McCain Selects Alaska Gov. Palin as Running Mate

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And you are going to vote FOR the Democrats as having more respect for the constitution?

The Democrats are far from perfect but this election is between Obama and McCain.

McCain has been a rubber stamp for George Bush's continued assault on our civil rights. He has repeatedly voted for the USA PATRIOT Act, the suspension of habeas corpus, and the further intrusion of the executive branch into private citizens' lives. He lost my vote on that front alone.
In addition, didn't Barry vote for FISA, the civil liberties bugaboo, PLUS he wants to take our guns.

Obama's not gong to take your guns away. That's settled law. :rolleyes:

What civil liberties are the Dems defending? Gay marriage? Abortion?

What do you care of two gay people want to get married? Do you poke around other people's bedrooms? Would you like people poking around your bedroom? You can't support privacy in the gun cabinet while revoking privacy in the bedroom.
Googled her to see who she was and what she looked like. Found a link to someone selling GILF t-shirts. Apparently there are a few people who like her. :rolleyes:

Honestly, I thought this was a great strategy for the McCain camp.

We are only one or two Supreme Court Justices away from a new and better Obama Second Amendment. You know, the one where only the police can have arms and all others are illegal contraband?

Max: I think Obamas got you drinking his Kool-Aid.
We are only one or two Supreme Court Justices away from a new and better Obama Second Amendment. You know, the one where only the police can have arms and all others are illegal contraband?

We're only one or two Supreme Court Justices away from losing our freedoms of speech, expression. We lost habeus corpus, lost our privacy on the telephone, internet, bank records. Our freedoms to travel have been restricted. Our freedom of speech is severely limited. Obama/Biden 2008!
Buzz, looks like you don't have anything to say regarding Obama's professional life not beginning as a career politician. Hey, even you can't argue with the facts.
Googled her to see who she was and what she looked like. Found a link to someone selling GILF t-shirts. Apparently there are a few people who like her.

Honestly, I thought this was a great strategy for the McCain camp.

Yeah, treating your VP pick as a sex object is reaaaaaaallly going to pick up feminist voters. :rolleyes:
John McCain was the son of an admiral, a nice designation that allowed him to skirt the rules and cut him some slack when breaking the rules. He finished sixth last in his class, as a result of disobeying rules and low grades. Mathematics was not McCain's forte. After barely being awarded (as one could hardly say earning) an undergraduate degree, he then performed poorly in the military, crashing five planes as a result of his incompetence.

Absolutely beyond the pall, which were due to his incompetence. The missile fired into him aboard the Forrestal? The missile fired into him over North Vietnam? The engine failures on 2 planes? How were these his incompetence? The only incident that you can seriously make that argument for is hitting power lines over Spain, but he landed that plane safely. The Obamatrons went from "we're above negative campaigning" to the smarmiest tactics seen is a race so far. Say and do anything, that's Barry.
I'm less impressed by Obama's educational pedigree than I am unimpressed by his assault of the 2nd ammendment (in spite of his statements to the contrary). If he gets elected he'll make sure his Supreme court appointees share his view.

Palin and McCain don't have the Ivy League, elite eastern university pedegrees. They do have the correct views on upholding 2nd ammendment rights.
Absolutely beyond the pall, which were due to his incompetence. The missile fired into him aboard the Forrestal? The missile fired into him over North Vietnam? The engine failures on 2 planes? How were these his incompetence? The only incident that you can seriously make that argument for is hitting power lines over Spain, but he landed that plane safely. The Obamatrons went from "we're above negative campaigning" to the smarmiest tactics seen is a race so far. Say and do anything, that's Barry.

Sorry buddy, you're wrong. The five planes he lost were crashed BEFORE he earned his wings.

Not only is he incompetent, the sleazebag is a pervert. Remember that nude videotape of his wife he tried to sell at the porn convention? That's John McSlime for ya.
Buzz, looks like you don't have anything to say regarding Obama's professional life not beginning as a career politician. Hey, even you can't argue with the facts.

How about this? You're . . . less than honest.

After all this stuff happened, he ran or the Illinois State Senate. He did not begin his professional life as a "career politician".

He was elected to the Illinois State Senate in 1996, right in the middle of "all this stuff happened" rather than after. He did this after building a political base, which is where quite a bit of the career you cited came into play.
I'm less impressed by Obama's educational pedigree than I am unimpressed bynhis assault of the 2nd ammendment (in spite of his statements to the contrary). If he gets elected he'll make sure his Supreme court appointees share his view.

Palin and McCain don't have the Ivy League, elete eastern pedegree. They do have the correct views on upholding 2nd ammendment rights.

You try going to Harvard law school - or any law school for that matter - and tell me it's simply a pedigree. Of all the well educated attorneys, doctors, etc. on the Republican side the nation gets stuck with a near flunk out pervert fip flopper. See ya in hell John, coz I ain't gonna see ya in the voting booth.
Not only is he incompetent, the sleazebag is a pervert. Remember that nude videotape of his wife he tried to sell at the porn convention? That's John McSlime for ya.

No, could you send me a copy?
How about this? You're . . . less than honest.

Point out what office Senator Obama was elected to before he worked with community organizations, before he graduated from Harvard Law school, before he became a well respected attorney, before he became a law school professor. :rolleyes
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