McCain Selects Alaska Gov. Palin as Running Mate

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Oh, and did McCain really need to talk about Palin's PTA experience? PTA? Really? You're kidding me.

Yeah, it's like talking about Barry's "community organizing." You know what that is, it where taxpayer funded grant money is transformed into "community organizer" pocket lining.
forget experience, let's talk about accomplishments. What has O accomplished during his tenure and what has this lady accomplished?

she's taken a stand on corruption, made some tough (if not unpopular) decisions and has mostly been successful on her campaign platform. O has avoided the tough votes or mostly voted present

As a change agent, she has gone against her own party when the were wrong; O has mostly voted along party lines

Experience does not equal accomplishments just like credentials does not equal competence.
As for Palin's approval rating, Im not sure how you couldnt find it. Here is a little help...

Umm, you linked to an article published May 30, 2007. But hey, thanks for the attitude in your post.
As a change agent,

. . .she left her town of 6500 with a debt of $20,000,000. Wow, what a fiscal conservative!

It is not hard to go against obviously corrupt individuals. Well, no, I take that back, there are still those that back Duke Cunningham and John McCain.
Umm, you linked to an article published May 30, 2007. But hey, thanks for the attitude in your post.


I apologize. Didn't mean to come off as a smart a**. As for the article... it is 3 months old, but those are the "most recent" poll results according to the AP. I dont know how often these polls are taken, but I would venture to guess that the numbers would not be much different today.
I apologize. Didn't mean to come off as a smart a**. As for the article... it is 3 months old, but those are the "most recent" poll results according to the AP. I dont know how often these polls are taken, but I would venture to guess that the numbers would not be much different today.

Well, actually 15 months old. The numbers are different today, as I noted. Mostly do to the corruption investigation into Palin's actions regarding her ex brother in law.

As far as I can see they are 65-68%. Not to say that isn't steller, but not as high as been posted. Is Alaska indicative of the country as a whole (mostly split 50-50) or is it mostly republican? i.e. 65% would be on par with someone doing a standard to above average job versus a steller performance.
Where did you get 65-68% approval rating SecDef,
The ratings I have seen are much higher---some members here from the state of Alaska have posted as high as 90%.
I have seen ratings from 80% to 86%.
I haven't seen any as low as mid sixties.
Where did you find those ratings?

From Gregg, columnist and reporter for the Anchorage Daily News
Her approval ratings are high--65 percent, or so--but down from 80 percent earlier in her term. Most Alaskan's haven't watched her as closely as most reporters or legislators. If you took a poll of reporters and legislators I expect her approval rating would be down in the teens or twenties.

That's the only thing I've seen that is recent. Like I said, feel free to point me to current AK polls. . .
Here's some I found.

The dailykos is intersting--they say she has a 80% rating but then say well, 65% of the state IS republican LOL!!

That's kind of what YOU were insinuating no??
You must have read that somewhere!!;)

I guess it depends where you look.

When you check the wikipedia link, and find the approval rating, make sure you click on the little numbers 26 and 27, it tells you where and when this info. was taken from.
#26, Alaska State Wide opinion counts survey
#27, Cockerham,Sean-- Anchorage Daily News on 7/28/08

If you need other sources, I'll post more.

If you total up the Rasmussen reports poll, 86% give her a rating of fair or better.
64% good or better and 35% excellent.
Not bad.
Only 14% have given her a poor rating---probably just some hard core liberals that are ticked off at her--but hey, in a state that is 65% Republican those numbers are still pretty good.
I wonder if they only polled Republicans when Congress got their 8% rating??
Naw, I bet they polled a good cross section.
Just for $hits and giggles, I'm going to check out Biden and see how he fairs.

hmm, I thought that more than 65% of AK was repulican...

I wonder where Gregg got his numbers. One would expect an editor to have those facts straight.

Enough with the current congress. Everyone knows exactly why the approval rating is so low. I'm quite happy with someone without a lot of political experience coming into office (that works for both tickets, btw)
Addendum: WSJ Interview

I watched an interview of Governor Palin by the Wall Street Journal a couple of nights ago and posted earlier about it. I was asked about possible on-line copy availability.
For some reason I believe this interview was aired on PBS and also that it may have been conducted prior to her selection as VP running mate for McCain. The reason I think the latter is that during the interview there was no mention of her being a candidate for VP. It was the type of low key interview you would see on Wall Street Week, relaxed.
If you took a poll of reporters and legislators I expect her approval rating would be down in the teens or twenties.

That's good; We don't want politicians trying to do what other politicians want, we want them trying to do what WE want. You can't fight corruption in government, and still be popular with people working in government.

The difference between her ratings with the public and insiders isn't a matter of the public being ignorant, it's a matter of the public and the insiders having interests which are largely at odds with each other. You can't serve two masters, and Palin didn't chose the insiders.
. . .she left her town of 6500 with a debt of $20,000,000. Wow, what a fiscal conservative!

Yep, she floated bonds to build roads over 6 years in the fastest growing part of the state. The town has the infrastructure to show for it. Obama and his buddy, "Mad Bomber" Ayers, "community organized" $160,000,000 over 6 years with nothing to show for it but a fattening of their bank accounts.
Quoted by dm1333:
So why is it that everybody else has nothing but positive things to say about this woman and the job she has done in AK?

Maybe because she does what she says she's going to do. Not being a smart alek. Just pointing out an observation of a trait that we need in DC.

Some questions are from various members here that I've yet to see answered in Obama's defense....I wonder why....

Quoted by Dearhunter61:
What was Barack Obama doing seeking out Marxist professors in college? Why did Obama choose a Communist Party USA member as his socio- political counselor in high school? Why was he spending his time studying neocolonialism and the writings of Frantz Fanon, the pro-violence author of “the Communist Manifesto of neocolonialsm”, in college? Why did he take time out from his studies at Columbia to attend socialist conferences at Cooper Union?

Quoted by dm1333:
Obama and Biden have more experience than her. Do you still want two of the most liberal senators, in a Congress that has single digit approval ratings, to be in charge of the country? What great work has either one of them done while they were in Congress?

Quoted by snaptafar:
forget experience, let's talk about accomplishments. What has O accomplished during his tenure and what has this lady accomplished?

The question in bold is really what I'm after. All this talk about "experience" that Obama and Biden has. AT WHAT? People need to quit using this empty response if there's no facts to back it up. Being "present" doesn't cut it. I dare a fulfilling response upon which I know won't happen...

Quoted by dipper:
Does anyone out there think ANY of these women in this type of position take care of their own children when they are in office--I mean on a daily basis??
Anybody think Hillary "raised" Chelsea?
Nancy P. raised her's??

Quoted by madmag:
McCain knows he won't win many Hillary supporters, but gaining independents & conservative base is what it's all about. Palin will also gain will some truly undecided women.

I agree with this point. What to have to lose if you didn't have the votes anyway. Even if a few votes gained from Hillary and Paul supporters will be enough since Palin will draw in conservatives that were going to stay home.
Oh ya!

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