Waco TWO?

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Trillion Dollar Lawsuit Filed

The largest lawsuit in US history was filed in federal Court against the State of Texas on behalf of 210 young girls who allegedly were repeatedly sexually abused over a five year period. The girls, some of whom were under the age of 10 at the time the incidents took place, allege that the State was notified on several occasions that the abuse was taking place, but failed to act on the reports allegedly due to the fact that in the view of Social Workers, the rights to family privacy are more important than the protection of children.....

WildstaytunedAlaska TM
The authorities are in a damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation. The made the right choice by taking the children. If when all is said and done it is learned no abuse took place, it’s better than doing nothing and ending up with a dead or sexually abused child.

I doubt at this point anyone has been charge. The kids are in some sort of protective custody. The cops will take statements to determine what crimes may have been committed and whether there’s enough evidence to pursue charges. If not the kids will return home and all is well.
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homefires wrote:

I ask, Were do you draw the line of FREEDOM OF RELIGON???????????

The line is drawn where the practice of said religion violates the human rights/natural rights of others.

Indoctrinating minors into incestual or other sexual relationships prior to the age of free consciousness (on sexual relations) would be a perfect example.

Another good one is Sharia law.

The Supreme Court has drawn that line on a much much less harmful issue when they ruled that the freedom of religion does not apply to certain native Americans when the use of peyote or other mind altering drugs are part of the practice. I think that was more anti Indian sentiment than anything really, but men of their time.

I like the idea of enforcing the Constitution and allowing as much personal freedom and liberty as well, but there is one thing that supercedes the Constitution and all other man made laws, and that is natural law.

So while there were coded laws that were for slavery, returning fugitive slaves, segregation, and anti miscegenation, they all violate basic human rights and are not valid. The same can be said for the above situation if kids were being forced or otherwise misled into harmful relationships, sexual or otherwise.
Do you think that middle east style honor killings and genital mutilation should be ignored by authorities in the U.S. simply because it's religous practice? There were underage girls being forced into sex in this "compound". The removal of them from their "homes" was not a bad thing.
No! I understand the minor forced into a relation ship with a old man!:barf:

I understand some people can be brain washed into things that other people in society view as taboo.

Could someone have that much control over that many kid's and there mothers?

We are talking about 400 plus people being removed.

Why could they have not removed the girl in question!

Maybe it's just the numbers I am having problems with!:eek:
"Could someone have that much control over that many kids and their mothers?"

Ever heard of Jonestown? How about Heavens Gate?
If you can convince large numbers of people to kill themselves in the name of god then why couldn't you convince them to be part of your "holy" harem? These types of places are breeding grounds for sex slaves. All it takes is a few easily persuaded women, and even better if they have young daughters, to start off. The adult women go into it willingly but the children have no choice because the leaders make sure that their way of life is the only one they ever know. The boys are tolerated until they are old enough to be tossed out for whatever reason can be conjured up in order to eliminate competition for the young girls.

Almost every religious cult revolves around some 50 year old perverts weiner.
I am more inclined to side with the FLDS on this one. As repugnant as it sounds, 14 with parental consent is legal marriage age in Texas and indeed many states. Brainwashing is in the eye of the beholder and some would say that my Presbyterian upbringing and view of the world is a form of brainwashing though Glenn Meyer may disagree with that (please weigh in Glenn- if you're out there).

An annonymous phone call alluding to anything other than life-theatening situations is not probable cause enough to execute a search or seizure warrant in this or any other state as far as I know. Let's all read the 1st and 4th amendments to the Constitution. Legally, I see no cause for this action even though the trigger for it is indeed repugnant as was the Branch Davidians, still- if you don't like the law, then change the law. Don't go exercising an extralegal action just because you don't like the way those freaky mormons are behaving themselves. Oh- and yes, I understand that these people are not mormons, but everybody is calling them that and they do follow the strictures of the church as was laid out by Joseph Smith and Brigham Young.

The Branch Davidians had similar accusations and yes- they were perfectly legal in marrying 14 year olds to 40 and 50 year olds in Texas. They did not have a meth lab as accused on the warrant, and were not committing any known violations of gun laws.

So in this case- the kids weren't burned to death by the Federal Government so that's good. However, there has been a disruption in their families and nothing can prevent them from returning to their compound in three or four years, maybe earlier when the State realizes that they had nothing really legal on them to exercise this action. Then when the fake mormons sue the county, they'll probably win and build another compound elsewhere.

The law protects lots of things that we all find repugnant or strange. It doesn't mean that it is right, but there is no basis for going in and breaking the law to enforce your version of morality. Vote to change the law if it bothers you that much that a girl in Texas can marry at 14 with parental consent and that some parents readily give that consent. To them I suppose it is a way of life, much like my upbringing (or brainwashing) tells me that it is wrong.

It is widely believed that Mary (mother of Jesus) was about 14 when she was married to Joseph who was believed to be much, much older. Hence, the lack of his presence later on in the Gospels. He probably was dead by the time of Jesus' ministry. Are we going to condemn Joseph for marrying Mary, or Mary's parents for consenting to the betrothal?

In fact polygamy is practiced throughout the bible until the Romans came along and outlawed it (how many wives did Jacob, Abraham or even Kings David and Solomon have?), hence, changing our view of what a family is to more conform with the Roman's view as much of Christianity had been altered to be more acceptable to the Romans. Jesus wasn't likely born on December 25th since Shepherds don't keep watch over their flocks in the fields in December, but actually in the spring when they are lambing. The Romans just replaced an existing pagan holiday with one celebrating the birth of Jesus.

If you look hard at your own religion, you will find some strange beliefs in there somewhere and strange is in the eye of the beholder. The FLDS was not breaking any laws yet that I know of. At least it wasn't the Federal Government moving in and killing them, the DPS, Texas Rangers and County Sheriff showed much more concern for life than the feds.
If you want to know what goes on within the Fundamentalist LDS church, read Jon Krakauer's book Under the Banner of Heaven.
Why could they have not removed the girl in question!

Um, perhaps they would prefer that none of the underage girls are raped by older men? Not just the one that called?

EDIT: Also, I read today that the phone call alleged that other underage girls had been married against their wills as well. So the authorities had reason to be concerned about the safety of all the children there, not just the one that called.

I am more inclined to side with the FLDS on this one. As repugnant as it sounds, 14 with parental consent is legal marriage age in Texas and indeed many states.

The Dallas County website suggests that the minimum age to marry with parental consent in Texas is actually 16, not 14.

EDIT: Judicial approval is required for those under 16, not just parental consent. I'd wager this is something that is largely confined to cases of emancipated minors, but I'm not from Texas.

The Feds should not be involved. Period end.

I was under the impression that they weren't, and that it was Texas authorities calling the shots here.
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lets see

the issue of how someone can exercise control over large groups.

Well Ben Laden seems to be able to get people to blow themselves up.
James Jones had no problem handing out the cool aide.
The folks at Wacko sure seemed committed to thier leaders views.
Manson had a few followers who though killing was just fine.
Then there were the group awaiting the space ship to salvation.

How many examples in our life times do you need before you see a pattern where these leaders convince people to do strange things the leader conjures up?

kjm they use to burn people at the stake in the belief they could remove the demon satin. It appears that practice was stopped as society adjusted to a set of norms where such practices were determined to be wrong. Society has changed over thousands of years. It continues to change. As it changes things like human sacrifice get eliminated. Involuntary servitude is no longer an accepted practice. Does parental consent for a 14 year old imply the 14 year old has to agree with the parents or can they just marry her off with out her consent?
Local Newspaper

The San Angelo Standard times local staff is doing a good job reporting. Read the locals comments after the articles.


State District Judge Barbara Walther authorized the actions by CPS. She a good & fair judge that will keep the kids interest in the forefront without forgetting the peoples rights.

Walther determined all 401 children are at risk of being abused, Meisner said.

“There is a significant risk of harm,” she said, or belief that “these children have been the victims of abuse or neglect.”

These West TX people are independent, level headed & won't interfere unless necessary.

They even refer to the "Compound" as the "Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints' YFZ Ranch" which is what it is.
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So far they only have a phone call from a alleged young girl. They have not even interviewed her . This at this point is only alleged!

1) You have no idea what evidence they have or don't have. They've been looking at the followers of that loony tune for some time now.

2) You have no idea who they have interviewed and who they haven't.

3) If the young women really were being statutorily raped, then the authorities needed to act post haste to remove them from danger.

Bigamy and child abuse is not acceptable.
look at the history

All you need do is realise Jeffs was tried back a few years ago. Then ask yourself did everyone just believe there were no other issues at the church since his conviction becasue he and the other pedophile were an isolated incident. Seems like a no brainer to expect there might be an ongoing investigation of the activities at the church.
Well all that being said, I hope the kids are all well and not too freaked out!

I don't condone child sex and a 14 year old is just a child!

I feel a man marrying two women is a whole lot more on the right side then a man marrying a other man! Or a women to another!

It just blows me away the number of kids involved with this mess.

I hope they locate the girl that made the calls.
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