Who are you voting for?

Who are you voting for?

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Danzig, so exactly what is a paleofederalist except what you described? And why wouldn't libertarians give a useful center to a party which is otherwise nothing but extremists?
MeekAndMild, I wanted to give you an intelligent answer to your question. I did not know what the term "paleofederalist" meant so I went to dictionary.com and looked it up. Guess what? There is no such word in the English language.

Assuming that you or an associate of your must have coined the term, I am not entirely sure what you mean by it. However, as the prefix "paleo" means "old, ancient, prehistoric, early, or primitive", I gather that you mean an old school federalist. If that is your definition then I think that you are rather off the mark.

Libertarians are may be more closely aligned with anti-federalists if anything.

If the government's legitimate powers are limited to those given it in the Constitution, then anything else is too much and needs to go away. Because government is force in the face of liberty, it must be kept to the smallest size at which it can still practically fulfill it's Constitutional duties.

I realize that "No Government" is not an option. I am not an anarchist. I am a minarchist. So, we have some need of government, just not the mutation that we have now. And certainly none of it's Republican or Democratic progeny.

I do not understand your second question. Please clarify what you are asking and I will answer it.
I think that Ill have to vote for McCain, is he great? No.
But Barack Hussien Obama is the Anti-Christ.

Im a one issue voter, 2nd amendment.
The last thing I want to see is a Marxist in the White House.
That's ok Kragax...you can sleep soundly every night knowing that some of us are actually trying to fight for all of your rights. You can continue slacking. We don't need your help. :barf:
The popular vote would always be biased in favor of those states that rig their elections, only now they would be rigging the entire election instead of just their state's electors.

I'm speaking strictly from a population perspective. A good many cities have larger populations than our entire state.

One city could dictate the direction for an entire state they have no stake in.
Danzig said:
"It's a shame that so many of you are so cowardly that you will let fear control your vote rather than hope..."

That kind of "hope" is the first step on the road to disappointment.

McCain is not my ideal conservative, but Barack Hussein Obama is an in-experienced, Marxist-leaning, (very clever) race-baiter, who would put socialist judges in place to accelerate the tearing down of America. He's a product of the corrupt, Chicago, Democat machine and is really only their front man.

Hope and change, change and hope. Good slogans for dumbed-down Americans.

I'm voting for McCain. With McCain, we have at least a chance to pressure him into the right (pun intended) decisions. What hope is there with an articulate but socialist Obama?

That's ok Kragax...you can sleep soundly every night knowing that some of us are actually trying to fight for all of your rights. You can continue slacking. We don't need your help.
You miss the most basic premise. If they unarm the population the rest of you rights are nothing. The second amendment was put in place for the purpose of giving the populace the option of securing the rest of thier rights, by force if necessary.
Actually Kragax, I didn't miss anything. We just fundamentally agree on your basic premise, that being that any one right is more important than the others.

I suppose it would be the most important if it was actually being used to enforce the rest of the Bill of Rights...but seeing as it is NOT..then it stands as no more important than any other.
Who am i voting for?

I have no choice but vote for McCain, Obama is a left winger who would love to do away with the 2A.

NRA member
First, I in no way claim to speak for the majority of Soldiers..I can only speak for myself about what I personally hear and witness.

And that is that the soldiers I know who talk about politics are all supporters of the Democratic Party. Most had been supporters of Hillary Clinton actually, but now they have either thrown their support to Obama or they have decided not to vote at all.

Again, I do not claim that the majority of soldiers will vote this way, only the majority of Soldiers that I work with on a daily basis. None support McCain. I have little doubt that his statements regarding the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan have alienated him from most members of the military.

I can't help but wonder if this is because of the high deployment tempo (which is less likely to change under McCain) or just because the average soldier is fairly young (both because younger voters are more likely to be more liberal, and because older and presumably more experienced soldiers are less likely to talk politics around fellow soldiers). Or both.

I, on the other hand, am a little older than the average soldier and (were the election held today) would still be voting for Obama. Both because (despite his veteran status) I'm not loving the idea of McCain as Commander in Chief and because overall he doesn't seem much better as far as overall rights go (yes, Obama fails hard on guns).

Really, they're both horrible. Obviously, every candidate is always going to be the "less of two evils" to most voters (because so many positions aren't mutually exclusive)...but seriously? This is the best both parties could come up with?

I exclude the Libertarian candidate both because I've found the LP to, in practice, be even less agreeable to me than either the Democrats and Republicans and because Barr specifically seems to be the embodiment of this.
Not Obama

While suturing a cut on the hand of a 75 year old Texas rancher, whose

Hand was caught in a gate while working cattle, the doctor struck up a

Conversation with the old man. Eventually the topic got around to Obama

And his bid to be our President.

The old rancher said, 'Well, ya know, Obama is a 'post turtle'.

Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him what a 'post

Turtle was. The old rancher said, 'When you're driving down a country

Road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top,

that's a 'post turtle'.'

The old rancher saw a puzzled look on the doctor's face, so he

Continued to explain. 'You know he didn't get up there by himself, he doesn't

Belong up there, he doesn't know what to do while he is up there, and

You just wonder what kind of a dumb ass put him up there to begin

cohoskip, I would recommend you just edit the obnoxious additional line breaks that were left in there when you cut and pasted that out of your e-mail inbox, but really since it's just an obvious cut-and-paste job (though in my inbox Bush is the target, as president rather than candidate...which makes more sense, Texas rancher and all) you could probably just make it go away entirely.

EDIT: Also, I can't help but wonder if a private poll would show the same results. Not expecting an Obama win or anything (I mean, gun board) but I can't help but wonder if there aren't a few more members who would punch that button if nobody would know...
I would find the lump in my throat awfully hard to swallow as I pulled the lever for McCain. But I could never pull the lever for a marxist like Obama, and he is a marxist at heart. He is a follower of the ideals of Saul Alinsky. Google that nutcase. Alinsky was also one of Hillary's mentors. All of them are scary. What if we get her for the VP candidate? Would that turn any Obama supporters away from him?
I'd have a pretty hard time accepting Clinton as Obama's VP. Both because of the potential that she could become President due to death or illness, and the fact that this makes her the most likely nominee when he's done with it.

Not sure if it would actually push me over to McCain, and I'm not the "stay home" type, but she'd just be a horrible choice.
Also, I can't help but wonder if a private poll would show the same results. Not expecting an Obama win or anything (I mean, gun board) but I can't help but wonder if there aren't a few more members who would punch that button if nobody would know

Nobody has any way of knowing who voted which way on this one unless they say so.
Nobody has any way of knowing who voted which way on this one unless they say so.

Not so. Before voting, you can hit "Poll Results" to see, after voting just hit any one of the underlined totals. It tells you by name how everybody voted.
We just fundamentally agree on your basic premise, that being that any one right is more important than the others.

I don't believe the premise is that the RKBA is more important that the others, but that it is the foundation for keeping the others.

That said, I am undecided. I wouldn't vote for Obama with a gun to my head, but have almost the same disdain for McCain.

Vote third party? Could happen, and has happened once already.
Not vote at all? Have never done it in the 34 years since I turned 18, don't see starting now.

I will echo the sentiments of those who cannot believe that this is what we are offered.