McCain Selects Alaska Gov. Palin as Running Mate

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The Democrats have just been subjected to McCain's version of shock and awe!! In one swift move, McCain totally stole the limelight from the Democratic convention!

Sarah is clearly the new WONDER WOMAN!!! My Goodness guys, she just gave birth to her youngest son only 4 months ago!!!


Let's see how well all the mud the Democrats are slinging stick to a mother of five children!! I think Sarah is going to be bullet proof, just like Wonder Woman.

Dems had TWO chances

The Democrats had TWO chances to select a woman and didn't take either opportunity. Maybe they were deaf and just didn't heard those 18 million Hillary voters and how unhappy they were.
McCain took advantage of a hole so wide you could march an Army thru it.
The Democrats totally missed the boat!
McCain just made a huge mistake, in my opinion.

He is clearly pandering to the "she's a hot chick who likes guns" demographic, as evidenced by the very first post in this tread, and many other posts just like it.

Ha Ha, that logic is laughable. McCain did not need to pander to people who would be swayed by "a hot chick who likes guns." Any person with guns as a concern already knows about Biden & Obama.

Given Alaska's borders are with only foreign nations and a Governor is on duty 365 days a year I think her experience is more than Obama's party hack politics in Chicago, Il, and the US Senate for 143 days. In addition she has also helped run real businesses and seems to have kept her promises to date, things which count for a lot.

I think McCain just blew it. Biden will eat Palin alive in the VP debates.

Two problems there.

1. Biden is a true beltway insider. All his solutions would be big government and liberal. No amount of spin can change that when put head to head with Palin's positions. His answers to questions will be liberal.

2. If he attacks her he is doomed. I live in NY and I remember Lazio vs. Clinton for Senate. All he did was hand her a piece of paper and he was painted as a male chauvinistic pig attacking a weaker woman. Just LET him attacker. PLEASE!
Funny stuff being posted on the DU forums. Dems are attacking her for having too many kids, photoshopping her, all kinds of whack stuff.

Did I just say 'whack'? Someone slap me.
I liked the choice when it was first outed by the media (Fox I think). I like it a lot more after listening to her talk. A 'risky' choice perhaps, but also a bold one. I think it's a very good one.
Well I do not know anything about her, only heard her name mentioned here a few times. I would suspect the vast majority of voters also do not know her. Which can be advantage but also a major disadvantage since she is a unknown quantity. What does she bring to the McCain ticket? I would suspect with two years as Governor, and a few more as a Mayor of a small town, that experience is one of those things she has to offer McCain. Does she have the gravitas and experience to counter Biden who has 30+ years in Government? Biden is an excellent choice for VP since he has plenty of experience that Obama does not have. Will people trust her to take over the reigns if something happens to McCain? I am not too sure about that. Can she distance herself from her ethics violation charges? Even if they are false the Dems still could paint her with it. I also don't see her picking up many Hillary supporters because she is far too conservative for them. All I see her doing is appeasing the rank and file Conservative Republicans, Its obvious from the jubilation shown in this thread, which is not enough to win the election. Will she be able to help him pick up the all important Independent voters? McCain needs Independents to win, and they are quickly becoming Obama supporters. She better get out there and start showing us her talents or the media will sweep her under the rug. In no way does this seal the deal for McCain. She has a lot to prove in a short amount of time. If she proves her self worthy then the voters will side with McCain if they still have questions about her being able to govern then they will choose Obama.
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Palin has the right experience, LEADERSHIP experience, only McCain and Palin have that.

McCain has held commands in the Navy and is a graduate of not only the Naval Academy but also War College. He KNOWS where Obama THINKS he knows. Palin has actual Executive experience. Neither Biden or Obama have EVER run ANYTHING outside of political campaigns.

President McCain.....get used to it......:D
Funny stuff being posted on the DU forums. Dems are attacking her for having too many kids, photoshopping her, all kinds of whack stuff.

There are already fake nude photos of her on the net, as well as photos portraying her as being a stripper.

Doing stupid stuff like that might possibly backfire on her attackers.

I have listened to Obama's speeches and its full of " I will "s
Then I heard a Palin speech and it was full of " I have "s
The more I learn about Governor Palin the more I like her.
Game, Set, and Match...

Senator McCain has made a brilliant move in picking Governor Palin. In one fell swoop, he has given disenfranchised Hillary supporters a way to honestly vote for a woman who is more qualified than Obama and not controlled by Chicago and Washington power brokers. Anyone who says Hilliary supporters won't vote for her because she is Republican or because she does not campaign for abortion rights is waayyy wrong. They certainly will vote for her. The DNC has shot itself in the foot..... I personally am so tickled to see a lifetime NRA woman up for the Vice President of the United States.

This is a check-mate to the smug Obamites
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