Waco TWO?

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I would not think twice. I would think it was his daughter and grand kids.

That has nothing to do with snatching people. If they have more evidence they should make it a little more public. Come on 400 kids and there mothers?
That has nothing to do with snatching people. If they have more evidence they should make it a little more public. Come on 400 kids and there mothers?
Snatching? You choice of wording does very little to cover you personal bent on the situation and your desire to color it as something it does not appear to be in reality.

I do not see people being taken forcibly.
I absolutely agree! With you Penguin!

I just find it hard to choke down the part that they can take 400 people and the mothers. OVER A PHONE CALL?
I just find it hard to choke down the part that they can take 400 people and the mothers. OVER A PHONE CALL?
I doubt that has happened at all. Situations like this take lots of investigation and lots of evidence before they are acted upon. The phone call is simply the one piece of info the authorities are feeding the media. Most of the information would not even be able to be shared in a case like this.
Situations like this take lots of investigation and lots of evidence before they are acted upon. The phone call is simply the one piece of info the authorities are feeding the media.

Not a lot of information available; from a local newspaper:

Teen's calls led to raid, search

(Allison) Palmer (first assistant 51st District attorney), in an interview Saturday with the Standard-Times, revealed for the first time the raid's genesis.

The girl called authorities at least twice, Palmer said - once March 29 and again the next day. Palmer declined to say which agency the girl telephoned, but said it was not by dialing 9-1-1, and that the girl said she was calling from inside the ranch.

"She didn't use the term 'forced into marriage,'" Palmer said. "She indicated that she was underage and had a (50)-year-old husband."

It might not take a lot to convince the local authorities.

Barlow (the alleged father/husband) was sentenced to jail time last year after pleading no contest to conspiracy to commit sexual conduct with a minor. He also was ordered to register as a sex offender for three years while he is on probation.

The group's most recent leader, Warren Jeffs, was convicted last year of rape by accomplice for forcing a 14-year-old girl to marry her 19-year-old cousin, and officials suspected they may find other children in need of state care, Palmer said.
The girl called authorities at least twice, Palmer said - once March 29 and again the next day.
See, already it has changed to multiple calls and prior histories of the people involved. I am sure a lot more information will be revealed as time goes on and things are presented in court.
sorry guys, I dont like the state taking kids from thier parents either, but I will not gripe at them on this one. I live about 100 miles from where this is playing out. I have heard more about it than most. I dont want any kids left in that place. if adults want to live there and practice their religion fine, more power to them. but not a kid. girl or boy, give them a chance to decide for them selves.
not all you hear is a fact and not all the facts are out in the open. poligimy is still illegal in texas. let the good guys figure it out. then we can all talk about it.
I'm still holding my opinion on this one, except for one thing. WACO TWO? 76 men, women and chilren died in Waco 15 years ago, after a 51 day seige. That is a heck of a lot different than what we have going on here now.
The difference from Waco

Instead of the ATF, the situation is being handled by Texas Rangers & local law enforcement. I lived in San Angelo (El Dorado) for 15 years and the people there will handle it correctly.

Have you noticed the other religious groups like the Baptist are providing support, places to stay, food and moral support for the families.

Those West Texas people are good as gold and as long as it stays non-Federal, all will turn out well.
Guys...I knew about this raid before it happened, so you could say I am "in the know" on this one...

There is a lot more at issue here that the media doesn't know about..I assure you, it didn't hinge on just a single phone call..
Just making those women wear those dresses from the 1800s ought to be a federal offense! I'm guessing that English isn't the OP's first language? I can understand the sentiments of not wanting government involved in family matters, but this is a case of criminals living criminal lives and abusing (on MANY levels) the women and children in the compound.

I'm guessing that a lifetime of psychotherapy won't straighten out some of the messed up folks living in that mess!
"The whole thing is just not right!"

You are entitled to your opinion. I think most of us realize that there is more to the case than that one-phone-call stuff you keep ranting about.

I hadn't heard about the preacher and his legal problems. "The preacher who was accused of marring the couple in Texas has been in Az. for the last 3 years and has a Parole Officer he has talked to almost every day of those 3 years." I've never worked with any parolees who had to see the their PO everyday for 3 years. Poor guy - the PO that is.

I don't agree with what is "said" about thier beliefs.Guilt by assocation because of W. Jeffs, question "why is he convicted of Acessary to Rape, but the husband, and the girls parents not arrested and tried also? The "girl" who reportedy made the call hasn't come forward as part of the 400+ taken out, strange? The preacher who was accused of marring the couple in Texas has been in Az. for the last 3 years and has a Parole Officer he has talked to almost every day of those 3 years. I don't have any answers as to right or wrong actions, but way to many inconsistencies and questions on what has been reported.

I'm guessing, trying to parse this post, that you're asking why the man who Jeffs married to the underage girl was not also tried for the rape that Jeffs was convicted as an accomplice of. Which is an excellent question.

The answer is that he was. As far as I know, the trial is still pending.

Carry on.
Thunderous intellect and unshakable facts!

My goodness!
We have here, within this very forum, an unmatchable array of learned men and women. For these few among us are able to see, judge and condemn the actions of others from hundreds of miles away. Lucky we are indeed!
These paragons of intellect know that all who act as keepers of the peace want only to harm the sheep. And Child services? Without these men of reason, we might never know that Child services wishes to only snatch away your children in the dark of night!

Too much? Too much sarcasm?

Have we become so morally cowardly that we think that allegations of systemic child abuse, polygamy (in violation of state law), and forced marriages, pale in comparison to the state going through the process of obtaining a legal warrant under the belief that its citizens are being harmed?

In India it is excepted to sell your daughter into servitude for a pig.

I do not defend this. This is the way the world is.

Some people are so NIEVE to believe that slavery is no longer happening in the world. I can tell you 5 countries that it still happens.

It may be naive (isn't correct spelling wonderful?) to assume that slavery is dead in this world. But in the United States of America, we have this little thing called the 13th Amendment. It prohibits slavery. I know, I was surprised there were more amendments than just the one we quote all so often.

Just because evil exists in the world doesn't mean we turn a blind eye to it, doesn't mean we chalk it up to "that's the way the world is".

Sorry, freedom doesn't mean you get hurt others. And sometimes the cops are right.

Imagine that.

Wait for the facts...
I think most of us realize that there is more to the case than that one-phone-call stuff you keep ranting about.

I suspect there is much, much more to the case than one phone call - things that have been festering for some time. But I would not be surprised if the phone call was the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back and gave the authorities a reason to get inside the compound and talk to some of the people.
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