Do y'all carry in your house?

We live so far out in the country that no one would hear us screme for help; so yes, I carry at home while the dogs patrol the perimeter. Damn, just remembered, I'm out of tin foil....
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I do

I generally do carry at home. I mainly do it because I have a child, so if it isn't on my hip it's locked away where it will do me no good.
Being someone who teaches stat - is that really useful to concentrate on the average?

No, you have to look at the level of extremes to determine your risk level. A break-in or home invasion is low probabiity to be sure but of high consequence.

The Petits are the perfect example. It takes little to carry a small gun around. You probably won't need it. However, the small percentage who do - really do.

Stat is more complicated than averages and many miss that.
No, they weren't averages. They were absolutes. They are a statement of the level of events, extremes, as you say. My point is that "home invasions" are not going up, up. I just like a little truth in these statements.

As you probably know, it is difficult to state simple facts using statistics and have them mean very much. It's sort of like saying it rained yesterday (which is not a statistic at all). In addition to what I mentioned already in the previous post, in a couple of the cities, even though the numbers in 2009 were lower than they were in 2005, they were higher in all the years in between. But you could still say they went down.

Another thing about statistics is that if you don't like the results, you can simply ignore them and go ahead and say whatever you like, which people will do. If you don't care for the facts, make up your own and keep saying it over and over again until your own statement is accepted as The Fact.

Even in the case of FBI statistics, which amount to nearly 300 pages for each year, they are still based on input from participating agencies only and other federal agencies use supposedly different methods and get different results, though it would be hard to imagine how results would be a lot different.

I'm still curious how it is that El Paso, Texas, had only 12 murders in 2009. Roanoke, Virginia, had 9 and in 2005 even had more than El Paso. Maybe a lot of places have undeserved reputations for either safety or danger.

Again, they weren't averages. They were the reported numerical incidents for the two years I compared. And I did not mention rates, either.
I agree with glenn and the petit case he has mentioned before. I at least have the weapon handy. right now its on the bookshelf near me as an example(instead of in my pocket). I never leave the weapon downstairs at bedtime; this ccw weapon goes to sleep w/his brother.

I am glad I am in a nicer area too but those stats should be micromanaged to suit you too. you can do usa stats versus canada as an example(this is an example of the opposite). stats for someone's home state who lives in the hood doesn't do anything unless its the stats of his neighborhood. the bottom line is if someone kicks down his door he needs to be ready to protect his/her family. home invasions happen. don't think for one minute they don't
All I was saying was that people claim, and not just here, that home invasions are going up and that simply doesn't seem to be true, if we define certain things as a home invasion. I never said home invasions didn't happen. In fact, there was an incident several months ago about two miles from my home in which the homeowner was at home. Legally defined, it was a burglarly and armed robbery. But the homeowner was also armed but he was the one who got shot, if I remember correctly. And the burglar actually lived in my neighborhood. You all probably thought I live in a nice neighborhood.
I may not have guns in every room but i do have weapons in every room. Knives, bats, etc. I do keep firearms upstairs and downstairs. . never far out of reach. I keep my sp101 in my nightstand and my 870 just behind my closet door in my room. When im home i carry my knife with me. Not to mention i have an impression collection of boning/skinning knives in the kitchen.
I have my Para 10-45 within arms reach, 24-7. Trouble that comes to you
is not gonna wait for you to run to your bedroom, etc., to grab your gun.
And before the Para bashers start, my 10-45 runs flawlessly. Just one man's
2 cents worth.

I can understand where you are coming from+wasn't trying to pick your post apart. I don't have data, but I have heard home invasions have been going up. This might be a myth like you said is possible at the least. I have also seen data/statistics where crime rates have actually dropped in many areas, so it just all depends sometimes. Statistics can be astonishing in certain criteria: over a great lake in michigan where murder rates in one city can be very, very high and then on the other side of the lake in canada one homicide in 3 yrs?! It makes you think! Also, I hear media talking about home invasions, so they need to make that a more commonly understood word if it isn't already. This might be one of the reasons why the data is skewed if its seperate than an armed robbery when someone is home.
No one can even walk down the road in front of my house without my dog telling me all about it. If that doesn't give me ample time to arm up before they get in the house, there's no saving me at all. He's especially keen on the UPS truck---I know when new toys are about to arrive before the delivery truck even rounds the bend. :D
Regardless of whether home invasions are up or down, I can see the merit in carrying while at home. As others have said, if someone breaks in suddenly, you won't have time to get your gun if its out of arms reach. If they don't break in, well, good, but it sure isn't a bad thing to be prepared just in case. Something like a 642 can be carried even in the pocket of a pair of sweat pants.

Just something I'd like to share. We live in a decent sub-division not too far away from "crap" and I normally carry around the house but it's usually something light duty when I'm inside. During this past weekend's trick-or-treat festivities, I carried my trusty 5946 and I'm glad I did.

There were the usual cute little ones all dressed up but there were a couple of much older "kids" going around doing their "trick-or-treating". It didn't seem kosher to me. Maybe they were staking out houses or something, but I was pretty dang glad I was carrying heavier iron under my shirt.
There were the usual cute little ones all dressed up but there were a couple of much older "kids" going around doing their "trick-or-treating". It didn't seem kosher to me. Maybe they were staking out houses or something,...
I observed the same thing. Someone told me the next day that the older kids, who were not from our area, were brought in in vans.

Whether there was any connection between that and a number of thefts from automobiles that night, I do not know.

We sit on the porch on Halloween unless the weather won't permit it. I did have my M&P9c on me, but only because I had not taken it off. There is no way I could have used it with safety enough to suit me because of all of the innocents going up and down the street.
Just to pipe in, I don't carry around the house. Maybe because I try to make my home safe, and I feel protected there, or because I have an HD mossberg 500 behind my bedroom door and a nightstand pistol. If my house were larger I might consider it, but for the time being, it is very very small and limited on entrances.
I dont know bout Virginia, but we have had quite a few home invasions in
this area of Texas. I dont know if they rank up there with ufo's or what,
but if you have one, its kinda like 100% aint it? Do what you want to, Ive
been attacked and had to use my weapon. For me, Im gonna be prepared.
Remember, it wont come when you want it to, it will just come!
No one can even walk down the road in front of my house without my dog telling me all about it. If that doesn't give me ample time to arm up before they get in the house, there's no saving me at all.

You dash into the house and arm yourself every time the dog barks? Man, that would drive me right up the wall! :D

Much more relaxing to just stay armed and stay chill... :cool:


"Perhaps "home invasion" is right up there with Saturday Night Specials, cop-killer bullets and hair-triggers. "


Any one of them will kill you or yours just as dead no matter the odds of meeting up with one.

IMO, statistics are not germane to the question of being prepared to defend.

It doesn't matter (to me, at least) if the odds are 1:1 or 1,000,000:1 if I happen to be the one :eek:.

I don't need to be prepared if nothing's going to happen :).


No I don't. I have a pomeranian that barks if the wind blows. Better than any home alarm system we've ever had. If something was happening around my house I'd have plenty of time to get to my iron.