McCain Selects Alaska Gov. Palin as Running Mate

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Yo, Obama? How were those 15 minutes of fame there bro?

Athlete, hunter, mother, NRA, pilot, fisherman, management / government experience - WHAT IS NOT TO LIKE?????????
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Musketeer said:
Ha Ha, that logic is laughable. McCain did not need to pander to people who would be swayed by "a hot chick who likes guns." Any person with guns as a concern already knows about Biden & Obama.

Is the logic laughable? Look at how many people on this thread do nothing except comment about her looks or her stance on guns? Where is the praise for her leadership and decision making? Oh, wait, that's not important. Just how hot she is. :barf:

(To be fair, there have been plenty of posts praising her leadership. But why are there ANY posts that just talk about guns and looks???)

Musketeer said:
Given Alaska's borders are with only foreign nations and a Governor is on duty 365 days a year I think her experience is more than Obama's party hack politics in Chicago, Il, and the US Senate for 143 days.

You are entitled to your opinion, but she certainly has no foreign policy experience, so there is no advantage over Obama there. Also, this "143 days" stuff has got to stop. He is still representing Illinois. You can argue that McCain has lost a lot of experience b/c he has spent much of his time trying to run for president and failing in the past. But that would be a ridiculous argument, wouldn't it? ;)

Musketeer said:
1. Biden is a true beltway insider. All his solutions would be big government and liberal. No amount of spin can change that when put head to head with Palin's positions. His answers to questions will be liberal.

McCain is just as much of an "insider" as Biden is, maybe more. Biden took the train home to Delaware almost every day to be with his family. Last I checked Delaware is not Washington.

As for "big government" - you know who presides over the biggest federal government in history? George W Bush. The "republicans for small government" argument is false. Today's neo-cons would make the Republicans of the 60's and 70's cry. Goldwater basically alluded to that in the years prior to his death. If the republicans from the 60's and 70's were running today, they would have my vote.

Also, talking about big government, let's not forget that the current crop of neo-cons masquerading as republicans have done more to erode our privacy and civil liberties than anyone in the history of our great country. We need people who are willing to abide by the constitution, and the current administration cares little for that. And let's not kid ourselves - if it wouldn't be political suicide, the republicans would be taking our guns away as fast as possible. Anyone remember the "Katrina gun grab"???

And saying that Biden's answers to questions will be "liberal" is - well - a non-starter. The guy is a democrat after all. Wait, let me attack Palin for having "conservative" answers to questions! :D

Musketeer said:
2. If he attacks her he is doomed. I live in NY and I remember Lazio vs. Clinton for Senate. All he did was hand her a piece of paper and he was painted as a male chauvinistic pig attacking a weaker woman. Just LET him attacker. PLEASE!

Biden is way too smart to attack her. In my opinion, he will "eat her alive" thru his responses to the issues raised in the debates. He is a very savvy politician with 30 years of experience in all fields - domestic issues and foreign policy. She doesn't stand a chance.

Anyhow - Musketeer - thanks for the debate! This is fun. :)
Sarah Palin has shown courage

This Lady has shown that she has the courage to stand against the tide! To stand up against corruption! To institue change. What a great choice! Experience? Based on what she has done in office she has been willing to make tough choices and to do what is right.

Great Choice!!!
I think it's a great choice for many reasons, but there are questions that will have to be answered ... the big one in my mind, and it will be asked dozens of times given McCain's age and history of illness -- is she ready to run the country after two years as Gov of a (geez how do I say this so WildAlaska won't come down here and take his t-shirt back?) relatively podunky state, with low population and few of the huge problems faced by big states in the lower 48? She's young, has a big family ... I think she can haul in the weeping Hillary fans by the busload, and I love that she's a life NRA member, tho Obama DID say last night that he fully supports the 2A ... she's articulate, unlike McCain, but she's got a lot of studying to do before facing off with Biden on national and foreign affairs ... he may be a hack but it's hard to believe he hasn't learned SOMETHING in all those years in Congress ... not sure I agree with those who think this seals the election ...
Also, this "143 days" stuff has got to stop. He is still representing Illinois. You can argue that McCain has lost a lot of experience b/c he has spent much of his time trying to run for president and failing in the past. But that would be a ridiculous argument, wouldn't it

The DNC already made that argument, yeah, it was ridiculous because, unlike Obama, McCain has been an officer, a leader and done things outside of an ivory tower.

As for "big government" - you know who presides over the biggest federal government in history? George W Bush.

I hadn't hear he was running again. Is Obama still channeling Jimmy Carter?
Great pick!!!!! As to the experience issue, virtually none of the folks considered to be in the running for the GOP VP pick would have had much foreign policy experience. Not Romney, not Crist, not Pawlenty.

The Dems had to be hoping and praying for Romney. They were going out of their way to rev up the class warfare machine. Nothing would have pleased them more than to run a commercial showing the combined total of homes owned by the Romney and McCain families. This pick blew that strategy out of the water. My guess is that if you look at the demographics of Alaska, it is much more "working class" than Delaware is.

McCain can honestly say he is more of a candidate for "change" than Obama. After listening to Obama last night and all his plans for more social welfare and taxes, his campaign signs ought to have the slogan "Gimme, Gimme, Gimme!".
Biden is way too smart to attack her. In my opinion, he will "eat her alive" thru his responses to the issues raised in the debates. He is a very savvy politician with 30 years of experience in all fields - domestic issues and foreign policy.

She doesn't stand a chance.

Oddly enough, that was exactly what they said about her when she ran against the incumbent Republican Governor of Alaska, Frank Murkowski, and defeated him in the GOP primary. No one could believe that she could unseat a sitting governor of Alaska in a primary. That was virtually unheard of.

Then in the general election Democrats ran former governor Tony Knowles against her. Once again, political analysts said that an unknown could not prevail over such an experienced politician who had a track record as Governor. Well, guess what? Palin TROUNCED Knowles in the 2006 general election.

Everyone said that an inexperienced housewife had a snowball's chance in hell against such seasoned politicians as these two men.

Obviously, Palin has something that appeals to voters. And she sure showed it in her acceptance speech today.

Joe Biden is the one here that needs to be worried.

Yo, Osama? How were those 15 minutes of fame there bro?

Athlete, hunter, mother, NRA, pilot, fisherman, management / government experience - WHAT IS NOT TO LIKE?????????

Her running mate :D
McCain is just as much of an "insider" as Biden is, maybe more. Biden took the train home to Delaware almost every day to be with his family. Last I checked Delaware is not Washington.

No, Delaware is not DC but you can pretty much see it from there...

Biden IS DC, far left DC. Two of the top 3 leftist Senators are on the Dem ticket with the third having a brain tumor. The Dems drew a line saying "WE ARE LIBERAL" with their presidential choice and then VP. That the race is so close right now only shows how poor a campaign and candidate they have.

If you want someone to gain international experience where should it be... As President or as Vice President. If McCain wins this, continues with the plan to draw down forces in Iraq and stays conservative on the budget you will be set for the first FEMALE POTUS NOMINEE in 4 - 8 years. Expect Palin to get major exposure while VP to prep her to be the Anti-Hillary come 2012/2016. Remember, McCain is no spring chicken and very well may elect to go for only one term...
and McCain said,,,,,"Oh Yea Watch This"

Ol Johny boy has definitely hit one out of the park with his VP pick

i guess the old adage is still true

youth and speed will never over come age and cunning

and obama has fallen prey to the tactics of cunning,, asking for a debate

McCain has been trying to get him in that forum all summer with the town hall meetings and the pied piper wouldn't go there,,,,,until saddle back where he got his ass kicked

and now he (the chosen one,,, a gift from god,,,according to pelosi) has opened the door

LMAO this ot to be good

McCain can honestly say he is more of a candidate for "change" than Obama. After listening to Obama last night and all his plans for more social welfare and taxes, his campaign signs ought to have the slogan "Gimme, Gimme, Gimme!".

Obama is the "Change" candidate but it is more along the lines of begging for "change" to fund all his give aways and reducing those Americans who do work to begging for "change".
Palin is the only one of the four (McCain/Biden/Obama) who brings executive experience to a ticket. Her record as Mayor and Gov blows Obama's 148 days of experience out of the ballpark.

Her time as mayor? She was mayor of a town of like 8,000...that's Student Council President levels, right there. Governor is a little better, but she's still governor of one of the least populous states in the nation. So she was the executive over less people than, for instance, the mayor of Phoenix. And she has only been in the position for about two years (a bit less, as of today).

While I do understand the edge that a former executive has in experience as President, I think treating it as some kind of bright-line cutoff is a bit ludicrous. As you point out, by this standard her own Presidential running mate has zero executive experience. And if we're arguing that McCain's legislative experience is broad and deep enough to overcome that, that it qualifies him to top the ticket over Palin's executive experience, then by that same argument Biden's experience must top hers as well.

Note that my comments are pretty strictly limited to this whole "executive experience" argument. She's still a fantastic choice for his VP slot.
I really like the Obama response so far. He says she is limited on experience. Obama saying she is limited on experience....this is great. Every time he says that, people are reminded of his lack of experience. Also, they keep talking about her being a mayor of a small town, but I think at this time she is Governor of the largest state...right, no I mean correct.:)

You can gage how really good a choice McCain made by the protestations of Obama supporters. Obama picked a mundane old time Washington politician, and McCain made a bold pick. No wonder the Obama camp seems worried.

Since this a gun board, I should mention. For anyone that places gun ownership high on their list of importance, then their choice is obivous....McCain/Palin.
Obviously, Palin has something that appeals to voters. And she sure showed it in her acceptance speech today.

No doubt she appeals to voters in Alaska. Alaskans are by their own definition are different breed to the people in the lower 48. Will her appeal that sold her to Alaskan's translate to voters in the lower 48? Right now her biggest hindrance is the lack of real world experience. Being a mayor of a small town, and Governor for two years does not exactly bring a lot of confidence that she is ready to lead the free world. No offense to people from Alaska, but Alaska has fewer of the problems of the lower 48 states. In addition to their problems being completely different than most other states. While it is the largest state in geographic size it has the third smallest population. I also highly doubt she will appeal to Hillary supporters, way to conservative for them. Then there is her connection to the oil industry. Another easy target for the Dems. Personally I am sold on her. She has a lot to prove to the American people by Nov.
Dearhunter61 said:
I take it u r a Liberal Dem.....?


I'm a democrat by default. I'm certainly not a "liberal". As I explained in my earlier post - the republicans have gotten very far away from what it traditionally means to be republican.

If the republicans from the 60's and 70's were running today, I would probably vote for them.

These neo-cons have brought us an unjust war in Iraq, neglecting the real war we should be fighting in Afghanistan, while spending more money on a bigger government than we have every had. Security theater, erosion of civil liberties, failure to do anything about NOLA....the list goes on...

Show me a real republican and I will vote for them. It's not McCain.
The more the Dems squeal, the more we'll know she is a good pick.

CXG 231--------- You are confused. It's the Dems who have gotten very far away from what it traditionally means to be Democrat. You must be a Liberal because there is no one in the Senate more liberal than Obama and Biden. Ted is right in between. Something isn't right about what you say. Also, it's Dems who believe in bigger government.
I cannot believe how Democrats are so quickly photoshopping images of Palin in order to ridicule her. Will this not hopefully backfire against them politically??

Here below is one of the few ones that I've seen that is in good enough taste to show here, as it portrays her as being a super model. Can you believe that the Democrats are actually making fun of her for being good-looking?

Are Democrats only in favor of ugly women running for office???
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