Do y'all carry in your house?

My GF and I live in a hoity-toity part of Cape Cod and, even though we are both licensed for CCW, she always used to kid me for carrying everywhere, including the hoity-toity little village and our hoity-toity house. Then a home a mile from me in the same hoity-toity town was invaded and the owner beaten and hospitalized. Needless to say, she doesn't kid me anymore. You're damn right I carry, all the time, everywhere it is legal to do so.
Yes,there is no reason not to and i live in the country.I carry my g22 and keep a shotgun handy as well.

If i have to i will use my handgun to get to my shotgun,safe room and hopfully finish the job if need be.
Yes, I carry in the house. I figure that seconds count, and assuming that if the BG(s) were to try and break in (not likely, but not unheard of around here) then I wouldn't know which potential entry point they'd take. Potentially, they'd enter between me and a suitable weapon, and I'd really not choose to waste time dashing for a weapon even he/they didn't. Better to just have it on my person.
Thanks for the laugh, PAX!

You dash into the house and arm yourself every time the dog barks? Man, that would drive me right up the wall!

I have a trio of dogs that bark about 10 times an hour when I am home. After reading this I pictured myself jumping off the sofa, running to my safe, quickly opening it, grabbing my gun, running to the front window ready to take care of...

... The UPS truck half-way down the block. :o

A few minutes later, REPEAT! To take care of...
... the wind blowing the tree in the front yard. :rolleyes:

At night it is a different story. The dogs sleep quietly, not even barking at the skunks that regularly traverse our backyard. However, once in a while they bolt awake, bark angerily, and charge toward the part of the house where they heard the noise. You can bet I grab the tatical flashlight and a weapon immediately to invistigate.

Pax, you are right; just carry at home and relax! I think I will do some dry runs with my wife to see how long it takes to get armed and ready with my current situation of the guns in the safe. If it takes longer than a couple of seconds... Uh OH! :eek:
If I was carrrying when I came home, I will leave it on till I get undressed for bed.

Trouble is, I do not always CCW. Work does not allow it, can not have gun in privately owned vehicle on company property.
Depending on what I'm doing that day and what time of the day it is, sometimes I'll carry. If it's early in the day and I'm going to be heading into town, then most likely I'll have my gun on me. But if its evening and I'm relaxing with the family, it's probably in my drawer safe, still loaded, but kept where the young children can't get to it.
Do I carry in my house? Do people with real money have armed guards on thier estate? Duh. I don't have any real dough so I have to pull guard duty myself. I understand that criminals do not make appointments so I am on call for security so have to have a gun handy 24/7. True story.
Why wouldn't you?

I learned how to fight to defend myself; i don't disremember all that when i'm at home. I insure my cars against peril; of course i insure my home as well. A firearm could be the single tool that saves your life in a dire emergency when no other help is available; is this even a real question? Of course i carry at home. in the car. out to eat. walking the dog. Wherever legal.

A better question is: do any of you carry while you sleep?
Absolutely. I carry a full-sized pistol up to the time I go to bed. Some think that is paranoid...but my neighborhood has gone fron absolutely beautiful to a near ghetto in three years.

So-called Katrina Victims and Section 8 have sprung up all over my GOLF COURSE COMMUNITY home. UGH.
Of course I do. It's a "safe" environment to try out different carry methods and gear, and still inherently not much safer than out and about.

I will stand down when dressing down though and stow a gun on a high shelf, keeping the ammo with me. Small ones in the house. For the night stand I load up again.

Since the law is chamber empty when carrying, the odds for ND are reduced despite the added gun handling. I never rack a slide inside the house unless in complete dry firing practice or gun cleaning mode with the proper checklist done before - or standing to to address a perceived threat.

All time Carry in or out of house. If someone kicks in your front door with a gun in their hand you may not make it upstairs. Just my professional observation.

IGOR: We have it better here locked and loaded at all times. Nothing worse than having a FTF when loading in an emergency.
Shower, the next frontier

The shower is the next frontier for home carry.

I have thought about this but am not motivated enough to pursue it at this time. I will have to depend on 'Shock and Nausea' of my naked body to stun them while I run to my closet.

Also I would hate to be in the basement or family room and have to run upstairs to the bedroom past the garage door, Back door and Front door during a home invasion. Can't run that fast anymore and never could out run a bullet. So it is just easier to carry while home. Even in my robe with a pocket pistol.
Oh, it's not CA but really what it says on my profile. Yes, loaded wheelguns are OK and actually that's what I mostly carry. SP101 "snubby" with a Superfly holster and a couple of Langwitz speed loaders seems the most practical way so far.

The shell part of the perimeter tends to be considerably thicker here than anywhere in the States that I've been - doors always open outwards, they are an order of magnitude sturdier and without fail equipped with double deadbolts _and_ hinge studs. And the door frames are also such that any kind of "kicking the door in" is entirely out of the question, unless performed with a caterpillar.

My house e.g. is an all brick construction to boot. It takes assault ladders and explosives to enter so dynamically that I wouldn't have the time to stand to.
I tend to, on the days that I am carrying. Once I strap it on, I just leave it on till I have to take it off or am ready for bed. If it becomes a bother, if I am working on somehting or what not, I'll take it out of the holster and leave it on the end/coffee table, but I don't have others around to worry about leaving it unsecured, and I'm never too far from it while it is off of my person.
I just read 8 pages with avid interest. I used to carry most of the time, a lil 25 in my front pocket. I don't know why I ever put it back in the safe.
Statisics are very interesting. My view on that one is, if you are carrying, and the bad guy thinks you are (or sees evidence) and splits, is that now a number that will never be counted?
Do I carry while sleeping? Yes, yes I do. I have a .22 Mag single action revolver, Loaded, under my pillow.
My husband died 6 months ago. I now live alone. I knew I was protected when he was here, he was a much better shot than I.
Single action means I will have to intentionally pull that hammer back. I am not worried about accidents while I sleep.
I now have a dog (if you can call it that) a 6 month old (or so) weiner dog. He loves people, so no help there, but he does have a mean sounding bark in the middle of the night.
I have 4 year old grandbabies through most of the day. I keep my door shut, the boys know the gun is there, they know its a 'real' pow-pow.
They have toys, MY kids were not allowed toy guns as I was raised that guns are not toys, but the youngest has been shooting with us a couple times and is already being taught firearm etiquette. (I raised 3 girls and they all love to shoot). I demonstrated to the baby what a .12 ga would do, close up, to a bleach bottle. His eyes got big, and I could see that he fully understood that this was a 'big owie'.
There have been cases of crime in our neighborhood, a trailer park. Attempted rape next door by a stranger, kids vandalizing and breaking into an eldery lady across the street- she was not at home. All kinds of domestic violence, even against my own daughter, 2 doors down by her husband. She now has her own revolver and a DVO for 2 more years.
I keep my doors locked when I am alone or with only a 4 year old. I am not going to invite trouble in the front door, but if it happens to force its way in, I will do all I can to prevent harm to those babies.
I don't usually carry in my house.But I carry (ccw) everywhere else permitted by law.
I have a safe that opens in about 2 seconds and that's where the guns are.
My wife just started to like guns(46 years old) and I would be estastic if she would let me carry in the home.
I don't view this as paranoia,just preparation.better to be paranoid while staying alive than be a totally sane person and dead.
i dont, but its never more than 5 steps away. the safe is left unlocked while im awake and home, so it shouldnt be an issue if needed.

yes i do carry in my house... I carry my sig p250 with me at all times. i recently had my home broken into and they stole 8000 dollars worth of stuff including my springfield 1911 that my fiances grandpa gave me before he past... i always here that they will return about a month or two after the first break in so they can get the stuff that you have replaced... im ready for them the next time. i was not home the first time... i also have a mossberg 500 tactical that is in the house too.... they guys at the firehouse all carry in home also...