The hammer has fallen...

It would not break my heart if the fake Obama birth certificate rumor was true, but it appears to me that the Obama birth certificate is valid.

I think (hope) Obama will lose the election, but probably not due to his citizenship status.

Added: Now I do think there are some un-answered questions about Obama's time in Indonesia, and the issue of his name (Barry Soetoro) used there. Apparently Obama has stated on documents that he had no other previous names.
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madmag said:
It would not break my heart if the fake Obama birth certificate rumor was true, but it appears to me that the Obama birth certificate is valid.
I think (hope) Obama will lose the election, but probably not due to his citizenship status.
Added: Now I do think there are some un-answered questions about Obama's time in Indonesia, and the issue of his name (Barry Soetoro) used there. Apparently Obama has stated on documents that he had no other previous names.

Thank you for that.

I told you something smelled funny. I fix problems for a living. So, I've
developed a nose, and I've learned to trust it.
^ Agreed, and I'd like them to be cleaned out as well, but not before the other party is squashed first. Leaving no opposition to the donkey party would be a very bad mistake--we almost have that situation now as it is, but making it outrightly 100% the case would be a disaster even worse.
You unwittingly perhaps prove my point.

We've seen the destruction of Civil Liberty, the destruction of Habeus Corpus, violation of just about everything relevant concerning the founding of this nation. Re-read the Patriot Acts. Illegal wars (Congress did not declare it so it's unlawful), torture, the destruction of the dollar and economy the treasonous sell out of manufacturing with NAFTA (Clinton signed this), GATT, CAFTA, WTO and the proposed North American Union. We no longer "have" a 4th or 10th Amendment, apparently. We've been effectively reduced to serfs.

And the Democrats voted "affirmative" during it all... :mad:
And the Democrats voted "affirmative" during it all...
That is some creative reasoning there. To blame the democrats for not stopping the administration and the republican controlled congress instead of blaming the people doing it takes some weird thought processes. That is like blaming the witness of a mugging for the crime itself.
Chui, that's a long list. As a Republican, I do put the blame for the war directly at Bush's feet. Bush engineered and controlled every move to war...or whatever name you want to give our Iraq military action. I still feel the war is a net negative. But the other parts of your list are a mixed bag. plenty of blame to go around.

But this takes us a little off thread. It appears the Obama citizenship issue is not going anywhere. I do believe he can be defeated the old fashion way with votes for McCain.
I have no doubt that it will be summarily dismissed

Too late for that. It wasn't summarily dismissed. The restraining order was denied, but the evidence was taken into consideration and Obama IS going to be served.
One. ONLY Congress has the ability to declare war. US Constitution.

Two. How did the Democrats vote during the Patriot Act, War in Afghanistan, War in Iraq, Warrantless Searches, getting rid of Habeus Corpus, etc??? They supported them. Some did not votes for them but the majority did. They are as guilty as Bush. Call it Accessory to the Fact. THEY (Collectively) violated their oaths in office. If they were doing their job they would not have waited until the last six months of Bush's admin to bring Articles of Treason against him now wouldn't they? And what did Pelosi scream? Something to the effect that charges of treason were not off of the table. That was prior to her new position. Once there she and the Democrats deep sixed Kucinich's admittedly late Articles of Impeachment which was read on CNN.

Three. Yes, there is plenty of blame to go around and it stops with the American Public. Too much combined Ignorance, Arrogance and Apathy in the bulk of the general population.
Why would this destroy the poster's credibility? What about LBJ, JFK, MLK, GWB etc. His initials are BHO, are they not?
Don't play dumb. It just makes you look facetious. Obama does not use his middle initial, those people do, and he certainly do not place his first and last initial in lower case and his middle initial in upper case. This is borderline racism implying he is a bad person because he has a muslim sounding middle name. Sleazy politics at best and one of the biggest signs of the anti-intellectual nature of some people in this country.

If someone was wanting to play games with his initials you would use the obvious BO connection to imply he and his policies stink, but trying to stress his middle name is just childish and moronic.
Why would this destroy the poster's credibility? What about LBJ, JFK, MLK, GWB etc. His initials are BHO, are they not?

As an aside, even assuming that using the BHO initials is fine (and really, it's arguable that it's no big deal, unlike using his actual middle name), the poster that PBP was replying to capitalized the middle initial alone to stress it...which you did not do with any of the above.

You may or may not have been said original poster, I'm too lazy to look back. Just pointing out the difference.
Don't play dumb. It just makes you look facetious. Obama does not use his middle initial, those people do, and he certainly do not place his first and last initial in lower case and his middle initial in upper case. This is borderline racism implying he is a bad person because he has a muslim sounding middle name. Sleazy politics at best and one of the biggest signs of the anti-intellectual nature of some people in this country.

If someone was wanting to play games with his initials you would use the obvious BO connection to imply he and his policies stink, but trying to stress his middle name is just childish and moronic.

I didn't stress any initials, and to have you accuse me of "borderline racism" reveals your pedantic slant. Whether he uses his middle initial or not has NO relevance. His initials are what they are.

Not playing dumb here, and resent the fact that you say I am. :mad:
I didn't stress any initials, and to have you accuse me of "borderline racism" reveals your pedantic slant.
I accused the original poster of borderline racism. I accused you of playing dumb. The only slant it reveals is a distaste of ignorant people who play childish games.
Why even give the person from Illinois any acknowledgement at all? He deserves none, so the quibbling over whether or not his middle name means something is unimportant.

I accused the original poster of borderline racism. I accused you of playing dumb. The only slant it reveals is a distaste of ignorant people who play childish games.

You rag on others on this forum about petty little things such as initials, and yet you declare that a Marxist, Sen. Obama, just might be your choice for President. My opinion is that your priorities are totally fouled up, to be polite.
My opinion is that your priorities are totally fouled up, to be polite.
I would be offended if you felt otherwise. The day the far side of either argument thinks i am being reasonable is the day I will know I swallowed the wrong kool-aid.