The hammer has fallen...

So why did it take until 6 days ago for them to come up with this detail when this issue has been stewing on the net since mid-June? And why the delay, too, when the certificate was prepared on June 6, 2007?

I'm still puzzled by the fact that the border pattern doesn't match another document of the same version (OHSM 1.1 Rev 11/01), but the information provided is very persuasive.

The fact that the EXIF data shows the photos were taken in March is interesting, but seems like a bit of straw-grasping, since that timestamp depends on the camera's clock being set correctly.
So why did it take until 6 days ago for them to come up with this detail when this issue has been stewing on the net since mid-June?
Truly amazing. Ever argument that has been brought forward has been nullified and yet you still grasp for reasons to continue the lie. Why should he have even had to do it in the first place and why should he allow the right wing loons to dictate his behavior or his schedule? He does not have to play your stupid game and he has chosen not to get involved. Plus, I am betting he also understands how these types of tactics are only turning middle America more and more against the republican party and their Rovian tactics and is allowing it to work to his advantage. Guys like myself that would have normally not voted for him are not considering it becaus I do not want more of the people like the ones that support suck tactics to have any say in government any longer. It has gone on too long and the liars and scoundrels have become too bold.

It seems to be a good tactic because it really frustrates the people trying to suck him into these outlandish confrontations when he ignores them like the insignificant relics of a corrupt faction of a once great political party that they are.
Because it is a sleazy ruse.
Again, poor argument. Not going to work in court. Just produce the documents and stop all this expenditure of energy. Simple. Not rocket science.

I will say again. I believe from what I have read that Obama is a natural born citizen, I just want that last "T" crossed. Should not really be a problem. Open the hospital records and produce the complete documents. How easy can it get?

Right. If it were you, wouldn't you be wallpapering the streets with paper copies to remove all doubt? His reluctance to release the paper documents widely gives credence to the rumors and is entirely under the Obamamessiah's power to dispel.
Right. If it were you, wouldn't you be wallpapering the streets with paper copies to remove all doubt? His reluctance to release the paper documents widely gives credence to the rumors and is entirely under the Obamamessiah's power to dispel.
That's another lie and you know it. When the rumors first started they made a copy of his birth certificate public. Then the wackos started adjusting their lies and gullible morons and talking heads started repeating them. They started having fake experts claim the document was a is not. They started claiming it is not a birth is. They started claiming it did not have a raised does. You cannot play "prove it" games with liars and zealots because the truth is irrelevant to them.

The story is false and has been proven false. But instead of people going after the people that created a false charge against an innocent person, or at least admitting they were wrong, the zealots are now attacking Obama for not playing their game. It really is sleazy.
If it were you, wouldn't you be wallpapering the streets with paper copies to remove all doubt?

Of course not. Internet conspiracy theories are a dime a dozen -- cheaper, actually, on some of these threads. These theorists aren't capable of being convinced. They don't WANT to be convinced. You could spend the rest of your life reasoning with them and for them...well...that's just further evidence of how right they are.
I am betting he also understands how these types of tactics are only turning middle America more and more against the republican party...

With this I must take exception. The lawsuit is not brought by the republican party and is not widely accepted by even the "right wing". I am probably considered a "right winger" but would call myself a traditionalist and I have no interest in this nonsense. I would have liked it to be true but it is not true. Of course, I am capable of actually accepting evidence that is contrary to my opinion which makes it easier to let go of this kind of thing. Middle America is largely unaware of ANYTHING in the election process at this point and will not be concerned about this issue if/when they do find out.
That's another lie and you know it. When the rumors first started they made a copy of his birth certificate public. Then the wackos started adjusting their lies and gullible morons and talking heads started repeating them. They started having fake experts claim the document was a is not. They started claiming it is not a birth is. They started claiming it did not have a raised does. You cannot play "prove it" games with liars and zealots because the truth is irrelevant to them.

The story is false and has been proven false. But instead of people going after the people that created a false charge against an innocent person people are now attacking Obama for not playing their game. It really is sleazy.

The fun part regarding the "prove it" crowd, in this instance at least, is it's actually hard to produce proof that most would actually accept. You can't simply release "copies" of the birth certificate because it has to have a raised seal to be valid. Thus there's at least some limit on the number of people you're going to be able to show this to in person.

Whereas most of the "prove it" crowd will simply say that it's fake, and that they won't believe it until they see otherwise with their own eyes. Sure. Right.

The only people he needs to show this to in person are the judges and attorneys involved in any case challenging his citizenship. Most reasonable people (including his opponents) will be more than willing to accept any judgment or dismissal in this case. In fact, most reasonable people (including many opponents) don't think this case is really necessary. As for those who want more proof, it's unlikely any would be willing to vote for him if they saw live videos of his birth. There's no point in trying to convince them, and no need.
The lawsuit is not brought by the republican party and is not widely accepted by even the "right wing"
But who is promoting it? Who is doing all the talking? Who is repeating it on Fox news? Who is keeping a dead story alive? Who is trying to keep the lie going? The right wing wackos, that is who. I am sure they did their share of encouraging the suit also.

Wackjobs did not crash a weather platform at Roswell but they sure are the ones responsible for all the nonsense that followed.
But who is promoting it? Who is doing all the talking? Who is repeating it on Fox news?

I don't know. I watch Fox News probably 10 hours a day in my shop and I've never heard it mentioned. If it is mentioned, in the context of being informational, I wouldn't be bothered anyway. I'd be more concerned with the refusal to mention an issue. As for who is doing the talking, it's a very vocal minority. The same type of group that wants to take our guns away. They are in the .01% of the population but they make ALL the noise. It's about like saying that white people are racist because the KKK is all white people and they make all the noise. It's no more true that the Republicans or "Right Wing" is behind this because a couple nut jobs that happen to be "right wing" started it.
I don't know. I watch Fox News probably 10 hours a day in my shop and I've never heard it mentioned.
Fox News has indeed reported the story and allowed people promoting the story onto their talk shows. One transcript from just such an event is included in the Newsweek story.
Isn't the guy bringing the suit a DEM and isn't he a rabid Hillary supporter??

Only a very twisted point of view could bring this to the Republican doorstep.
Talk about a VAST RIGHT WING CONSPIRACY!! Where have we heard that before!!
Oh yeah, the Monica affair for one--but--ooopppps, guess what?, it was true and not a vast right wing conspiracy--darn dress.
Only a very twisted point of view could bring this to the Republican doorstep.
Right, all these guys on here that keep repeating a dead story and trying to find new ways to give a proven lie credibility are in fact left wing Hillary supporters. You have found them out. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Obama can end this debate

Most reasonable people (including his opponents) will be more than willing to accept any judgment or dismissal in this case.

Agree. If the case is dismissed, then no problem.

BTW. I don't remember the Obama supporters here saying that it was a "ruse" when McCain had to prove the very same citizenship point.;)

All this effort to do anything but provide access to records and complete documents reminds me of Cops. When the cop stops a guy and asks for his drivers license, then the guy says the dog ate it, or it blew out the window, etc.

Anyway, some of us are not really radical right wing, we are just sticklers for facts. If Obama allows hospital records to open and he is proved right (pun), then I will support him on that issue. What is the big deal? I had to provide details of my life when I got a security clearance in the Army. So just dot it!
BTW. I don't remember the Obama supporters here saying that it was a "ruse" when McCain had to prove the very same citizenship point.
Where is the thread that treated McCain the same way? Where is the thread that kept repeating the accusation after the story was put to rest? Where is the thread accusing him of forging documents and using alias' and having something to hide?

Who has proved ANYTHING in this case---factcheck?? The daily Kos??
Kieth Oberman??

I'll reserve judgment and wait for a COURT---you know a LEGALLY recognized body to say what has been proven and what has not---is that OK with you??
Or do we just make Factcheck the last word on matters such as this??
I mean, you don't have a problem with a COURT deciding the matter do you??
You wouldn't mind if lets say the FBI lab put this to rest would you??

See, you have a certain mindset and others here have a different one.
You think that the Messiah BO is above all this and he really shouldn't have to answer such questions and won't play games---cool, some would say that's just a good way to hide the truth and don't feel that even BO is above following the laws of the land.
Others say, submit your stuff and get it over with, then move on.

Where is the thread that treated McCain the same way? Where is the thread that kept repeating the accusation after the story was put to rest? Where is the thread accusing him of forging documents and using alias' and having something to hide?

See Playboy, the difference is, McCain did PUT IT TO REST!!
Right. If it were you, wouldn't you be wallpapering the streets with paper copies to remove all doubt? His reluctance to release the paper documents widely gives credence to the rumors and is entirely under the Obamamessiah's power to dispel.
That's another lie and you know it. When the rumors first started they made a copy of his birth certificate public. Then the wackos started adjusting their lies and gullible morons and talking heads started repeating them. They started having fake experts claim the document was a is not. They started claiming it is not a birth is. They started claiming it did not have a raised does. You cannot play "prove it" games with liars and zealots because the truth is irrelevant to them.

The story is false and has been proven false. But instead of people going after the people that created a false charge against an innocent person, or at least admitting they were wrong, the zealots are now attacking Obama for not playing their game. It really is sleazy.

No, I don't know it to be a lie and I would kindly ask you to refrain from personal attacks. If you cannot do so, it's time for you to leave.

I could order 50 copies of my birth certificate right now and have them in 5 days if I was willing to pay for expedited delivery. Obama released a electronic copy that was questioned, then a paper copy to a sympathetic outlet. What's the big deal about handing them out to any interested newspaper or network? But no! You would rather hurl insults than question the Obamessiah. He's a candidate, the onus is on him to dispel any doubts. There are no free passes.
No, I don't know it to be a lie and I would kindly ask you to refrain from personal attacks. If you cannot do so, it's time for you to leave.
That is not a personal attack. You are awfully sensitive. Maybe you are not suited for this section if you think calling a statement/false premise into question is a "personal attack."
I'll reserve judgment and wait for a COURT---you know a LEGALLY recognized body to say what has been proven and what has not---is that OK with you??
See Playboy, the difference is, McCain did PUT IT TO REST!!
Really? How did he do that? Just what court did he appear in and produce documents? You are saying that is the only way to be sure.

I think your being funny---I know your smarter than that.

McCain submitted the PROPER documents to the PROPER body----in doing so, he doesn't HAVE to go to court and prove anything.
There is no question about McCain citizenship---it was brought up and he did what was needed to be done---BO apparently didn't so, in order to make him prove it, I guess it's off to court.
However, he still has time to avoid this and just submit a real birth certificate and it all goes away with no court---get it---and that's all that some here are saying.