The hammer has fallen...


While I don't agree with everything you said, THAT was a good thoughtful well written response:)
At least you seem to be an independent thinker and are paying attention!!
It may look legal, but it's a forgery.
Really? Where is your evidence? To make such a bold statement you surely have evidence. I mean who would talk out of their backside on such a topic without proof? Surely you are not placing all you faith in a single biased blog? Especially not one with the lead story at the top of how "Hitler would be pleased" with Obama's actions. That would border on zealotry.

That article is funny though. Obviously the work of either a paranoid schizophrenic or someone with a wicked sense of humor playing you righties for fools. Especially the parts about them mutilating rabbits and hanging them on his door.
Thanks, dipper. I've been closely following things for the better part of 20 years now and I tire of the polarized thinking. I call it "digital thinking" (referencing zero or one; open gate, closed gate).

There is a powerful movement to get the Clinton Gang (operative use of the word) back in power. McCain would also do okay for the Brzezinski/NWO Gang, too. Obama IS a wildcard. He may not be the Thomas Jefferson/Thomas Paine character I'd wish him to be but our best incarnation of those two (Ron Paul) is openly ridiculed by many - including here. So the US is *NOT* ready for a "Founding Father" yet.

My thinking is: we should be writing OB1 daily describing to him what the 2 Amendment REALLY means. He'll continue to "waffle" in an attempt to keep the idealists and simultaneously remain "electable" by the Establishment. They'd do me the exact same way and it's not because I'm "Black". They fear those who reach out and connect with the masses. And I don't blame them (assuming my goals were their's which I can assure you it is not). They fear Ron Paul more than they fear OB1. Same with Perot when he ran.

None of these guys are perfect - and neither were our Founders - but we have to change the direction of this nation.

We know the following:

  • We f'd up with the stupid wars for pipeline routes in Eurasia.
  • We've ruined the economy in the process and there will be huge tax increases to cover for the wealth lost.
  • Our inane foreign policy and monetary policy have ruined us further.
  • NAFTA, GATT, WTO, etc is downright treasonous; same with the UN and NATO

I/We need a president who will work steadfast to alter the crooked path we've embarked. If it means I must vote DNC (Yuck! :barf: ) then so be it. I would have been proud to vote GOP if they endorsed Ron Paul. But I "knew" that was wishful thinking.
So Playboy,

You think of all the things one could go after a politician for, that the "righties" just picked this out of no where and that there is no basis whatsoever for these questions??
Do you think that the lawsuit that was filed was just made up out of whole cloth with NO BASIS WHATSOEVER??
I,personally, don't know what the truth is---but--I do know that multiple birth certificates were submitted---why is that??
How many do you have??
I know I only have one and I know were it is.
I guess you think that some nutty "righty" has a job where he /she just sits in a dark room and comes up with new and witty ways to smear an opponent.
Must be something there.
You think of all the things one could go after a politician for, that the "righties" just picked this out of no where and that there is no basis whatsoever for these questions??
Go to and look at how many fake stories have been "picked out of nowhere" so far. I do not think it is happening. It is definitely happening. It is desperate tactics by a desperate group of radicals. Anyone that reads that article and gives it any credit what-so-ever needs to be evaluated for mental illness.
Do you think that the lawsuit that was filed was just made up out of whole cloth with NO BASIS WHATSOEVER??
Gee, that doesn't happen every single day. :rolleyes:

Especially not when there is an agenda to promote. It is so hard to find a willing patsy these days to file a suit. Just look at the rabid people on here that are willing to read and believe garbage just because it supports their hopes.
The destruction of the donkey party cannot come soon enough.
So you want the US to become a single party system? That is one of the most un-American things I have heard from anyone on the right or the left for a long time.
OK Playboy,
I'm with you so far more or less---but you didn't address the following---you must have forgot to or didn't notice this part:

I,personally, don't know what the truth is---but--I do know that multiple birth certificates were submitted---why is that??
How many do you have??
I know I only have one and I know were it is.

What say you about the multiple submissions?
How many BC's do you have??
How many would you have submitted??
I,personally, don't know what the truth is---but--I do know that multiple birth certificates were submitted---why is that??
How many do you have??
I know I only have one and I know were it is.
All in all I have had three. I had an original that was lost. A provisional second one (issued so I could attend public school) that was destroyed in the Mason county court house fire of which a copy of still exists. The copy of the second had errors on it that could not be resolved so I also have a third one that was re-issued when I entered the military. It was a long ordeal to get a proper birth certificate so I could join and it took a very long time. To this day my legal date of birth is not my actual date of birth. It is a long story that includes a 14 yr old pregnant girl, an influential grandmother, a small town with a good ol'boy mayor, and a beautiful baby boy who grows up to be perfect in every way.
The whole fact that this is still an ongoing question is a big red flag.

Don't you think if it was you, you would have sent your $10 to the Town Hall, gotten a copy and released it physically not a Jpeg on the web??
The whole fact that this is still an ongoing question is a big red flag.
Not when you look at the people asking the question.

Both the Clintons and the right wing have vast resources. If this is true why have none of them publicly stated it to be so? Why do they simply allow it to be whispered by the fringe elements and then repeated by talking heads? Answer...because it is not true but it helps them to allow it to continue circulating and they count of the blind agenda driven nature of some people to keep it alive despite it's lack of merit.
All in all I have had three. I had an original that was lost. A provisional second one (issued so I could attend public school) that was destroyed in the Mason county court house fire of which a copy of still exists. The copy of the second had errors on it that could not be resolved so I also have a third one that was re-issued when I entered the military. It was a long ordeal to get a proper birth certificate so I could join and it took a very long time. To this day my legal date of birth is not my actual date of birth. It is a long story that includes a 14 yr old pregnant girl, an influential grandmother, a small town with a good ol'boy mayor, and a beautiful baby boy who grows up to be perfect in every way.

But would it make a heartwarming fall movie?

Also, I've got two. Neither has my current legal name on it, either.
OK Playboy,

How many BC's would you submit TODAY if you were running for Pres.?

WHY DID BO SUBMIT MULTIPLES?? Remember, he IS an attorney--he DOES have certain connections I'm sure.
Then there is that comment from Ol' Billy that is sticking in my mind--and HE isn't a "righty" by any definition.
I don't know, I think SOMETHING is there.
How many BC's would you submit TODAY if you were running for Pres.?
Where are the copies of the multiple BC he submitted and how are they being verified that he actually submitted them?

If I was running for President I would submit one. My campaign manager may submit one of the other ones. I doubt I would be doing it myself. My BC record it complicated and I never left the country.
OK Playboy,

How many BC's would you submit TODAY if you were running for Pres.?

WHY DID BO SUBMIT MULTIPLES?? Remember, he IS an attorney--he DOES have certain connections I'm sure.
Then there is that comment from Ol' Billy that is sticking in my mind--and HE isn't a "righty" by any definition.
I don't know, I think SOMETHING is there.

Playboy, you said:

Both the Clintons and the right wing have vast resources. If this is true why have none of them publicly stated it to be so? Why do they simply allow it to be whispered by the fringe elements and then repeated by talking heads? Answer...because it is not true but it helps them to allow it to continue circulating and they count of the blind agenda driven nature of some people to keep it alive despite it's lack of merit.

How long did they keep the Edwards affair off the air??
That was not publicly stated and it was whispered about in the "fringe elements for quite a while--darn, turned out to be true!!
You failed to address my question...Where are the copies of the multiple BC he submitted and how are they being verified that he actually submitted them?

As for Edward's affair, it was a matter of denial of a personal event. There was no proof if he denied it. A BC is a different matter all together.
Don't know where they are---I have no idea and I don't know how anything is being verified---I do know that multiples were submitted and I am just wondering why that happened.

As for Edward's affair, it was a matter of denial of a personal event. There was no proof if he denied it. A BC is a different matter all together.

Oh, come on now, there was proof!!
It was kept quite and anyone who said anything about it was labeled as a lair or a quack---all along the mainstream press knew about his affair and kept it quite and when the Enquirer broke it again, they still waited.

Clinton denied the Monica affair too--and if she didn't save that darn dress, he would have gotten away with that too.:)

Everyone of these politicians that get caught deny their affair or problem---just because they deny something does not make the accusation untrue, it means that the proof is not out yet.
Maybe that's what we'll see here.
The real question is, "Why wouldn't Obama just release a paper copy with a seal to credible examiners and shut everyone up?" Then it wouldn't be an issue. If he doesn't do it then the answer is, apparently, because he can't. It's a simple fix for the big O, why let it fester if there's nothing there?

Even the Obamatrons should be wondering about that.
Don't know where they are---I have no idea and I don't know how anything is being verified---I do know that multiples were submitted and I am just wondering why that happened.
Do you realize the absurdity of that statement?