McCain Selects Alaska Gov. Palin as Running Mate

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It's President McCain now.


I told you guys McCain was slow playing his hand. This is just the first volly.

Good goin' Mr. President
black said:
What has obama done in the senate? 143 days and nothing to speak of.
Eh, I wasn't defending Obama's politics, I'm just saying that he has held a national office for longer than Palin, and it's one that involves more foreign policy experience than being a Governor does. Regardless, they are both still newbies. I can see promoting Palin's executive experience, but I can't see how anyone could really spin it to imply that Palin has much more experience than Obama. It's pedantic to argue one way or the other, really.

Also, he has been in the Senate for a lot longer than 143 days... he's been in office since January of 2005, so that gives him over 3 and a half years, or over 1300 days.
143 work days before his campaign launch...congress only works a few months a year. he's held the title since 2005, but hasn't done much.

his foreign policy experiences consists of a speech to Berliners during concert 1/2 time and flying in a helicopter with military people he needed to have photo ops with.
Woo Hoo! That crafty ol' buzzard hit one out of the park!

As my dear departed pa would say, "I'm just happier than a fox eatin' guts!" And That's Happy! :D
I had read about Palin sometime last year and had liked what I read quite a bit.

I was thinking of sitting this one out.

McCain's got my vote now.
Wild? More like Sec of Defense/Offense.

Ok guys. Nuff of this happiness. Let's get back to talking about how great B's speech was last night. :D

There is a major flaw in this choice.

One of the major themes that McCain is attacking Obama on is the fact he is not ready to lead.

Palin is clearly not ready to be president and with McCains age it is a possibility. I do not see her age as an advantage. McCain must now back off that Obama is not ready rhetoric.
Last week I was unhappy with either candidate and though I was being forced to vote the GOP ticket, I didn't like it.

That has all changed today and I think this is going to be a seriously challenging race. I'm actually a bit excited about the race now and think that the McCain/Palin ticket has a chance.. Maybe not for California voters since this d*** state always goes Democrat, but I'm hoping with Palin, a lot of people who were on the fence about two corrupt insiders (chicago machine and DC insider) that they will definitely think about these other two and vote accordingly.

I've been avoiding the state GOP phone calls.. I think I might actually answer the phone now and make a donation.. I haven't really felt this way since Reagan but I was too young to vote for him.
McCain just proved he's a warrior. He's outflanked the Obama army.

And I think he has just aborted the Obama candidacy.


The trailer park quote's a classic.
In most cases McCain doesn't get the credit he's due. He is viewed as a maverick and borderline democrat and his age has been an issue. Some believe his age would affect his mental abilities, but with this choice and his performance at the Saddleback Church convinced me he's still got it.
Besides, anything from Alaska has to be good, right?
rellascout said:
.....There is a major flaw in this choice....One of the major themes that McCain is attacking Obama on is the fact he is not ready to lead.

Palin is the only one of the four (McCain/Biden/Obama) who brings executive experience to a ticket. Her record as Mayor and Gov blows Obama's 148 days of experience out of the ballpark.
I suggested Sarah Palin at least 6 months ago. Glad to see that McCain reads TFL ;)

Read somewhere today that SP will turn 45 in February, and of course the President is sworn in in January. That doesn't disqualify her for VP by being too young does it? What happens if McCain dies before her 45th birthday? Would Nancy Pelosi assume the presidency?
Minimum age to become president is 35, not 45.

JFK was elected to office at age 43.

As for the vice presidential requirements, I believe they are exactly the same as for the president, because of the VP's nature as a "backup president."
Since we have two threads (Sarah Pailn NRA LIFE MEMBER and Pailn is the choice for McCain) that are essentially going in the same directions, I'm merging them.

The title of the new thread is above.
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