McCain Selects Alaska Gov. Palin as Running Mate

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Could not be any better ...

This election cycle has the makings of a very interesting race. Last night I went to bed wondering how McCain could take this election to the next level and this morning ... I'm a very happy camper!

Let's get it on!
Experience is nowhere near the issue with Palin as it is with Obama.

Obama is running for POTUS
Palin is running for VPOTUS

It is not a real problem to have a less experienced VP alongside and experienced POTUS. McCain is the one making decisions and driving policy.

Obama has bupkiss experience and is looking to run the whole show himself... very different.

I don't know much about the ethics issue but you can be certain it was vetted since you know if there are any grounds to it it will come up.

It will be kind of hard to make the case the the Republicans are looking to send other people's kids off to war when her son volunteered recently and is due to deploy to Iraq.
Good choice, I'll almost certainly be voting Republican now for the first time since...hell, ever for president. As long as they don't try and adopt some fruitloop position to try and woo the far right and ultra-evangelicals they'll be a heck of a combo.

McCain did much better than Obama for his VP pick.
Actually....she does have EXECUTIVE experience, as both a mayor and governor. While it may not be a lot, it is still EXECUTIVE experience and being and EXECUTIVE is much different than being in the legislative branch.
This is the absolute best pick McCain could have made. I love this lady. 100% 2nd amendment supporter, very conservative values, and all around smart "non-DC" person. Yep, fantastic pick!
You summed it up nicely, beats the big mouth bully Obama picked by a long shot:D

I can almost hear the DemocRats squirming from here. :cool:
he did right with her...She will shore up the vote now big she is a woman..

I am happier then a tornado in a trailer park right now. :cool:
Feeling better!

After hearing the news I went out to the pole barn, hugged my Dillon and raised a glass of beer to celebrate!!
I never had any doubt that Palin was the best choice he could make.

I just wasn't sure that McCain and his people would really do it.

This is the best move the McCain campaign has made so far. No question.

Agree this takes a lot of the media attention away from the DNC of the last few days. Now there will be a lot of excitement going into the GOP convention.

At the very least, this election is a tie now.

I also agree that I want a yard sign!!

Of course she's in the mist of an ethics investigation, is fairly unknown and she certainly doesn't have the experience that McCain has been stating Obama lacks either.

The investigation is turning out to be a tempest in a teapot. The investigator has said she is cooperating fully, there's been no indication of wrongdoing on her party, and her attackers have been shown to be decidely less than honest in their own statements.
she certainly doesn't have the experience that McCain has been stating Obama lacks either.

He's got himself a double edged sword since the Obama ticket's weakness is now his weakness as well.

WRONG!!!! Though younger than Obama she has more experience, particularly executive experience than the messiah. She accentuates Obama's nothingness.
possum said:
Even though she's three-years younger than bHo, she's got more relevant experience to be POTUS than bHo.

Eh, not so sure about that particular claim. 2 years as a governor (deals with local and national issues) vs. 4 years as a senator (deals with national and international issues). Yes, governor is an executive position and senator is not, but then again, McCain's a senator who has never served in an executive position either, and I'd say he's pretty fit for the presidency.

Not commenting on their politics (other than to say I think Palin is awesome for being a politician who actually likes guns), just saying I don't think she's more experienced than Obama.

Should be interesting to see how things play out. Dems have a rookie with an experienced VP, Republicans have an experienced guy with a rookie VP.
Getting real for a moment....

Among my concerns about McCain, has been his age and his health. Face it folks. The Presidency ages you beyond the pall. Anyone who says different, hasn't paid attention to before and after pictures of the men in that office.

Palin is the best possible choice for any number of reasons.

  • Obama is black. Palin is female. Check.
  • Obama is young. Palin is younger. Check.
  • Obama is from the wacko far-left. Palin is a moderate conservative. Check.
  • Obama would appoint liberal/progressive judges, and should a Supreme Court Justice (or two) retire, Obama's appointments would simply preserve the status quo. McCain would appoint moderate to conservative judges and could quite possibly tip the balance of the Supreme Court. Check.
  • Should Obama die, Joe Biden would be President. Should McCain Die, Palin would be President. Check.

The above reasons are but a few. I now have someone I can not only vote for, feel good about voting for, but also someone who can now beat Obama.
And now look at this election from a region perspective.

Just a few days ago I watched some Democratic strategists explaining why the Democratic Convention was in Denver. They were discussing whether Obama would be able to win some Southern states or not. Not just because of race but because of his actual policy positions. It will be difficult. So all these smart Democrats thought "the road to the White House may go through the West." Colorado will be a battleground state. Good chance the Democrats could win there. And the Democrats thought they could win Nevada and New Mexico and maybe even another one or two.

But now we have a Democratic ticket with a Chicago politician with far left political views plus a long time Delaware Senator. The GOP has two candidates from the west. Yes, Alaska is part of the west. It will be just that much more difficult for the Democrats to win any western states now. If I lived in New Mexico, I would be suspicious of what the Democrats were putting forward and very interested by candidates from Arizona and Alaska!

What has obama done in the senate? 143 days and nothing to speak of. He's been running for president since he got in the senate.
Obama is black. Palin is female. Check.

I just heard somebody on CNN say that McCain was just trying to "out-minority" the Obama campaign. Somebody should tell them that females are an absolute majority in this country! Blacks are 11.7% of the US population while females are well over 50%. Which bloc of voters would you go after?! I can never understand it when people talk about women as if they were some poor disadvantaged and oppressed minority.

Finnally, first time in my adult life, one of the major parties is running someone for the federal excecutive that I can support. :D

I was bummed out about Ron Paul not making it, but now I'm supporting Sarah Palin for Vice President.

Today is a good day.
I just heard somebody on CNN say that McCain was just trying to "out-minority" the Obama campaign. Somebody should tell them that females are an absolute majority in this country! Blacks are 11.7% of the US population while females are well over 50%. Which bloc of voters would you go after?! I can never understand it when people talk about women as if they were some poor disadvantaged and oppressed minority.


the media spin has begun! the media is still in bliss over their week long orgy in Denver.
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