McCain Selects Alaska Gov. Palin as Running Mate

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Everytime someone mentions Sarah Palin was a former mayor of a small town it makes me think of Joe Biden who is a Senator from a small state.

Still Delaware has more people in it than Alaska. More importantly Biden has 30 years of government experience. Palin has 2 years as Governor of Alaska.
More importantly Biden has 30 years of government experience.

With his major achievement being the AWB...

Shall we list their accomplishments while in office side by side? What has each actually done for their constituents?
Huh. McCain must not remember 2000 either. As he has hired (essentially) the same political hitmen that ruined him in 2000 to run his campaign against Obama...

Who are you specifically referring to? Your comment is completely vague and nebulous in nature.

Everytime someone mentions Sarah Palin was a former mayor of a small town it makes me think of Joe Biden who is a Senator from a small state.


Deleware has more people than the entire state of Alaska. And Biden has represented the state of Deleware for more decades than Palin has years in charge of Alaska. Or, alternately, he has more years of experience as Senator of the (larger) state of Deleware than she has months as Governor.

Her mayoral experience? Absolutely irrelevant. Like I said, student council presidents often preside over more people. I attend a university with more students than her city had people...and it's not a large university. Or, to look at it from another direction, Obama represented something like 20 times the number of people as a state senator in Illinois as she led as mayor.
Did I just say 'whack'? Someone slap me.
Thwack!.....Bad spaceman, BAD!

Well, I was going to go into the polls holding my nose, while voting for McCain, but now I think I even want a lawn sign. Yup, gonna contact them today.
Still Delaware has more people in it than Alaska. More importantly Biden has 30 years of government experience. Palin has 2 years as Governor of Alaska.

and how much of his 30 years were spent working for the people and keeping the best interest of this country? the man is a democrat attack dog with a huge ego and nothing of importance to show.

he is not "change"...his crowning achievement was the AWB.

So what you are saying is you are going to vote for a "Socialist" who has stated he wants to "Redistribute the wealth in The United States" and wants to enact laws removing the freedom to own firearms because of Bush? Hum....I thought someone else was running for President on the Republican party. Can someone please tell me when the constitution was changed to allow this? It must have happened last night while I was asleep...So now George W is back in the fray...

Why does everyone want to attach McCain to Bush? Because of his stance on the war? If that is your reasoning then you are WAY OFF! Not only did I disagree with going over there in the first place but I do not want us there now but to simply pull our troops out now would be even more irresponsible than it was to send them in the first place. I can go on and on about this but please stop looking at this as a re-election of Bush. It is not. Is McCain the best choice? No but he is miles ahead of Obama. You really need to read up on the papers Obama wrote, Who his mentors were as he grew up Etc. This guy is scary. HE BELIEVES IN SOCIALISM! Not democracy!

He wants to take the hard earned money of those that are busting their tails to earn a living and give it to those "less fortunate" THOSE THAT DO NOT WANT TO WORK FOR A LIVING!:barf::barf::barf:
CXG231 well bidens problem is he is a politician he will say whatever he thinks will get votes while Palin seems like a "real" person that will relate more to regular people like us the youtube vids of her shooting that AR!!
That is one of the strongest strikes against him, especially coming from a "let's change Washington" platform.

That's the same charge that can be used against McCain. He has been in office for 20+ years. Now both tickets are equal in experience. They both have their long term Washington insider and their inexperienced candidate. Which one will the American people choose? :( Either way we lose.
If you don't lke John McCain and Sarah Palin then by all means, go vote for Obama and Biden. Maybe you can assist in their campaigns and help them compose the 2009 AWB /Concealed Permit Voidance Act. (It even hurts to write that...)
Still Delaware has more people in it than Alaska. More importantly Biden has 30 years of government experience. Palin has 2 years as Governor of Alaska.

This all gets back to Obama's call for CHANGE in Washington.

Which candidate is the greater candidate for change? A 30 year Washington insider? Or a newcomer like Palin??

Biden comes across being like a Toad compared to Palin's charisma.

And if Biden is such a great candidate, then why did hardly any Democrats vote for him?

Biden got .93 % ( yes, that's LESS THAN ONE percent ) of the Democratic delegates from the Iowa caucuses. And that was despite the fact that he funneled most of his resources into that state, hoping to make an initial big splash.

In New Hampshire, he got even much less than that. He only got .2 % of the Democratic Primary vote.

Biden is BORING ..........

That's the same charge that can be used against McCain. He has been in office for 20+ years. Now both tickets are equal in experience.

ASSUMING the net experience is equal in quantity and value...

One side has a student driving the car and an instructor in the passenger seat.

The other side has the instructor driving the car and the student in the passenger seat.

If a accident happens immediately in front of both cars speeding down the road which one do you want to be in?
Of course she's in the mist of an ethics investigation, is fairly unknown and she certainly doesn't have the experience that McCain has been stating Obama lacks either.

He's got himself a double edged sword since the Obama ticket's weakness is now his weakness as well.

Interesting choice none the less and clearly going after disgruntled Hillary voters.


McCain might not get the result he hoped for. We're not one day since her announcement, but many Hillary supporters feel insulted by McCain for selecting a woman who has ardently worked against the positions they support. She's anti-choice and anti-healthcare - the two issues held dearly to Hillary Clinton supporters. No doubt she will be supported by the Republican base, but that vote was going to McCain regardless. Being from Alaska, she brings in no extra swing state votes and perhaps no Hillary supporters. If this ethics investigation uncovers anything remotely corrupt McCain is dead in the general election. In my opinion, John McCain could have done better.
Maybe we can get WA installed as Gun Czar!
  • Twenty guns in every safe.
  • A Seecamp in every pocket.... 'case you misplace one.:)
  • 10 round minimum magazine capacity.
  • Mandatory CC for all able bodied persons.
  • No Shooter Left Behind program.
  • Ammunition Stamps for the needy.
  • Affirmative Action... (Yup! the action works!).... Bolt Action... Single Action.
  • And much, much more!
McCain might not get the result he hoped for. We're not one day since her announcement, but many Hillary supporters feel insulted by McCain for selecting a woman who has ardently worked against the positions they support. She's anti-choice and anti-healthcare - the two issues held dearly to Hillary Clinton supporters.

Many Hillary supporters were ALREADY supporting McCain. They may disagree with Palin but compared to the back of the bus treatment the DNC gave them what McCain just did is a gracious invitation that WILL be widely accepted.

When a woman puts her money where her mouth is by being pro-life AND having an infant with Downs Syndrome it is damn hard to attack her.

McCain might not get the result he hoped for. We're not one day since her announcement, but many Hillary supporters feel insulted by McCain for selecting a woman who has ardently worked against the positions they support. She's anti-choice and anti-healthcare - the two issues held dearly to Hillary Clinton supporters. No doubt she will be supported by the Republican base, but that vote was going to McCain regardless. Being from Alaska, she brings in no extra swing state votes and perhaps no Hillary supporters. If this ethics investigation uncovers anything remotely corrupt McCain is dead in the general election. In my opinion, John McCain could have done better.

Hillarys supporters were pro-choice feminists for the most part, of course they would. My wife (ex lib feminist) is thrilled to death over his choice.
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