McCain Selects Alaska Gov. Palin as Running Mate

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I think I like her more than McCain. Has he mentioned closing the "gun show loophole" recently?:barf:

Obama talks about Change. Palin makes Change!

Ok, so she doesn't have a lot of experience. But, what she's done she did good. What's Obama got done?
These neo-cons have brought us an unjust war in Iraq, neglecting the real war we should be fighting in Afghanistan, while spending more money on a bigger government than we have every had. Security theater, erosion of civil liberties, failure to do anything about NOLA....the list goes on...

Show me a real republican and I will vote for them. It's not McCain.

McCain may not be an old time Republican, but he is certainly also not a member of the Bush/Cheney NeoCon crowd either.

You are playing the exact same card here that Obama is using in the campaign currently: Equating John McCain to Bush.

You obviously must not remember the 2000 Presidential race between the two men.

I've got two questions concerning Governor Palin:
1) Does she carry?
2) If so, what does she carry?

I like this choice, and I'm waiting for her to chew up "Slow Joe" biden and spit him out like yesterday's whatever.

This Presidential campaign just got very interesting. Good on 'ya, John.
Hey rellascout.

Palin has waaaaaay more foreign policy experience than bHo does.

Alaska borders both Russia and Canada.

Palin's already been dealing with Putin as a governmental executive.

Any argument you make on Palin about experience goes immediately back onto bHo.

Which is why this pick is genius!

Hmmm, it turns out that Palin is not a native of Alaska like her husband.

Both Sarah Palin and her parents are from IDAHO!

She is 100% Idaho bred and born!

Now if Keith Olberman really hates Palin, then will know McCain picked a winner.

Sorry I do not see how that translates to her being a winner. Just because Olbermann questions her does not mean she was the best choice. Of course he is going to find fault with her. That's why he get paid the big bucks.
Also, they keep talking about her being a mayor of a small town, but I think at this time she is Governor of the largest state...right, no I mean correct.

There's a reason I said one of the least populous, not smallest. ;)

I'm on to your tricks, sir!
Damn fine pick.....

I wonder if the media who were at the DNC got that tingly feeling again as history was being made :eek:

She has no foriegn experience but Obama doesnt have that either. Joe Biden has experience but it may not be a plus once the campaign gets going. I think Biden and Jimmah were the ones who said the Ayatollah would be a good thing to reform Iran back in the mid

How much foriegn policy experience did Bill Clinton have when he was elected president?

Mcain's ratings in that arena more than make up for her lack of experience.

Other pluses

1. a reformer from outside the beltway
2. pro life
3. not your died in the wool good ole boy Republican
4. strong on ethics in government
5. Middle class background
6. Helped to run a business before entering politics
7. a sucessful woman who bucked the good ole boy system

as was said guns, babies and Jesus..I think that will pretty much soldify the conservative part of the party.

I think she needs to take Biden on in a one on one basketball game.

I cant wait to see the first debate between her and Biden. Hot Damn...Joe should be scared

If she gets in office Alask will have to share the political goodness now with the rest of us.
Here's another reason why the pick is genius.

Can you imagine being Hillary right now, at this moment?

SHE was supposed to be the smartest woman in the world.

SHE was supposed to be coronated as the next leader of the free world!

Now SHE looks on as Sarah Palin blows right through that glass ceiling that Hillary allegedly put "18 million cracks" in.


Not only that, but now bHo and company will have to attack Palin hard.

They have to attack Palin hard because if they don't, that means they attacked Hillary hard, but gave Palin a free pass?

And every single attack on Palin's "lack of experience" reminds people of bHo's lack of experience.


The best selling point for Gov. Palin might be that she's not a career politician and is the only one of the bunch that hasn't been prepping to be President for a significant portion of their lives.
akr said:
CXG 231--------- You are confused. It's the Dems who have gotten very far away from what it traditionally means to be Democrat.

Examples please? I have given pretty good examples of how the republicans have gone way off the reservation lately...

akr said:
You must be a Liberal because there is no one in the Senate more liberal than Obama and Biden. Ted is right in between. Something isn't right about what you say.

Fine, then I'm a "liberal". :rolleyes::barf:

I support the 2A and the troops and I dislike welfare and I'm worried about how the "liberals" plan on paying for all their "liberal" programs.

BUT - I can't vote for the Republicans. I can't. America deserves better than what it has gotten the last 8 years. As Biden mentioned in his acceptance speech, we need people in the white house that respect the constitution and civil liberties.

So, despite my disagreements with the democrats, I feel that it is my patriotic duty to vote for them. What's more important to the long term survival of America? Civil liberties and respect for the constitution? Or the (slim) possibility that I will not be able to own an AK-47? The second amendment by itself? Or the entire document?

This is the most important election since, well, probably since the civil war. We need to stop voting as individuals and vote for the country.

If you feel the country will be better off with the Republicans, than vote for them.

The great thing about America is that we still have the right to disagree with each other and exercise our opinions in the voting booth.

LanceOregon said:
You are playing the exact same card here that Obama is using in the campaign currently: Equating John McCain to Bush.

You obviously must not remember the 2000 Presidential race between the two men.

Huh. McCain must not remember 2000 either. As he has hired (essentially) the same political hitmen that ruined him in 2000 to run his campaign against Obama...
So, despite my disagreements with the democrats, I feel that it is my patriotic duty to vote for them. What's more important to the long term survival of America? Civil liberties and respect for the constitution? Or the (slim) possibility that I will not be able to own an AK-47?

Um...many of us here see being able to own an AK-47 as one of our civil liberties, and guaranteed by the Constitution.

Though I'd agree that taking the Bill of Rights and civil liberties as a whole, McCain is a worse choice. But let's not act like banning AK-47's isn't still a violation of is.

I'm voting McCain/MILF!

What a babe!

A proud day for women in American politics indeed.
As Biden mentioned in his acceptance speech, we need people in the white house that respect the constitution and civil liberties.
The second amendment by itself? Or the entire document?

If they openly support the subversion and reinterpretation of the 2A to match their ideal then what makes you seriously believe they will support your other rights?

How about property rights... where do you think Obama & Biden fall there when it comes to doing what you will with your property?
Joe Biden= Senator from small state

Everytime someone mentions Sarah Palin was a former mayor of a small town it makes me think of Joe Biden who is a Senator from a small state.
JuanCarlos said:
Um...many of us here see being able to own an AK-47 as one of our civil liberties, and guaranteed by the Constitution.

Though I'd agree that taking the Bill of Rights and civil liberties as a whole, McCain is a worse choice. But let's not act like banning AK-47's isn't still a violation of is.

You are exactly right, I edited my post above while you were replying to this. My point is that I would rather have a slight violation of the 2A than major violations of everything else. ;)

Ideally, there would be no violations...
she has executive experience which is really lacking on Obama's side. they have 1 guy who resembles Karl marx who's background resember Al Sharpton's, then there is an old guy who has been in DC for 30 years and his crowning achievement was the 1994 AWB.
Examples please? I have given pretty good examples of how the republicans have gone way off the reservation lately...

I'll give you one right off the top of my head. I was just thinking about it this morning. The GOP is always painted as the party of the wealthy and big business. Somehow the media ignores all the totally "normal folks" that line up to vote for the GOP. The Democrats are the party of the poor and downtrodden. People that don't have any money. (Somehow ignoring all the super rich people that are openly Democrats.) So any election is going to unfair since the GOP is just going to use all that money to outspend the Dems by a vast amount. The Democrats have used that argument over and over.

Their solution was campaign finance reform. One of the fundamental tenants of the Left has always been that elections should be publicly financed and outside contributions should be strongly limited. But what happened to all those convictions when history created a situation where the Democrats could actually raise a whole bunch of money themselves? What did their young and reform minded candidate do? The one that agreed to public financing along with John McCain? Well, he changed his mind and broke his promise. McCain is going to be running his campaign on a third of the money of Obama. Because he kept his word and it working within the system. It is just VERY frustrating to me that the Democrats don't seem to have any ethical qualms about ignoring their own ideas if going against those ideals will make it more likely they will win.

Are you going to claim Democrats weren't the leading voice calling for limited publicly funded elections? Or are you going to claim that Obama never agreed to those limits? Or are you just going to say it is OK to do that so that the good-hearted Democrats can defeat those evil Republicans?

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