indeed many states."

Bull$hit flag up!!! The age of onsent in TX is 17.
JuanCarlos said:
Note, and this is important, that I'm talking entirely about the statutory rape aspects, and not polygamy.
But, whether it is called polygamy, bigamy or plural marriages... They are all against U.S. Law.

To understand why polygamy in the U.S. is against the law, you may need to read Reynolds v. U.S. 98 U.S. 145 (1878).

In a 9-0 decision, The Court held that while the Congress could not pass laws that made religious beliefs or doctrine unlawful, it could pass laws that made an action unlawful. Even if that action was part of a religious belief or doctrine.

Reynolds was the first time the Court ever interpreted the Free Exercise Clause. While the belief-action distinction has been criticized, the case is still followed and was essentially reaffirmed by the Court in Employment Division v. Smith, 494 U.S. 872 (1990).
Antipitas, are you agreeing that the government is right in any way to involve themselves in the marriage business?

My own personal belief is that what goes on between CONSENTING ADULTS is no one else's business. Especially not the government's. The operative words obviously being "consenting adults".

Do you feel differently?
"...according to an affidavit quoting a confidential informant who had been providing information to the Schleicher County sheriff for years."

From the AP:

Authorities Find Bed in Compound Temple

Associated Press Writer

"The discovery was revealed Wednesday as troopers completed their weeklong search of the grounds of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, said spokeswoman Tela Mange.

The temple "contains an area where there is a bed where males over the age of 17 engage in sexual activity with female children under the age of 17," according to an affidavit quoting a confidential informant who had been providing information to the Schleicher County sheriff for years."
But, whether it is called polygamy, bigamy or plural marriages... They are all against U.S. Law.

This is true. I just figure that as long as their polygamy isn't actually affecting an issue the government should be concerned with (such as trying to claim multiple wives on taxes) I'm not sure the state should necessarily go out of their way to enforce that law. It's not as though these marriages were legal, anyway (at least this is my understanding).

Stat-rape is an entirely different issue. Sure, there are marginal cases where stat-rape laws are abused (for instance, I don't think a 17-year-old or even 18-year-old who has sex with a willing 15-year-old should necessarily be a sex offender)...but by most accounts what's going on with these folks goes well beyond that. I'm not convinced that a girl whose only other option (maybe) is to be thrown out on her own at the age of 15 (or just straight-up beaten by her parents) is giving meaningful consent with an older man who is not of her choosing. Which is the kind of issue I think that state should be involved in.

On a side note, I have to say I vehemently disagree with that Reynold's decision. I'll have to read the actual decision when I have time, but from a summary it appears that while I find (as I see it) the basis of their reasoning sound (the state must have the power to enact laws restricting actions, which too broad an interpretation of the free exercise would make impossible) I don't think it applies specifically to polygamy. Obviously we cannot have somebody claiming that their religion calls on them to rape, steal, or kill; at the same time, any religious duties that don't infringe on the rights of others should not be regulated by the government. What drugs I might choose to smoke or how many consenting adults (the FLDS seems to forget that part) I choose to marry shouldn't be the state's business.
Anybody watch Big Love?

Polygamy is not a crime if you do it right. Most of the time the husband marries one wife legally and the rest are married to him by the church making it a marrige under (their verson of) god but not a legal marrige. The legal problems begin when some decide that's not good enough.
Or, in this case,

the legal problems begin when someone decides that they need to start boinking 14 year olds.

And their parents were right there cheering them on.

I don't have any clue at all about how to deal with the problems these victimized children are going to have. I mean, that guy who fled from Jonestown has said that he has dealt with enormous guilt, not only for not stopping the mass suicide (or murder, in many cases), but for not killing himself along with the others. And this was someone who entered the People's Temple as an adult. There will undoubtedly be some exceptions, as humans are astoundingly resilient, but I think most of these kids' lives have already been destroyed.

But as to how to deal with the adults who did this to them? Not only their "husbands" (rapists), but their parents? That, I've got question about at all. Well, I've got one... Is serial rape a capital crime in Texas?

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I'm starting to warm up to this idea. There is a family up the road with a couple of blossoming teenage daughters.
I think the parents are smart enough to dig a hole, but not smart enough to dig a ditch. They are on hard times and perhaps I could convince them that a new religion would improve their condition.I could move them in with me, dig up a few obscure old testament verses and have my way with the girls. Deflower a couple of virgins and all of us get favor from the lord.What's the downside.

OOPS, forgot about the old lady.:p
I asked SWMBO if I could have more than one wife and she told me I was too stupid for one, what would I do if I had two :)

WildputmeinmyplaceAlaska ™

I have never even considered multiple partners. It is bad enough to disappoint one person in bed. I don't want two angry people sitting there. :)
Most of society has changed thiers has not. A little family history of mine. 1 great grandmother was bought for $25.00 as mail order bride. Another great grandmother was got for 2 horses and a repeating rifle. My grandmothers were age13 and 15 when they were married, my mother was 16 when I was born. That is over the last 123 years in this country.
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