The hammer has fallen...

I accused the original poster of borderline racism. I accused you of playing dumb. The only slant it reveals is a distaste of ignorant people who play childish games.

How about trying to be a little less personally demeaning and insulting in your posts? I wasn't playing dumb. This election has really stooped to new lows when you can't call the candidate by his real name. A person's name doesn't have anything to do with who will get my vote, and I don't know why BHO's supporters are so enraged about it, again, it IS his name. Personally I couldn't vote for any candidate that attended an America hating, black or white supremacist church for 20 years, and is friends with an admitted terrorist who likes to have his picture taken standing on the American flag. There is enough of a real difference evident in their views and beliefs, that their VP choices don't even enter into the equation for me. The fact that he may be constitutionally ineligible to hold the office should absolutely be taken into consideration.
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I hate to interrupt by discussing the subject of this thread, but does anyone have new stories that would disagree with this link? If not, then it appears that the Berg law suit will fail.


As I have said before I have not been following the Presidential race at all until last Thursday, so whatever insight I can offer is probably old news and is just stuff I have been researching the past few days. That said...
The Berg lawsuit is not just accusing Obama of not being born in the USA. It is claiming that even if Obama were born in the States, he renounced his US citizenship when his mother moved him to Indonesia, and he has never reclaimed it. There is an interview with Berg on the "America's Right" blog where Berg says that if Obama will produce a valid birth certificate and / or a valid oath of allegiance document he will withdraw the lawsuit and disappear.
The other thing I've seen a lot of is questions about the credibilty of the FACTCHECK website. Supposedly the website is run by friends of Obama.

Whatever is going to happen, I would imagine it is going to have to happen before Wednesday - that is when Hillary is supposed to be a good little trooper and release her delegates to vote as they please.
Whatever is going to happen, I would imagine it is going to have to happen before Wednesday - that is when Hillary is supposed to be a good little trooper and release her delegates to vote as they please.

Thanks, I am not completely discounting Berg's story, but it just appears to be on a thin thread. Then I have to counter myself and say stranger things have happened. I will keep checking. I agree anything that happens will happen soon.
Adjusting Opinion

I listened to Philip Berg on talk radio today. He is the attorney (Hillary Supporter) that filed the law suit against Obama to produce proof of US citizenship. Berg has been characterized as a kook, but I did not find that to be the case. Anyway, the main reason I give this fake birth certificate a small chance to be true is that Obama has not been willing to produce an actual birth certificate, not the certificate of live birth, but a true birth certificate. Hawaii does issue both. According to Berg the certificate of live birth does not rise to a high standard of proof. While the birth certificate does show the doctors name, hospital, time, and other detailed information. Obama has also blocked any attempt to have the hospital release this information.

Law suit status
As of now the federal judge did refuse a restraining order to stop Obama from running, but he did allow the suit to go forward. This means Obama will be served and must finally produce legal documents Berg is asking for.

My biggest suspicion is that Obama has not produced a complete birth certificate. Also, it appears this will also reach the level of national news due to the fact that Obama will legally have to respond to Berg's suit.

So, still keeping an open mind.
How did Obama's parents fake the birth announcement in the Hawaii paper?

Well as I said before, I think this thing is on a slender thread, but faking a birth announcement. That's about the easiest thing I can think of. Heck, his mother could have come in from Indonesia with a week old baby and made an announcement. The paper will publish anything you pay them to publish. If that's the only proof they have then they are in more trouble than I expected.

The main issue is really why won't Obama provide the necessary documents? I don't know. It does not make him guilty, but it is hard to imagine why he would not want to put this to rest. Like I said, slender thread, but Obama needs to get rid of the thread.
Any body can put a birth announcement in the paper---I don't believe any newspaper checks.
Could have been GRANDPARENTS walked in and placed the announcement---you don't have to be a parent.
Please don't flame, MBow asked and I gave an answer.

How did Obama's parents fake the birth announcement in the Hawaii paper?

Yeah, I don't think the Obama people are going to court and tell the judge they have proof of citizenship based on a newspaper announcement.:eek:

I will say again. I only give Berg a very small chance at being correct. (almost said right:D). Obama jsut needs to give proper proof. Then end of story.
And we are supposed to believe his parents placed a fake birth announcement all those years ago just for when he some day ran for president?

Sorry, weak argument. Of course they knew no such thing. But if you want to make scenarios...then maybe they were just trying to justify a birth in the US that they knew did not happen. Lots of other possibilities. The one about thinking he might run for president is a little silly.
OK, I guess no one yet wants to explain why he does not provide documents?
I will ask again. Where is verification that he has not turned in a birth certificate or has turned in multiple copies? Which s it? Has he not turned in any or has he turned in two?

It seems to me this whole story is bogus...right from the false claim that he has ever even refused to turn over a birth certificate. This was posted awhile back. Granted it is not as reliable as a bunch of right wing blogs, but... staffers have now seen, touched, examined and photographed the original birth certificate. We conclude that it meets all of the requirements from the State Department for proving U.S. citizenship. Claims that the document lacks a raised seal or a signature are false. We have posted high-resolution photographs of the document as "supporting documents" to this article. Our conclusion: Obama was born in the U.S.A. just as he has always said.

My whole take on this, after just a few minutes of research, is that I would have to have the reasoning ability of a doorknob to actually believe this story has an ounce of credibility. staffers have now seen, touched, examined and photographed the original birth certificate. We conclude that it meets all of the requirements from the State Department for proving U.S. citizenship. Claims that the document lacks a raised seal or a signature are false. We have posted high-resolution photographs of the document as "supporting documents" to this article. Our conclusion: Obama was born in the U.S.A. just as he has always said.

Yes, asked and answered several times. I in fact posted the Newsweek link myself. The problem is that it is not a birth certificate, and no one has yet had the hospital verify his records.

Just simple and basic. Obama should provide a complete birth certificate (not live birth) and allow checking of hospital records. Then it's all debunked and I would be the first to back Obama that he has proved his just do it.
I would also like to know why he had/used multiple names.
I'm over 50 years old and have only gone by one name my entire life---why has BO had/used more than one?? staffers have now seen, touched, examined and photographed the original birth certificate
This is too vague for you?

How about this?
Recently FactCheck representatives got a chance to spend some time with the birth certificate, and we can attest to the fact that it is real and three-dimensional and resides at the Obama headquarters in Chicago. We can assure readers that the certificate does bear a raised seal, and that it's stamped on the back by Hawaii state registrar Alvin T. Onaka (who uses a signature stamp rather than signing individual birth certificates).
Be OK if FactCheck was the last word on anything, I guess that's why we have courts.:)

They should just submit that bad boy and be done with it.:D