Waco TWO?

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You can argue that by remaining with their mothers they will become indoctrinated into the "religion" / "cult" of their parents, which endangers their welfare from the perspective of the vast majority of Texans / Americans.

I am not sure how effectively children younger than two can be indoctrinated, but the image of nursing infants being torn from their mothers does not seem positive for Texas CPS, nor particularly consistent with their legal mandate to protect children from "immediate" danger.

The problem is, that LAWS are being broken, and RIGHTS are being trampled, and if allowed to continue, what does that mean for the rest of us?

Which laws or rights?
Does not a confessed killer still have rights? Guilty or not?

Indeed he does. The right to due process.

Last I checked, these mothers (and children) are getting their day in court. Due process.

Really, then why so many people feeling the need to come on and espouse how "it used to be legal to marry a child."

But back when our country was founded, it really was normal m i rite?

I am not sure how effectively children younger than two can be indoctrinated, but the image of nursing infants being torn from their mothers does not seem positive for Texas CPS, nor particularly consistent with their legal mandate to protect children from "immediate" danger.

Agreed. I see no reason that some of the extremely young children can't be left with their mothers pending the outcome of the hearings and investigation. Children who are breastfeeding aren't exactly going to get married off in the next couple of months.
Derius_T, I agree with you... If we are truly a freedom loving people, then we must protect the freedoms of even our most despised enemies.
But back when our country was founded, it really was normal m i rite?
Actually, no, it was not that normal. In fact it was quite frowned upon by european/western civilizations as early as the days of the crusades. It was mainly only practiced in divisive religious sects. In fact some early english writings condemned asian/middle eastern cultures for their abuse of children and cited it for the purpose of demonizing foreign cultures.

It is one of those common misbeliefs people have about the past. Like the misbelief that 35 was the normal life span (and that you had to marry early to be able to produce and raise kids before you dies at 35). That was never the case. The age of 35 was the average lifespan when you figured in the very high number of infant deaths and deaths of young workers from even minor injury. People were not ranting grey haired old loons at the age of 40 years old. A healthy person that managed to make it past the age of seven lived just about as long as we do today.
PBP is exactly right about this. it's interesting that so many of you are so anti-authority that you demonize them when they are doing something that any sane person would think is correct.

How is it that in some states you get 15 years mandatory without parole, but if you have some goofy religion it's OK. I call B.S.
PBP is exactly right about this. it's interesting that so many of you are so anti-authority that you demonize them when they are doing something that any sane person would think is correct.

How is it that in some states you get 15 years mandatory without parole, but if you have some goofy religion it's OK. I call B.S.

Not a single person in this thread has argued in favor of the guilty going free. Not a single one. Some people in this thread should stop trying to demonize those who prefer to hold our government to a higher standard than they are willing to hold themselves... namely, the US Constitution.
Not a single person in this thread has argued in favor of the guilty going free. Not a single one. Some people in this thread should stop trying to demonize those who prefer to hold our government to a higher standard than they are willing to hold themselves... namely, the US Constitution.

What do you think has been unconstitutional that the entire power of the news media cannot expose?

Do you think the Texas authorities are stupid enough to get in to a national daily news event case that will be turned over by the courts?
If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and defends child molesters with baseless claims of unconstitutionality, blatant emotional manipulation, and inaccurate historical references. Then it is a vile child molester defending duck. No matter how you chose to rationalize it or what agenda you want to wrap it up in.
Do you think the Texas authorities are stupid enough to get in to a national daily news event case that will be turned over by the courts?

Check the title of this thread; the Feds probably did not plan on a public relations nightmare at Waco.

This is the biggest single child welfare case in Texas history, so the authorities are in uncharted waters to some extent. Unfortunately, the judge does not appear to be well prepared for the case.

The request asked the court to stop Texas child-welfare workers from separating mothers and children, to allow private prayer, and to give the women and children telephone access to their lawyers.

She granted the request for prayers, punted the breast-feeding request back to the parties, and did not rule on the attorney's request for access to their clients.
If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and defends child molesters with baseless claims of unconstitutionality, blatant emotional manipulation, and inaccurate historical references. Then it is a vile child molester defending duck. No matter how you chose to rationalize it or what agenda you want to wrap it up in.

You are demented.... definitely. If only the two of us could discuss this over a beer...... that would be nice.
The lady doesn't understand the technicalities of the warrant. So what. Since when did that negate the legality of one.

If these people are so concerned about their parental rights, why will they not even disclose whether or not the child they are nursing is even theirs?

Do you not give up your parental rights if you will not claim the child?
Do you not give up your parental rights if you will not claim the child?

There could be a case for abandonment, but not a particularly strong one.

However, if you deny the child or claim every child, then no authority on the planet is going to let you near any of the children.

now there is an organisation you can trust to present full and complete information with an open point of view. :rolleyes:
Do you think the Texas authorities are stupid enough to get in to a national daily news event case that will be turned over by the courts?

Yep! :o

As a former TX CPS investigator, I have to agree..... :(

My biggest concern in this is that, in the process of the raid and detention of the FLDS members and children, due process and civil rights have been so trampled upon that any evidence gets thrown out due to "fruit of the poison tree" grounds and the perps that should get convicted get to walk and Texas gets sued six ways to Sunday.... :mad:

...all the lawyers who volunteered to represent the kids in this aren't doing this out of the goodness of their heart. They see the signs.....and the signs look a lot like $$$$$$$.....
I just wish that not only if the state of TX gets sued that many of the actual individuals at CPS, sheriffs office, judge and so on have to pay a heavy penalty for their heavy handed handling of this case.
This immunity that state employees enjoy just "cause their doing their job" should cease. We hold corporate employees liable, they can seldom hide behind the corporate umbrella and the same should be for these overzealous state employees and judges.
Comment: A question of timing...is the web starting to unravel? If I were the sheriff, I'd be "unavailable for comment", too! :eek:


Also Thursday, lawyers for the FLDS and two of its members seized on allegations that probable cause for the warrant to search the ranch may have been based on calls from a Colorado woman with a history of making false abuse reports.

Court records unsealed on Wednesday show that the calls made to a San Angelo domestic violence shelter were made with prepaid mobile phones that had previously been used by Rozita Swinton. The Colorado Springs woman has been charged with making a false report in Colorado and is on probation there for a similar offense.

Texas authorities have characterized her as a person of interest in connection with their search for a purported 16-year-old who called the San Angelo hot line to say she had been physically and sexually abused by her much older "spiritual" husband.

The motion alleges that authorities had spoken to the alleged abuser in Arizona by cell phone before they executed an arrest warrant for him. The man told Schleicher County Sheriff David Doran that he did not know the girl and had not been to Texas in 20 years.
"Thus, before the search warrant was executed, the officers had been apprised, and even verified, that the only person these officers alleged to be suspected of criminal activity or to pose 'an immediate risk of physical or sexual abuse of a child' was not located on the premises, or even in the state of Texas," said the lawsuit filed by San Antonio attorney Gerald Goldstein.

in an interview with the Eldorado Success published April 17, the sheriff said that the abuse report stemming from the hot line calls was "essential" to obtaining the search warrant. Doran said he also provided information from a confidential informant who was a former member of the FLDS, but that person had never been to the YFZ ranch.
and if thee are convictions

will you be as glad to have the bad guys in jail PWK. Or are you going to tell us the system is rigged against these people practicing freedom of religion. :cool:
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