McCain Selects Alaska Gov. Palin as Running Mate

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Wait a minute. You state that polls/appoval rating mean "absolutely nothing", yet turn around and state what the rating of congress is as a point?

I don't find polls entirely accurate. However, I do think they provide a guide as to general opinion....IF you go by credible poll agencies.
How anyone can claim that Mr. Obama's legislative experience is on par, or more than Mrs. Palin's executive experience, is disingenuous at best, utter bollix at worse.

As Governor, Palin has negotiated fishing & drilling rights with both Canada & Russia, she also negotiated with Canada for the natural gas pipeline. That experience right there is more than Obama can claim on his resume. How can you possibly compare that with Obama's rock star world tour, and Senate record, which clearly shows, he cares more about getting elected to higher office, than actually serving his constituents.

If you planing on voting for Obama/Biden, Palin wasn't going to change your mind anyway, but for those conservatives, like myself, McCain's pick of Governor Palin has influenced me enough to vote for McCain/Palin
"Ok, now keep your finger on the trigger and look at the scope cross-eyed. Good. Good"
If at the time of the photo she was new to the platform, wouldn't you expect her to make a few mistakes? I would. I might also expect the experienced guys who were with her to let her gain familiarity with the weapon, including the trigger pull, with an unloaded rifle. Which would explain everything, including no mag.
If at the time of the photo she was new to the platform, wouldn't you expect her to make a few mistakes? I would. I might also expect the experienced guys who were with her to let her gain familiarity with the weapon, including the trigger pull, with an unloaded rifle. Which would explain everything, including no mag.

Rationalize all your want.
It is a terrible picture.
Did any of you arms experts criticizing the photo notice that it's set up as an electronic trainer with cables out the bottom?
Did any of you arms experts criticizing the photo notice that it's set up as an electronic trainer with cables out the bottom?

How does that make a whit of difference? Either you practice good firearm technique 100% of the time or you think you are better than everyone else. Is that really the picture you want put out there, Mr arms expert?
Yes, it IS a picture I want out there.
Give me ( and her) a break SecDef will ya??
She may have had the rifle in proper position and lifted her head to look at something--doesn't look like she is trying to aim the rifle to me.
Actually, I have done that a time or two myself:eek:---guess I better hang it up.
You must always look like you are auditioning for the Marine drill team when you have ANYTHING resembling a firearm in your hands---good for you---I'll send you a cookie and a gold star for your forehead.;)

She may have had the rifle in proper position and lifted her head to look at something--doesn't look like she is trying to aim the rifle to me.

Which is when I take my finger off the trigger. It isn't a conscious decision, it is habit from proper handling.

Remind me not to go to the range with you.
Incredible, that grown people will deliberately throw the thread off topic, just because they don't like the discussion.

Closed for veering way to far off topic. PM's sent.
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