McCain Selects Alaska Gov. Palin as Running Mate

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WSJ Interview

I watched an interview of Palin done by the Wall Street Journal late last night. Palin is FORMIDABLE. She has her act together, she's fast, intelligent, very clear and logical and she is completely likeable. This is very, very good news indeed.
Palin was taking on her own party and accomplishing reforms while Obama was voting "present." Seems to me that she has the "backbone" factor all over Obama.
Have it all as you wish. It's still going to come down to...


Anyone of the four could do it. Remember, there is a host of very skilled, knowledgeable advisors and asisstants. It's how the President uses the resources, and their own personal values that make them successful [or not].
OK. I'm tired of it.

Those of you that have to continually use a radical Muslim reference when writing Obama's name (in any form), are quickly going to find yourself without posting priviledges. This has gone on far too long.

Use his correct name, correct "inflection" on his initials - or else. You want to continue to use these childish tactics, find another board to post to.

In other words, Grow up or leave. :mad:

ST. PAUL, Minn. — The selection of Sarah Palin as John McCain’s running mate has electrified conservative activists, providing a boost of energy to the GOP nominee-in-waiting from a key constituency that previously had been lukewarm — at best — about him.

As a previously non-electrified Republican I agree this has been the Palin effect. Until now, I thought sure it would be just another boring election.

Just one final comment about Palin not being able to handle being a mother to a special needs child and devoting time to POTUS. This question would have never been asked if it was a man and had the same child.
Just one final comment about Palin not being able to handle being a mother to a special needs child and devoting time to POTUS. This question would have never been asked if it was a man and had the same child.
Exactly. Liked I mentioned in a previous post, the Dems are going to play the gender card the same way they played the race card against Justice Thomas. It didn't take long for this to happen.
At my age, I was thinking that I would be glad to not be around, at the rate things were going. Now I have a bit more hope. Between Heller, and Palin, the future of this country is getting brighter all the time...
If his motive was to lure Hillary supporters with a woman VP choice he would be insulting the intellegence of those former Hillary supporters. Way too different on the issues to justify switching sides.

But it's enough to make them conflicted. :cool: Besides, he's not courting the Hillary supporters, although he'll pick up a few, he's courting the Ron Paul supporters, evangelicals and other pro-lifers, the young Republicans, etc. And don't discount all the free publicity from the media.
Besides, he's not courting the Hillary supporters

Glad you pointed that out. The Dem's have tried to make this a big deal. First they say that's what McCain is doing, then they say that's insulting. Typical, they invented their own reason to be insulted.

McCain knows he won't win many Hillary supporters, but gaining independents & conservative base is what it's all about. Palin will also gain will some truly undecided women. Palin even blew Obama off the front page in our local paper and it's Democrat.
Gov. Palin probably won't gain McCain any Hillary peeps or many independents

Might want to give this a look-see.

+1 for this link. It appears that MANY of the Hillary supporters are jumping the DNC ship. Their dislike BHO is more than evident. Their approval of the McCain/Palin ticket is overwhelming! Im actually getting fired up from reading some of their posts!
Hmm, i don't think a single thread with 50 anonymous posts is representative of those that voted for Hillary.

So far, it appears the Dem's have come up with two attacks on Palin.

Actually, the first attack has been that one of the first things Palin said in acceptance is how she was against the "bridge to nowhere". This is a fabrication. She promoted it (as tracked by AK press) until it became obvious that they wouldn't get enough federal funding. Then she switched positions.

That said, she's perfect for McCain, who says he is for raising the minimum wage and against torture (except he voted against minimum wage 19 times and against the anti-torture bill)

I really love how I see at least 5 posts a day on this board about dems who will "say anything to be president" and overlook the republican's words and actions.

Oh, and did McCain really need to talk about Palin's PTA experience? PTA? Really? You're kidding me.

For those of you saying Palin has a 85+% approval rating, can you point to a link? The highest I could find was 68%.
he's courting the Ron Paul supporters, evangelicals and other pro-lifers, the young Republicans, etc.

Please don't forget us old grumpy disgusted Republican Bush voters.:D i was thinking of not voting first time in 45 years but now I will, thank you Senator McCain for picking someone who does not live in a bubble, who appears to have standards, morals, values, its been many years and much needed.
The forum software is truncating. Let's try this:


Maybe it will keep it whole - you will have to cut & paste it to a window probably.
but anyone who supported Hillary on the issues could not support Palin.

Well, there is my Mom. Mom hasn't voted for a Republican since 1980. She always puts out a Democratic yard sign and my Dad puts out a Republican one. They live close to Dayton, OH so my Dad talked her into going to the McCain event to see who he picked for VP. When they introduced Palin, my Mom started to cry. She had wanted to see Hillary win so much and it hurt when she failed to get the nomination.

My Mom listened to Palin's acceptance speech and then came home and sent me a very excited email. She said she was "still bubbling with excitement" and that the neighbors were going to think they got divorced when they only put out one yard sign this year. She didn't really care what Palin's policy positions were at this point. She just wanted to see a woman in the top offices while she was still alive.

My Mom could be unique in feeling this way but it seems unlikely.

Another View

This morning I was listening to some political talk show on the car radio. I didn't catch the name of the person being interviewed, but she recently wrote a boook about Palin. The host asked the author if there is anything her opponents should now about her. She responded by saying that Palin is a woman that is often underestimated, and that is not a wise thing to do.
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