Do y'all carry in your house?


Yes, I carry in my house. Pistol is always in its holster at 4 o'clock while I'm home, and if I'm sleeping, it's in the drawer next to me.
if the world is bad off enough for me to feel the need to carry out side then there is a definite need to carry any time give to me
i carry a full size 1911 or my wifes s/w 40
i dont trust people outside what makes you think they change if they change at the front door
So to all you that have a gun hidden in every room, do you take the time to lock them up when you go away? How would you like to get shot by your own gun, coming home to find someone has broken in while you were gone and found your stash, just sounds so paranoid to me. I dont ccw or even oc, I leave my doors unlocked and leave detailed house plans laying around marking the locations of my guns incase someone stops by. I dont even lock my doors because Chuck Norris is my neighbor...and nobody except the bad guys has to worry when Chuck Norris is around.
big yac, i don't have guns lieing around in other rooms as I said in my post, but I don't think you should judge others that do. Many people grow up in entirely different households and/or environments, and they treat their guns differently. That doesn't mean they are unsafe. I do agree one must be careful about the threat of someone using one of your personal firearms against you in the commission of a crime.
So to all you that have a gun hidden in every room, do you take the time to lock them up when you go away? How would you like to get shot by your own gun, coming home to find someone has broken in while you were gone and found your stash, just sounds so paranoid to me. I dont ccw or even oc, I leave my doors unlocked and leave detailed house plans laying around marking the locations of my guns incase someone stops by. I dont even lock my doors because Chuck Norris is my neighbor...and nobody except the bad guys has to worry when Chuck Norris is around.

If this is an attempt at sarcasm (as I fear it is) your syntax is all wrong and it doesn't really make any sense at all; even as an attempt at irony.

For the record, I do carry in my house. I'm typically in and out a lot and don't take the time to arm/disarm/arm/disarm/etc... I spent good money on a carry rig that's comfortable enough to wear around all day... so I do.

The next person that decides to call someone paranoid or makes stupid jokes is going to have some forum difficulties.

If you don't want to carry at home, don't. If you have a reasoned objection, state it. If you want to name call, go elsewhere.

Also, we do value grammatical and coherent posts. That's another hint.

has to worry when Chuck Norris is around.

Can you get his autograph for my son?

We read every day about thugs breaking into good folks houses at all times of the day or night. Some in places crime never was before. If someone wants to carry a weapon for their self defense, I say go for it. I dont hide guns all over the place but if someone enters my place and they dont belong there I want my wife and Mom to be able to protect themselves while I am away.

Dont have a chuck norris around. And for those that dont have him I say a gun is next best choice.

He did carry a gun in his tv show.
Get a NAA 22 or 22 mag for home - you can carry anywhere but the shower. That should get you to your Glock or whatever.
Sometimes I do. But there are times I dont. When I dont carry, I make sure that my 1911 is just one foot away from where I am. No kids to worry about.
I do if I'm wearing a jacket or vest that make it easy, often carry while doing yard work. If not on me, it's 10 seconds away. I got my older daughter's attention around 5:00 am one morning. She woke up, missing something from the car. Went out for it. The dog woke me when she was opening the door to get back it. She came in, turned around and saw me with my S&W raised up, ready to level out & fire if needed. She was scared for a minute, but then said she felt safer, knowing I was ready for intrusions. I always do the up thing, takes only a split second to level out if needed. Less frightening with such a false alarm. Fortunately, we have very little serious crime in our neighborhood, but I know that could change any time.
Ha. I made an unexpected visit to a friend today, and he greeted me with a S&W Model 19 jammed into his Levi's, small of back. He joked, "you got a problem with that?"

"Not at all, I never open the door without a pistol in arm's reach."
This question was asked on another forum ("We The Armed") I sometimes post to, and here was my reply over there.

Some on that site got a little of the topic by going into all sorts of demographics about drug types and the like so please don't go that way here.

I was just explaining why I do carry at home AT ALL TIMES, and why I recommend everyone do the same.

I've lived at my current residence for a little over a year now. From the first week after moving in, I have noticed an abnormal amount of traffice on my street. This is a side street with about 25 - 30 houses on it and it's about 1/4 mile long and goes absolutley nowhere of any importance. I have noticed that most of the traffic on this street comes in from one direction, goes past my house and within 10 -15 minutes comes back the opposite direction. This goes on almost 24 hours a day. Looks like drug traffic to me. I know most of the cars that belong to people on this street and I see at least 10 times that amount of strange cars coming and going.

Since moving in here I've heard gunfire on the average of 3 times a month and sometimes 3 times in a week within walking distance from my door. I know what a gun sounds like and this is gunfire. A friend whom I've known for about 20 years lives about 5 houses from me and he told me that he came home one night after getting off work late, (about 3:00AM) and he had to call the cops because there was a shoot out in the alley just behind his house. In the same area where I think the drug dealer lives. At least one of them. I think there are more than one. This alley is close enough to my driveway to hit it with a rock if I wanted to. I have reported these goings on to LEO with no response. I have been told that the police do not want to come into this area.

Am I paranoid for carrying 24 - 7 while at home? I also don't leave the house without a gun either. I don't want to walk in on someone without being armed.

Why do I live here you might ask? Because I've owned this house for several years and after I had an accident that pretty much ended my working days I had to sell my other home and move back here. I couldn't afford the other place anymore. I'm pretty much stuck here for the time being anyway. This neighborhood was not like this 20 years ago when I lived here before. So YES I do carry at home and I would recommend EVERYONE do the same, no matter where you live.
Here in NJ, a miserable 'may issue' state, we can't carry except in very constrained circumstances. Yes, I carry in the home.

Your initial post caught my eye wherein you wrote something to the effect of not carrying because your arms are '15-20 seconds away'. Take it from this former Marine and combat vet, that's a lifetime when things turn bad! It's likely you'd never reach your Glocks in time. Get a holster and mag carriers and carry, carry, carry.

First rule of winning a gun fight is to bring a gun in the first place. I am not like my friend Chris though; Remington Marinecote 12 gauge in the shower vestibule (in a dry box of sorts, but easily accessible!), handgun in every room including a Coach Gun in the laundry room and a Sig in the kitchen.

Be Prepared!
If I'm in and out, running errands and such, then, yes, I'm carrying in and around the house. I don't put my gun away each time I come into the house, just leave it holstered. But if I'm hunkered down for the day, not going anywhere, then I'm probably not carrying. I do have a couple of guns I can get to in seconds if need be.
Here in NJ, a miserable 'may issue' state, we can't carry except in very constrained circumstances. Yes, I carry in the home.

Your initial post caught my eye wherein you wrote something to the effect of not carrying because your arms are '15-20 seconds away'. Take it from this former Marine and combat vet, that's a lifetime when things turn bad! It's likely you'd never reach your Glocks in time. Get a holster and mag carriers and carry, carry, carry.
If the gun is your first line of defense, you are right. If the bad guys have to maneuver thru a deadbolted door, 2 big dogs, piles of stuff everywhere, and toys on the floor before they get to you, 20 seconds isn't so bad.
My bet is they won't even get past the dogs.----too much work and attention drawn.
Oh and BIG YAK...Obviously you haven't ever been victimized in any way.
First time you have and live to tell about it, well then come back and call us paranoid..
Good day!
Much better to have it with you than to have it someplace that someone else might be able to get to it before you.