Who are you voting for?

Who are you voting for?

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For crying out loud it really p**ses me off when ppl talk about "viable" candidates. Just say who you want to be prez and not who the media tells you has the better chance of winning. I think the primaries would have turned out MUCH MUCH differently if ppl had voted for who they belived in. That is what primaries are for, and the election is to choose who you would like from who won the primaries. Politics is becoming too much like a sport where ppl root for one party or the other instead of voting for the better for the country. Some ppl could care less if Obama was yelling jihad and burning flags in his past just so long as he's a Democrat. We the ppl screwed it up in the primaries cause we thought "Ok, who would be more likely in my party to win the election" over "who would be the best for the job." Sometimes I wish we could have just said "screw you both we wnat different candidates from both parties" and they would come up with something better for us. I know the Far left would probably still choose Obama and the left right (you read correctly) would take McCain. There is nothing good to come from this upcoming election if all ppl want is someone who can win over someone who will put the country and the people first before their own agenda or those of their sponsors.
Tell me why again why we can't just all vote for somebody and then majority wins?

It's a check on federal power over the states, and in particular against the federal government serving the interests of a few populous states at the expense of the rest.

I see you're from Alaska. Less than a million people up there. We have more in Orlando, and our coastal cities are much bigger. You have US Senators and electoral college votes to ensure that you don't become completely irrelevant politically, and subject to exploitation by the lower 48. Bridges to nowhere don't build themselves, you know.

I haven't decided how I'm going to vote. I don't like Bob Barr, John McCain, or Barak Obama.
It would be interesting to check the TFL forums four years ago on this date to see where the debates went. No doubt everyone hated Kerry and Bush II, and many chose instead to 1) do nothing, or 2) vote the equivalent of RP/BB/Libertarian.

Except Kerry didn't want to ban semiautomatic handguns. Kerry didn't want CCW only for police officeers. Kerry wasn't a crazy socialist populist protectionist. Kerry didn't think of himself as Jesus, Messiah, or the only source of hope for America. Kerry didn't... well you get it.

Kerry and Bush were both in the same fraternity. As in... they're frat brothers. Secret handshakes, crazy pledging events, all of that jazz. There were no real differences.

This time there are clear differences between the chump on the right and the chump on the left. Don't waste your vote.

I'll hold my nose and vote for McCain.

That about sums it up for me.
A vote for John McCain will be interpreted as tacit support for the way the Republican party has been running things (into the ground) and will therefore provide NO incentive for the party to reform itself.

But hey..if you like the direction that this nation has been headed..go ahead...continue supporting those who are destroying our nation.

I, for one, won't wallow in that filth.
I think the primaries would have turned out MUCH MUCH differently if ppl had voted for who they belived in.

They did and they didn't want R.P.:rolleyes:
I'm voting McCain because he's the only option we have to keep Obama out.
Tell me why again why we can't just all vote for somebody and then majority wins?

It's a check on federal power over the states, and in particular against the federal government serving the interests of a few populous states at the expense of the rest.

I see you're from Alaska. Less than a million people up there. We have more in Orlando, and our coastal cities are much bigger. You have US Senators and electoral college votes to ensure that you don't become completely irrelevant politically, and subject to exploitation by the lower 48. Bridges to nowhere don't build themselves, you know.

Yeah, I don't get it. So my vote doesn't count for my own good?

Anyways yeah I agree with the libertarian side of things more than anything I guess but I can't support what the war is doing to my country and my army anymore. I feel I have to vote for Obama. As far as civil liberties go, I feel that government survellience and openly disregarding laws and ignoring questions about what they are doing behind closed doors to be more important that firearm rights. I already have a few guns and I suppose I will live without that M14. The last 7 years have been damn scary and it was not the "liberals" that were running the show and there is no reasonable way that you can construe it as such. They say that the only difference between republicans and democrats is that the dems let the poor people to be corrupt too. I have to say I agree. Our government needs serious fixing, seriously fast.
For crying out loud it really p**ses me off when ppl talk about "viable" candidates. Just say who you want to be prez and not who the media tells you has the better chance of winning. I think the primaries would have turned out MUCH MUCH differently if ppl had voted for who they belived in. That is what primaries are for, and the election is to choose who you would like from who won the primaries.

While I certainly agree in voting for who you really want in the primaries (I'd would have preferreed Huckaby myself), I live in Indiana unfortunately and by the time our primaries rolled around, my candidate was already out. I suppose I could have voted in the Hillary v Obama thing, but that's kind of like trying to choose between a firing squad and a noose.

While voting Libertarian sounds nice, my fear is this: I don't think Bob Barr has a snowball's chance in Hades of becoming president and I fear that a vote for him would simply take support away from McCain and therfore help Obama (shades of Ralph Nader anyone?). While I don't like McCain, I like Obama a lot less and the last thing I want to do is help him get elected either directly or indirectly.
It's a shame that so many of you are so cowardly that you will let fear control your vote rather than hope.

Fear that someone worse than "the lesser of two evils" will win..instead of voting in a fashion that will actually help our nation reverse the trend towards socialism. You, will get what you vote for and unfortunately so will I. You condemn more than just yourselves by your votes for McCain or Obama.

My vote will be cast for someone who will help this nation..or at the least, be ineffective in influencing it in ANY way. I will vote for a candidate who will seek to do good and fail rather than one committed to corruption.

Creature, I do hope that I get what I am wishing for. It won't be any worse than what most people are actually planning to vote for.
First, I in no way claim to speak for the majority of Soldiers..I can only speak for myself about what I personally hear and witness.

And that is that the soldiers I know who talk about politics are all supporters of the Democratic Party. Most had been supporters of Hillary Clinton actually, but now they have either thrown their support to Obama or they have decided not to vote at all.

Again, I do not claim that the majority of soldiers will vote this way, only the majority of Soldiers that I work with on a daily basis. None support McCain. I have little doubt that his statements regarding the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan have alienated him from most members of the military.
It won't be any worse than what most people are actually planning to vote for.

Oh, yes it will. Mark my words, if Obama wins, it will get much worse. Terrorism will again visit our shores and civil rights, the 2nd Amendment in particular, will erode far more than ever before.

BTW...I am active duty military and I do not support the democratic party. In fact, no one that I work with has ever indicated that they will support Barack Obama (or Hillary Clinton while she was still in the race). Everyone I have asked has said they favor McCain. In addition, I have never seen anything other than McCain bumper stickers on the base where I am stationed...and I keep on looking.
both candidates are a nightmare ... but I'm planning to vote for McCain, if only to counter my wife's vote for obama ... howver ... saw something the other day about mccain possibly offering VP to Bloomberg ... if that happens, or if he picks some other liberal idiot, I'm staying home ....
My summary of Barack Obama's agenda

Barack Obama's agenda :

Double the capital gains tax to 28%, this affects everyone who is invested in the stock market, 401k's, mutual funds, this is a tax increase!

Corporate profit windfall tax, those evil corporations and their evil profits, why the govt has to put a stop to these evil capitalist's,:barf::barf: Guess what, the oil companies will just raise the price at the pump to cover the tax, so we get to pay $4.80/gallon.:barf: Obama is so ignorant of free market economies, its pathetic. The Democrats even proposed "nationalizing" the oil companies the other day, what are these idiots thinking? Oh I forgot, its all about "control".

Opposition to any and all future oil exploration/drilling, refining expansion. If he keeps this position and gas approaches $5/gallon, Obama will lose. Obama has nothing to offer of his own, except repressive taxes and "green" energy, which is still a decade out. Idiot.

Negotiate with every tryant/terrorist in the world, what's Obama going to say that will change their mind, their desire to destroy America? Nothing!

Abortion on Demand, teen abortion without parental notification, even voted against providing medical care to fetus's that survived an abortion.

Obama can talk all he wants, but he a radical anti-gun politician, he would sign every gun control measure that makes it to his desk. I don't trust him as far as I can throw him. The next AWB will be permanent, if the dem's own congress and the white house.

Obama talks about corporations shipping jobs overseas, so what's his answer? Raise corporate taxes, so they can ship even more jobs overseas, lol! Idiot!

Obama stands for open borders and the social chaos that comes with it, voted for the border fence, but now opposes it, lol. Classic politician.

Obama opposes the school voucher program, why would this be? Because the federal govt cannot control it, Obama believes the govt should be able to tell parents where they can send their kids to school. I believe the parents should have a choice. If Obama and the govt cannot control it, they hate it and want to destroy it.

Universal healthcare is not the answer either, I don't want some idiot in the govt telling me which doctor I can see, when I can see him, what surgery I can and cannot have, ect. The govt will ration healthcare because the cost will spiral out of control, the elderly people will pay the highest price. No thanks on this program.

Does this sound like an agenda for a strong America?:barf::barf:
Barack H. Obama may quite possibly be the anti-Christ.

Seriously though, I dont trust anyone who has political power... but I REALLY do not trust Obama. Shady background and connections to other shady characters. His speeches are very powerful but his ability is lacking. We need someone with real experience...

John McCain gets my vote.
BO does speak well, though...I will give him that. I can see how people think of JFK when he speaks.

But enough of that.
Given the choice between a "sort of" conservative and a Marxist in all but name, it's McCain for me. The liberal columnist Richard Cohen described Obama as "a fog of a man", his main appeal to Dimocrats was that he was the