The hammer has fallen...

Where is the thread that treated McCain the same way?

Did you read my comment? Here it is again.
BTW. I don't remember the Obama supporters here saying that it was a "ruse" when McCain had to prove the very same citizenship point.
I stand by that comment.

Never said anything about other threads related to McCain. As pointed out McCain put the issue to rest immediately.

We are covering old ground. The ball is in Obama's court.
McCain submitted the PROPER documents to the PROPER body----in doing so, he doesn't HAVE to go to court and prove anything.
Really? To what proper body??? Details? And how were the documents verified? Where are all the threads and blogs questioning the validity of his papers or asking for copies?
Did you read my comment? Here it is again.
Yes, and I repeat my question. Where is an example of Obama supporters placing the same criteria on McCain or going on and on about his papers? You can't pull the double standard card when no double standard is present.
You keep asking these questions Playboy Jeez, I'll tell you what.
Why don't YOU bring a suit against McCain and make him prove it to YOU.
YOU can bring a suit--really you can--well, you and your attorney that is.
You can stand before a judge and explain that although John McCain was born outside the USA while his father was serving in the military and deployed and his mother was living on base ( I think the military keeps pretty close records on that BUT you could challenge them!) that you feel the government documents recorded at that time are false.
You can challenge the validity of McCain's father's service---you can insist that the military falsified records and maybe McCain senior wasn't really where they said he was but again, I think they keep pretty close records on high ranking officers.
YOU, Mr. Playboy can do that---well, you and your attorney.
When you do, Get back to us and let us know how you made out---take Oberman and Factcheck with you to verify the documents.
You keep asking these questions Playboy Jeez, I'll tell you what.
Just asking you to back up your own statement that McCain "put the issue to rest." I will ask again...just how did he do that? What did he do that goes above and beyond what Obama has done? Please be specific.
He submitted real documents
Really? To who? When did he do it? Where are the copies? Who validated them?

Obama turned in real documents too...and they made a copy available on the net...and they were verified by Seems like that is above and beyond what McCain has done.
He submitted real documents [CITATION NEEDED]


Not saying I doubt the veracity of your claim, just saying that it sounds like PBP wants a little more than that. I'm sure if he submitted real documents (to?) there's some kind of record of that somewhere.

If there isn't (and more importantly, if you don't know where it is) then why aren't you questioning his eligibility?
Well, Playboy, not much more to say---we're going in circles.
If you put your faith in Factcheck, that's up to you and you are certainly entitled to believe what you want.
Like I said before, I'll reserve judgment until a legal authority, not factcheck makes a decision as to whats valid and what isn't---best way to do it.
I am eagerly awaiting the findings of the Dem Judge that Bill Clinton appointed and what the DEM attorney that brought the suit have to say.

I still think YOU should challenge McCain--to be fair to all parties!!
Well, Playboy, not much more to say---we're going in circles.
And yet you still can't see how ridiculous it is to be asking the same of Obama. Do you not see that double standard there? Why are you not asking the same questions about McCain?
And yet you still can't see how ridiculous it is to be asking the same of Obama. Do you not see that double standard there? Why are you not asking the same questions about McCain?

No, Playboy I can't see a double standard.
I think that we can agree that the births of both guys was very different---can't we?

I mean really, lets be real---McCain was born on a MILITARY base, where very close records are kept---I don't know what your saying or inferring.

Are you saying that the records of John McCain's birth COULD BE false??
Are you saying that the US Government screwed up on the birth of an Admirals son.
What exactly are you doubting and what exactly do you want John McCain to prove??
I don't get what YOU are saying---what leads you to believe that John McCain is not a citizen---what are your concerns about McCain??
Do you have a concern that the US government lied about the birth of a son and the service of a US Admiral??
Do you think Mrs. McCain stole away in the middle of the night and had John in Indonesia or some other country??
Do you think or was it ever inferred that Mrs. McCain stole away, had John, denounced her US citizenship, got remarried etc. etc.
I REALLY don't know what you want.
WE KNOW THE HISTORY OF JOHN McCAIN from birth to present day----I don't think there are any lapses or questions that are open ----do you?
If you do, please tell us YOUR concerns about JOHN.
No, Playboy I can't see a double standard.
I think that we can agree that the births of both guys was very different---can't we?

I mean really, lets be real---McCain was born on a MILITARY base, where very close records are kept---I don't know what your saying or inferring.
How do you know that? Maybe McCain was born in France to a French Marxist father. You seem to be extremely willing to take his word for it and just accept the fact that it is true because "they" say so. Yet when Obama "proves" his citizenship you still want to question it and demand more proof.
Now you are making me laugh Playboy---I will be nice and just say you are out of ammo and tired--let's just let this set for a while and you can reload and maybe take a nap.
Don't forget yer hat!!
Now you are making me laugh Playboy---I will be nice and just say you are out of ammo and tired--let's just let this set for a while and you can reload and maybe take a nap.
Out of ammo? Hardly. I just had to fire one shot and you have not been able to even get off a counter shot. You just keep fumbling with the safety. :)
PbP said:
I sure hope not...or I wasted a lot of money on silk pantaloons and powdered wigs

Somehow I get the impression that your silk hosiery was bought for an
entirely different reason. :eek:

PbP said:
Out of ammo? Hardly. I just had to fire one shot and you have not been able to even get off a counter shot. You just keep fumbling with the safety.

Is that why you shoot Glocks and revolvers? Cheater!
Document checking 101

Thanks for the update.

One of the basics of checking the validity of a document is to go to the issuing source for that document. When a cop stops you he checks your license against a data bank that includes info from the issuing agency. Same when customs checks your passport. They check it against information in the State Departments issuing data base. In fact, you check any document this way. You don't just look at the document alone, you check to verify that the issuing agency agrees with the information on the document in question. It looks like with the courts involved there will be checks of Obama's birth information back to the issuing agency in Hawaii.

As far as the other charges about changes in citizenship Berg is making. Well I am just not versed enough in law to understand, but I assume the courts will also sort through these charges as well.

I still wonder why it has taken this much pain and effort to move toward checking documents with the issuing agency in Hawaii. If the issuing agency says Obama's doc's are OK (agrees with their internal records), then I will say fine...lets move on to other issues.