The hammer has fallen...

I don't want a one party system- we already have that. We have effectively had one for the past 6 to 8 years, and damage done in almost a unilateral direction for the last 80. What I want is the communist dominated donkey party gone along with its ideology of destroying the US by turning it into nation of cattle ruled by masters who take away our means to provide for ourselves and feed it back to us at their discretion. We need to throw out the donkey party and get something else that doesn't have the socialist crap embedded in it--as in Pelosi gets put in jail for treason rather than running it, and getting rid of the R party for a stronger substitute rather than the weak sellouts we have now is in order as well. I am tired of all this appeasement and aiding of the deliberate destruction of my country.
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NO, I don't!!

Why is it absurd??
I don't work for any selection or verification committee, I don't know if they are in a safe or someones desk, I know nothing about document verification ---what does that have to do with anything?
Are you asking me if I personally saw the documents and looked at them??
No, I didn't.
Does that mean anything?? I can't imagine what.
I didn't see Monica's dress either or watch Edwards do the nasty---so??

I think your statement that if a politician denies an affair or whatever that it means that " there is no proof" is REALLY absurd!!

What are you smoking?
Are you on drugs?.........Well.... GIVE ME SOME!! LOL:)

I am not privy to this kind of stuff are you??
Are you saying that multiple birth certificates were not submitted??
How do YOU know that??

I don't need evidence or facts or real knowledge, I only need my right wing websites and FOX and I get everything I need to know.


Well seriously, I do KNOW that more than one was submitted---but you don't have to believe it---you will have to soon though---until then, you just keep thinking that some nut in a dark room is making this stuff up--if I were you, I would make me one of those aluminum foil hats just to be sure your safe from the nasty "righties"


I'm psychotic.....I mean psychic.

That's all I'm sayin on this for now.
I am puttin on my foil hat cause I'm gettin the feelin some of those nasty "lefties" is tryin to influence my thinkin.
I'll be back on this topic soon with more "righty" facts.


If Hillary or her staffers even had a whiff of unconstitutionality of Hussein's
bid to become president, wouldn't she have used it to secure her own

Why would Hillary keep this in her pocket all this time? She could have been
concentrating on her presidential bid the last few months.

Something does not smell right with this allegation.
She would have kept it until now to prevent Obama from getting things in order before the convention. Remember the party decided to have a roll call vote at the convention so those states pledged to Hillary could still vote for her as a sign of respect for the campaign she ran and the support she received. That also opens the door for those state delegates who are supposed to vote for Obama to vote for Hillary instead. When I heard they were doing the voting that way I was wondering what trick Hillary might have up her sleeve. I expect BO to get the nomination but if Hillary pulls off an upset I won't be surprised.

So McCain doesn't know how many houses he owns and Obama doesn't know how many countries he's a citizen of.
She would have kept it until now to prevent Obama from getting things in order before the convention.
That makes no sense. If it was factual they would have attacked hard and immediately to prevent him from ever even winning the race.
Here's why this story is significant.

It's proof that all the talk of "party unity" is just spin.

All the talk of Hillary supporters throwing their whole-hearted supported behind bHo is garbage.

It shows that bHo is doomed.

This is a DEMOCRAT filing this lawsuit.

He's toast because even the DEMOCRATS have trouble supporting him for all sorts of reasons, including bitterness over Hillary losing to him.

I still think the chances of this story being true are very slim. I only give it an outside chance for the following reasons:

1) Obama has not supplied the actually paper documents, only photo copies. But this alone does not indicate guilt.

2) I have to remind myself that the Edwads story hung in limbo for a while out of the main stream before it turned out to be true.

3) Being an old timer I remember watching the Water Gate hearings that were very boring, and then Butterfield (think it was) mentioned in an almost casual manner that there were tape recordings of the oval office conversations. Crazy things can be true.

So, I think this whole thing is on a slender thread (no pun). I think Obama will have to be defeated the old fashion way.....with votes for the opposition.
madmag said:
I still think the chances of this story being true are very slim. I only give it an outside chance for the following reasons:

1) Obama has not supplied the actually paper documents, only photo copies. But this alone does not indicate guilt.
2) I have to remind myself that the Edwads story hung in limbo for a while out of the main stream before it turned out to be true.
3) Being an old timer I remember watching the Water Gate hearings that were very boring, and then Butterfield (think it was) mentioned in an almost casual manner that there were tape recordings of the oval office conversations. Crazy things can be true.

So, I think this whole thing is on a slender thread (no pun). I think Obama will have to be defeated the old fashion way.....with votes for the opposition.

If you were Hussein, would you like to be the first elected president to
be escorted out of the White House by Marines? If he doesn't meet
the Constitutional requirements to be president, do you think something
like that can be hushed up for four or eight years? The Republicans have
every incentive and resources needed to dig up the damaging truth.
Remember how the Republican operatives turned over every pebble in
Arkansas to try to damage Bill Klinton? And they almost succeeded too.
Susan McDougal was a beauty queen, but by the time the Republicans
were done with her, she looked like this.


Republican Operatives can be vicious. I don't like some of the tactics
that we resort to, not at all. They're ugly. And do you think the DemocRats
want to go through that stuff again?

Again, something doesn't smell right with this story.
As far as I can tell, the lawsuit is real, but will probably fizzle out once Obama gets served (unless for some reason he refuses to show his birth certificate to the judge). I just like all this for the entertainment value. The lawyer that filed the suit is a rabid Hillary supporter and 9/11 Truther (see, Ron Paul isn't the only one that attracts crazy people). I love it when weirdos can hold it together long enough to put on a suit and tie and go play in the "normal" people's realm and mess things up. Despite this guy's devious reputation, he WASN'T laughed out of court today. On with the show!
He wasn't laughed out of court because HE MUST HAVE HAD SOMETHING TO BASE THE SUIT ON---when we are so close to the Dem convention and with an election not that far off, if his claims were baseless, he would have been reprimanded and shown the door.
dipper said:
He wasn't laughed out of court because HE MUST HAVE HAD SOMETHING TO BASE THE SUIT ON---when we are so close to the Dem convention and with an election not that far off, if his claims were baseless, he would have been reprimanded and shown the door.

:confused: :confused: :confused:

Have you been living in another country? Have you not heard of a "lady"
spilling coffee on herself, suing McDonalds for coffee being hot and

Have you not heard of idiots buying firearms, not bothering to learn how
they operate, injuring themselves, suing gun manufacturers and winning?

Where have you been living?

:confused: :confused: :confused:
Where have YOU been living??

You obviously do not have ANY understanding of the law.

When you say:
Have you not heard of a "lady"
spilling coffee on herself, suing McDonalds for coffee being hot and

Yes, because under the law, SHE WAS INJURED AND THEREFORE HAD A BASIS TO BRING THE SUIT ----McDonald's or at least THAT particular store was shown to have served coffee that was over a temperature limit and there were other concerns.
I like you thought the suit was nuts, BUT she HAD a case UNDER OUR LAW and her attorney convinced A JURY OF HER PEERS TO GIVE HER A SETTLEMENT.
Crazy? yes---was our law followed? YES, like it or not.
Our law often times has NOTHING to do with common sense or morality--it is what it is and she had a case and won.
So, if your living here, that's our law and I live here also, along with you.

As far as the gun manufactures, same deal.
I doubt however if someone loaded a new firearm, looked down the barrel and pulled the trigger, that the manufacturer would be found liable.
There might be a trail if some lawyer was willing to roll the dice and take a chance---because, after all, the attorney gets to prove if there was a malfunction or not.

It's our system, YOU should get more familiar with it.
The destruction of the donkey party cannot come soon enough.

The GOP have proven to be at least as corrupt. It's a case of CommuNazis; that's what I call the the combination of them. There's not a peso's worth of meaningful difference between the two.
^ Agreed, and I'd like them to be cleaned out as well, but not before the other party is squashed first. Leaving no opposition to the donkey party would be a very bad mistake--we almost have that situation now as it is, but making it outrightly 100% the case would be a disaster even worse.