Waco TWO?

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It is now believed by the authorities that the call claiming sexual abuse is a hoax. Though the authorities have removed over 400 children from their families, they have yet to speak to this supposed caller.

If that is troubling, consider this.

Salt Lake Tribune: As Texas authorities massed at a polygamous sect's ranch in west Texas, authorities in Arizona received information about a similar situation involving a teen in Colorado City, Ariz. Arizona Attorney General Terry Goddard said Flora Jessop of the Child Protection Project in Phoenix contacted a member of his staff about a young girl who needed help. The call, made on April 4, was turned over to Arizona Child Protective Services but they received "very imprecise" information about where the girl lived and what her situation was, Goddard said.

Jessop, who is a former member of the FLDS sect, declined to talk to a reporter Saturday night.
It is now believed by the authorities that the call claiming sexual abuse is a hoax. Though the authorities have removed over 400 children from their families, they have yet to speak to this supposed caller.

Well, it's always possible that she fears for either herself or for members of her family. Regardless, as you quoted, they had enough minor children with children to constitute pretty strong evidence of widespread statutory rape...especially considering the call they received. Not enough to put anybody in jail, of course (and so far nobody is...at least not for that), but enough to warrant possibly placing the children into some sort of custody pending the investigation.

Or would you rather they wait until more children are raped?

In America, we are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty. Clearly, they have got it backwards in Texas.

Again, nobody's been convicted or sent to prison yet. But given the nature of the alleged crimes, I think separating the female children from the male adults was probably a prudent measure.

The real question here is what constitutes enough evidence to get DNA tests ordered on the men and children on the ranch. Obviously, while they may be members of the sect, they also have rights as individuals. I'd say the number of girls with children that were obviously conceived before they had reached age of consent is probably evidence that there was pretty widespread and open sexual abuse occurring, at which point those that didn't actually commit the act were involved enough to justify warrants. But I'm not a lawyer, so that's not worth much.

However, assuming you could get DNA tests ordered it'd be pretty easy to put some men in jail. Figure out who the father is, crunch the numbers, and off to jail they go.
"Neither the girl who alleged abuse or her abuser were found."

I think to be accurate you should say "the girl has not been identified." It is entirely possible that the authorities found her and are talking to her twice a day without knowing she is the caller. If she won't step up and say she called there's little they can do about it.

One newspaper report said the authorities have narrowed the identity of the caller down to 4 individuals, but gave no other details about it.

"The Texas authorities started on a reasonable basis, but it appears they may have gone further on a fishing expedition to support preconcieved notions."

Have you forgotten about the informant they've had on the inside for a number of years? I get the feeling they haven't shown their entire hand yet when it comes to what they know.

I get the feeling they haven't shown their entire hand yet when it comes to what they know.
Of course they haven't...they would have to be complete morons to divulge their entire case before charges are even filed.

It saddens me to see so many people grasping for reasons to excuse the fanatics in this case and condemn the authorities that are trying to protect children from harm.
It saddens me to see so many people grasping for reasons to excuse the fanatics in this case and condemn the authorities that are trying to protect children from harm.

For only the second time since I have been a member, I can say I agree with you :eek: :D

None of us civi's will ever know the true extent of all the evidence, build-up of the case, informants used, phone calls made, etc. until AFTER a trial has begun and the evidence is brought to light. Anything now is just speculation from media reports that are most certainly not 100% accurate and more reason to critique a governments actions regardless of the case.
It's going to become more difficult for those of us "not in the know" to figure out what's happening.

The PR war is in full swing:

Local San Angelo TV this morning aired a short segment which included an FLDS mom who tearfully told of her four-year-old coming to her "cot" in the middle of the night and, when she reached out to comfort him said, "No Mommy, don't touch my hand, it would be child abuse."

Even my soft-hearted liberal wife remarked "Why do they let stuff like that get on the TV?"

I'm afraid we're in for a long seige.

Local San Angelo TV this morning aired a short segment which included an FLDS mom who tearfully told of her four-year-old coming to her "cot" in the middle of the night and, when she reached out to comfort him said, "No Mommy, don't touch my hand, it would be child abuse."

I wonder if that's the same mother who flat out refused to answer the question of whether children were being forced into marriage and sexually abused? "We aren't here to discuss that; we are here to discuss our children." Funny, I thought a discussion of the sexual abuse of the children was by definition a discussion about the children.

The media counterassault is in full swing. But it looks like it'll backfire a bit.
"No Mommy, don't touch my hand, it would be child abuse."

The kid can't tell you who his daddy is. The mother doesn't know which children may or may not be hers. But a four years old clearly can announce his fears based on knowing what child abuse is.

What a crock of crap these people expect the world to believe.
Local San Angelo TV this morning aired a short segment which included an FLDS mom who tearfully told of her four-year-old coming to her "cot" in the middle of the night and, when she reached out to comfort him said, "No Mommy, don't touch my hand, it would be child abuse."
Oh my...what contrived nonsense. You would have to have the mentality of a 4yr old to believe that story and allow yourself to be manipulated by it. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
First off , I don't love sex offenders, People that have a thing about little girls, or boys.

I just see what I see!

People are taking someones kid by force.

They have not found the subject that made the call.

Now they have separated the mothers from there kids!

This is not looking good.

They are making these kids life hell ! They are being herded like cattle and sent to the stock pens. People are not stock!

This is like 400 kids!

How is it they can just set the system aside and take that many kids ?

OK one kid! Or the few that have confirmed problems?

I know the situation looks bad, and most likely is. But common, 400 kids from there mothers?

I am starting to back away from society. I don't much want any thing to do with the gang bangers, People that just don't care. That is why I moved out of the little town I lived in.

People that go into your home without concern of being caught. People that can and do force you into confrontations that you have no part of until they put you into it!

I know there could and most likely was and is bad things as your prospective of things going on. It seems to look more and more that the people involve don't see it that way!

Are Catholics brain washed? They believe in Patron Saints and other Idols that are contrary to the statement, "Though Shall Not Worship Graven Images"

Are Jehovah's Witnesses Brain washed? I think so but they are entitled to there thing. They are force full and do what they can to mess up your week end by knocking on your door six months in a row after being told , " NO THANK YOU".

Everyone is not Cristian.

This country was based on Freedom of Religion.

Your ticket may not be there thing !

Just a thought!

The System can and do Program your kids! My kid comes up with some doozies from the so called adults at school.

I have given you the benefit of the doubt up to this point but now your theatrical presentation of near facts and almost fanatical need to defend a bunch of possible child molesters is coming close to crossing the line of good judgement.

In no way do I defend any kind of scum that would do bad things with little kids.

I just would like to know where do you draw the line!

Are they going to go after the other bunch of bone heads that can be construed as child abusers?

I think this bunch is brain washed to the max.

I just want to know at what point do you take actions that involve taking kids from there mothers, 400 of them?
I just would like to know where do you draw the line!
No, you are trying to blur where the line is with emotion and innuendo. You need to step back and look at what you are saying and how you are saying it. The actual line has been addressed.
My question is if they are so concerned about the child abuse of these young girls, why are they not after groups like planed parenthood who do not report sexual abuse of under age girls? Why are they not taking pregnant girls out of thier homes who are in middle school? I do not know what goes on in thier homes on that ranch. I do know that what is being reported does not add up.
My question is if they are so concerned about the child abuse of these young girls, why are they not after groups like planed parenthood who do not report sexual abuse of under age girls?
Very poor analogy. Planned parenthood is not a perpetrator of abuse on children.
Ok! Will stand down. We will see how it plays out and I hope they fry the people that did the bad things. What about the kids ripped from what they know as home and there mothers?

It sounds like there going to go after the other compounds as well. Man this is setting a bad president on things that could come.


YEA your right! I don't think I expressed what I was trying to say so well. I understand how some people could construe it as collaboration with the enemy. Sorry.

It's obvious you don't under stand what I was trying to say.
It's obvious you don't under stand what I was trying to say.
I am willing to accept that but it gets hard when you include "It sounds like there going to go after the other compounds as well. Man this is setting a bad president on things that could come."

What is the bad precedent? Law officials prosecuting mass child abusers?
Ok, Say my daughter goes to the school councilor. She Ask for birth control. She is taken from the school and See's a doctor and receives the same. I as the parent am never informed. Is this child abuse, condoning sexual behavior of a minor?

I know this is not within the scope of this thread but the Idea is . Government over stepping there bounds.

How much do you know about the history of family law in Texas, specifically, the minimum legal age for marriage with consent of parents?
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