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Who are you voting for?

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If only America would vote like we do here on TFl, we would have fewer worries. I realize there are about 7% of you guys who voted for Obama. Myself am kinda wonderin why you are on a gun board really. I mean, thats like eatin a PB sandwich when you are deathly allergic to peanuts.

MMMMM, Obama just promised 10 million for his new whore. Could have bought her for less. Not a good bargain. Bill still will not endorse the messiah.

McCain, SCOTUS judges, better energy plan, the enemy will return.
Not so. Before voting, you can hit "Poll Results" to see, after voting just hit any one of the underlined totals. It tells you by name how everybody voted.

I didn't know that. Interesting results.
I'm done with this site until after the elections, the screeching and hysterics of one Obama has gotten to the point where it is not even enjoyable to try and debate his supporters.

Don't do that, man. The neo-libertarians and neo-liberals just whine and screech a whole lot, and they just constitute a very small group within TFL as a whole. Like I said, they just whine and screech a lot more, and you just gotta take it with a grain of salt for the entertainment value. Ya got the neo-libertarians, who support Barr, an old-school Republican who likes the drug war, and who likes the Federal Government telling the States what their drug laws must be. Then you've got the neo-libertarians, who'll tell you that Obama loves guns. Stick around, ya gotta, it's worth it just for the utterly absured entertainment. :D
I picked McCain,like it or not I have to pick from the two and since I didn't think Obama was qualified to be my Senator I sure as hell won't pick him to be my president.

their are two big reasons why I picked McCain Socialism will make our economy worse not better and the next president will pick a new Supreme Court Justice possibly two and after the Heller case I don't want Obama picking another Stevens or Ginsburg :barf: for the rest of the 2A cases that will follow the Heller case
I don't know anymore.

I was thinking Bob Barr, but he just recently endorsed Al Gore's Global Climate Change B.S.

McCain still is for Comprehensive Immigration Reform - in real words AMNESTY. Thinks the Carbon tax is a good thing, lest we forget McCain-Fiengold.

Obama - Total Socialist, no way I can vote for him.

Not a good choice for me, my only hope is that Congress will continue to be a do nothing body. If they won't pass it, it can't effect me.
I can't see myself voting for Obama; too Marxist.

I have a real hard time seeing myself voting for McCain; he's been wrong on so many issues.

At this point it looks like I'll be voting for either Barr (Libertarian) or Baldwin (Constitution Party). I wish the two would combine tickets and run together. They have more in common than they have different and they could get a lot of disenfranchized conservatives and libertarians behind them.

I might vote for McCain IF he chose a vp that I really like, someone that could have influence and have a shot of becoming President. There are a couple of Governors that come to mind. My first pick is still Ron Paul but I don't see it happening at this point.

Would a President Obama be a bad thing? I think so, but I don't think it would be the end of America. The American People have survived a whole lot in the past 400 years; I can't see one man bringing it all down in 4 years.

If Barr has endorsed the Gore "climate change" sham, he's lost my vote. Do you remember where you found this?
apr1775 posted:
Would a President Obama be a bad thing? I think so, but I don't think it would be the end of America. The American People have survived a whole lot in the past 400 years; I can't see one man bringing it all down in 4 years.

We survived Jimma Cahtah. After 4 years, the place was a mess. Iran had started a war with us by taking the hostages. Mortgage interest rates were 18% or maybe more. We had gas rationing and long gas lines at filling stations. He told everyone to wear sweaters and turn the heat down. The tinny (at the time) Japanese cars began to sell like hotcakes, launching the Japanese car companies into the American market where they do very well now.

But, we survived. Many people suffered and went through a lot of pain however. I don't think we've seen it that bad since Carter. How bad it could get with energy prices being what they are today, I'm not sure. I can't imagine what heating costs will be like this winter. If you have fuel oil burning heat system, I am guessing you'll really get hit hard. Natural gas will follow as more people switch from heating oil to natural gas, driving up demand for gas, which will drive up the cost, accordingly.

I don't want Obama as the POTUS. I don't think he can "destroy" the country. He can sure mess it up a lot. But, as long as he can get the rest of the world to "like" us once again, all will be rosey. Right? :(
I'm not sure how anyone on this forum could be voting for Obama. :confused:
Unless, of course, firearms are last on your list of priorities, then that might make some sense. But make no mistake about it, Obama's record (which matters far more than his current words) show that he hates guns, and wants none of us to have them. I have no doubt he would close this forum if he were able to.
In my opinion neither candidate has a clue concerning problems of the working poor, middle class and our economy. The only bright point in these two mediocre candidate is that with McCain he "may not" push further gun regulations and "may" appoint conservative judges to the supreme court and I did say may,but they certainly don't inspire me as leaders America needs in a very changing, troubled times.
McCain's our only choice. I am voting for him.

Any vote for Ron Paul would automatically be a vote for Barack Obama. Ron Paul wouldn't have the chance of winning, with so many ignorant masses aligned against him, fooled by the media and their sacred televisions.

I always wish for Ron Paul to win, but realistically speaking, he won't win, so we should all vote for McCain instead.

A strong, solid vote for McCain, will ensure his victory, and for the next four years under a quiet and stable presidency, we can select a real good libertarian Republican for the next term who can wrench the party back onto it's tracks after it had been derailed by the neocons for som many years.
Great joke on the post turtle. That's the best analogy I have heard on Obama yet. Truth is they're both post turtles. It's just that Obama is more obvious and wasn't born with a post setter waiting to put him there.
I first heard it on Glenn Beck, then I just found a small note from July 17 on his front page (left column). Didn't have much substance except for QUOTE: "Global warming is a reality as most every organization that has studied the matter has concluded, whether conservative-leaning, liberal oriented or independent."

He does say he want's non tax driven solutions, but if you are going to give away the argument at the beginning....it hard to fight for drilling ad coal-to-oil.

As I recall on Glenn Beck, the quote he had was pretty bad and aligned closely with Obama's (or at least one of Obama's).
The American People have survived a whole lot in the past 400 years; I can't see one man bringing it all down in 4 years.

America was founded as a nation in 1776 which is only 232 years. Where do you get 400? Colonization doesn't count because the states as they are today were British territory not America. Colonial America's settlers (before the Declaration and the revolution) aren't Americans in the current usage of the word so don't try to rationalize it.

Glad Democratic supporters know their history :rolleyes:
Ronpaul !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!