The hammer has fallen...

Federal judges tend to like having their summons answered. I guess just wait and see. Thanks for the update.
where are the sharks?

That's it. The perfect defense. You know when Obama was on vacation swimming in Hawaii. Well he was carrying his birth certificate in his bathing suit and it fell out and the sharks ate closed. Maybe I could hire out to the Obama camp.:p
Well, if Obama has in fact been served, he has 20 days to respond.

That response can be a response to the complaint, a motion, etc., etc.

These things take time.
These things take time.

It appears so.

But in my case I would just have interested parties meet me at the county vital statistics building that has my birth records on file. I would bet lunch and a few beers that my records show I am a citizen, and then walk in the door and settle things in about 15 minutes.
But in my case I would just have interested parties meet me at the county vital statistics building that has my birth records on file.

When you run for President, you might find yourself a little busy for that.

But, in any event, Berg's lawsuit has everything but the kitchen sink in it -- including fallback allegations for when the simple birth certificate task is completed -- so there's no sense in thinking this is some search for "truth." It's monkey-wrenching.

The lawsuit will toddle along in its own good time.
When you run for President

Can't. I have a confession. We moved to Kentucky when I was just three months old. Anyone under 6 months old is considered native born Kentuckian. Kentuckians are not allow to run for President. It's in the Constitution.;)
Kentuckians are not allow to run for President. It's in the Constitution.
If it ain't it oughta be...for good reason too. I know. I went to Marshall University. You could just smell the moonshine and inbreeding from across the river. ;)
inbreeding from across the river.

My final for now. Kentuckians have been breeding in caves for years. Numbers are large. When they emerge to take over you won't think it's so funny.:)
Is there a penalty for falsifying a birth certificate? That would be one reason to try to muddy the waters rather than to try to brazen it out with a fake document.

Another thing to remember is the way Bill Clinton handled this sort of thing when he was President. He stonewalled. He delayed so long that issues became ancient history before anybody could get hold of any real evidence. The Monica Lewinski thing was an exception. The Paula Jones law suit metastasized into obstruction of justice thanks to Clinton trying to conceal his "pattern of behavior" (e.g. the interns he befriended).

Just imagine that Obama thought there might be something wrong with his birth certificate or other. What would he do? He might take a page from Clinton's book and stonewall. Then, let things out a little bit at a time as a stalling tactic. It's two months till the election. If he could just hold out that long, he might become irremoveable.
It's two months till the election. If he could just hold out that long, he might become irremovable.

Interesting thought, but I think this is different. Probably a Supreme court decision, then he would be out.

I hope he waits to prove his citizenship, this is about the only thread going that has not been locked. It gives a place to go and type.:D