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Ralph Nader just qualified to be on the ballot here in my state. His campaign says that he is aiming to be on at least 35 state ballots.

So we now have another option to choose from.

If all the true conservatives would quit worrying about "wasting" a vote, and vote for the man they thought would be the best leader, I believe fully that Barr would be elected.

If that is the case, then why did none of the "true" conservatives even come close to winning the Republican primary? Why did none of them even get close to being a contended? All of these "true conservatives" only vote in the General election?

Ron Paul ran a full on campaign for the Republican nation. If there were really the groundswell of public support or even sympathy that Libertarians like to claim for their cause, Paul should have done much better than he did in the Republican Primary. Here, every vote for him was magnified - even if only 3% of the country were Libertarian, there was a much smaller pool of voters, so their numbers would be more impressive.

As we all know, not only did Ron Paul not win; but no other remotely conservative candidate won - despite the smaller voting pool. As a result, I can only see the following conclusions as viable:

1. There are enough "true conservatives" to elect a President given traditional voter turnout; but they are exceedingly easy to mislead and misdirect.

2. There are not enough "true conservatives" to elect a President given traditional voter turnout and any successful candidate must rely on various and sometimes uncomfortable coalitions to get the votes he needs to win and will continue to have this need until the underlying culture changes.
Ron Paul. The media is controlled. Hussein is a communist who wants all of our guns. McCain wants to keep fighting senseless wars (as does bHo, who called Afghanistan, "the right war"). When will the American people awaken from their liberal media induced slumber and see things as they really are? It really disheartens me to read this particular topic and see people, ON A GUN FORUM, say that they will vote for Obama. As someone said, thats like a kid who is allergic to peanut butter eating a pb & j. I will vote for a freedom loving American who understands (and will follow) the Constitution, the scam that is our Federal Reserve banking system, will close our borders to stop the flow of illegal immigration and bring our troops home. I will be able to sleep at night.
I hear it said that it's our duty to vote. That it's some kind of an obligation that we've somehow incurred simply for having been born in this country. I'm not buying it.

Especially with the candidates that we have been presented. I am in no way OBLIGATED to vote for any candidate who I believe will not faithfully discharge the duties of President of The United States in a manner which respects and upholds the Constitution.

The only way I could see voting as an obligation would be if there was one more option placed on the ballot: NOTA (none of the above) That would allow me (and millions of other) to TRULY have a voice. Our voice would be crying out that NONE of the above candidates are acceptable to us.

Right now the only way for us to say that NONE of the above candidates are acceptable is NOT TO VOTE FOR THE B@stards.. Unfortunately, we are derided when we exercise that option. Instead of registering it as the protest that it is...we are to often accused of apathy. It is said of us that we didn't care enough to vote...when the truth is that we CARED TOO MUCH TO VOTE for a candidate we believed to be harmful to our nation.

I am enamored with none of the current candidates. The candidate chosen by my party, Libertarian Candidate Bob Barr, does not give me a warm fuzzy. I do not trust him. And, like any good Libertarian, I WILL NOT VOTE for him simply because he is my party's chosen candidate.

There are still a few months left for him to win me over but it does not seem likely to happen. So I probably will not vote for a presidential candidate. DO NOT take that in any way as indication that I do not care...when again, the truth is that I care too much to vote for any of the poor choices offered.:(
Been a Republican for 50 years. I will not retch, gag and puke while voting for the lesser of two extreme evils. Been there, done that too many times. If the Republican party wants my vote they can run a viable candidate.