Waco TWO?

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Recent reporting has a decidedly different flavor after the media got beyond the initial frenzy of competition to file the most sensational stories. AP via FoxNews

The move has the appearance of "a class-action child removal," said Jessica Dixon, director of the child advocacy center at Southern Methodist University's law school in Dallas.

"I've never heard of anything like that," she said.

One FLDS member who did testify said she and her husband and their three children form a traditional family and live in a separate house from other sect members. An FLDS expert who testified at the hearing and a former member of the sect say only about half the marriages in the sect are polygamous.
I don't think freedom of religion here is an issue. Haven't argued from that point of view nor have I seen any others though I do tend to gloss over the longer posts.
I have no problem with those proven polygamists and abusers going to jail. What the huge problem here is the heavy handedness in the treatment of the mothers and children and the law enforcement using the hoax phone call to go in. If they had plenty of evidence of abuse they could have gotten a court order, gone in and performed the dna tests weeded out the bad guys and then take them to trial. If more coercive methods are needed you could then up the anti. But to proceed to plan F- immediately, nope that doesn't do.
In my opinion any child molester should receive life imprisonment or the death penalty in some cases so it seems to me the wrong people are being punished in this case that being children and some of the women. Cost wise and for the kids benefit why not remove the men and allow the women & children to return to the compound with CPS monitoring each day I believe overall the end results would be more honest and productive.

I have little faith in any state human services organization and it will take 18 years in many cases to see if the plan failed.
who are the abusers

Wingman the issue is you don't know who the abusers are. You removing the men assumes the abusers are the men. When in fact the abuse maybe that of the mother or both the mother and father.
Wingman the issue is you don't know who the abusers are. You removing the men assumes the abusers are the men. When in fact the abuse maybe that of the mother or both the mother and father.
Both parents are to blame for coercing a young child into a sexual relationship and neither could possibly be deemed a fit parent after allowing such a thing.

The old men that are doing the actual physical abuse are not the only criminals...but by all means...go on with your propaganda, false claims of illegal activity, and other general defense of child molesters. :barf:
" Or are you going to tell us the system is rigged against these people practicing freedom of religion. "

Dang, statutory rape is a religion? I never knew.

toybox sincerely asked:
and if thee are convictions
will you be as glad to have the bad guys in jail PWK. Or are you going to tell us the system is rigged against these people practicing freedom of religion.

Highly unlikely the bad guys will be convicted. The system is rigged in favor of "these people's" practices, the pseudo-religion of intrusive government. :eek:;) **

**The bad guys (and gals) are well covered by immunity for any and all of their actions, since they can blithely claim "good faith", "exigent circumstances", etc., after the fact. They know it and its reflected in their actions.:p
"Dang, statutory rape is a religion? I never knew."

The so-called FLDS "religion" has as it's primary goal the brainwashing of young females. The entire concept is driven by the desire of older pedophiles to get the pants off very young girls. In order to accomplish their goal of getting the pants off young girls, the pedophiles must first deal with their competition for the girls favors: Nearly all of the teenage boys are run off the compounds.

I would not have a problem with the summary execution of all adult males on that compound.
I would not have a problem with the summary execution of all adult males on that compound.

When we dispense with the law and pursue vigilante justice, who will be the next recipients of the mob's tender attention?
thallub said:
I would not have a problem with the summary execution of all adult males on that compound.
On that note, the thread is closed.

Feel free to open another thread, when and if new information becomes available... New information does not include rehashes of stuff we've already seen and read.
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