Who are you voting for?

Who are you voting for?

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The American People have survived a whole lot in the past 400 years; I can't see one man bringing it all down in 4 years.

the problem with that is that it is not just one man today, he is the butt end of an attempt to destroy America as we know it going all the way back to the Cival War, America is nothing what it lookd like back in the day, and if somthing is not done, in a hundred years(or 20) we will be living 1984. it nver happens like in Red Dawn, Red Dawn could never break America, that happens slowly from within.
Then give up ALL your guns and never own one ever again.

I enjoy owning and shooting my guns, but it isn't the highest thing on my priority list. I don't think Obama could succeed in banning handguns or concealed carry if he wanted; both are too rooted in American culture. I suppose another assault weapons/high capacity ban is possible, but I could live without an Evil Black Rifle.
I enjoy owning and shooting my guns, but it isn't the highest thing on my priority list. I don't think Obama could succeed in banning handguns or concealed carry if he wanted; both are too rooted in American culture. I suppose another assault weapons/high capacity ban is possible, but I could live without an Evil Black Rifle.

The AWB ban WILL include your semi-auto handguns as being assault weapons.

The anti-gun community wants this guy in office and I for one am NOT going to vote him in. Plus, he wanted to tax the oil companies...smart move. Let them RAISE prices at the pump to make up for the extra tax. He's a moron and I'm not afraid to say so.
"were not guns rooted in Englands history? Howabout Australia? And Mexico?"

Exactly right. Prayer in schools used to be rooted in our history too. The symbol of the cross on the California seal was a part of California's history, but they removed it anyway.

The list could go on for a very long time. To think that something being rooted in our history means we will not lose it is naive.
DaveBeal said:
I'm voting for Obama because he just seems to think about things the same way I do.


I enjoy owning and shooting my guns, but it isn't the highest thing on my priority list. I don't think Obama could succeed in banning handguns or concealed carry if he wanted; both are too rooted in American culture. I suppose another assault weapons/high capacity ban is possible, but I could live without an Evil Black Rifle.

ONE JUSTICE. We won Heller by ONE JUSTICE. Obama will get to nominate at least one and Scalia is not getting any younger... Obama will have a Dem controlled Senate to approve his appointment. Given Obama's quotes on SCOTUS nominee requirements Ginsburg will appear like a constructionist.

You need to learn some history and do so quickly because you are sadly ignorant on the subject. Look at what happened elsewhere. Look at how the AWB works in NY, where a ban still exists.

Unless you have had your head in a cave you should have noticed the NEW threat that the antis have touted... SNIPER RIFLES!!! Suddenly every deer rifle in America is a SNIPER RIFLE.

Here is a real question, on what does Obama think like you and on what day are you basing that? Mind you, his positions change depending on who he needs votes from now, ask his old mentor Rev. Wright, the guy with the bus on top of him. They were inseparable for a long time, until he no longer needed him and he was a liability. Likewise his Weather Underground friend...

Were you supporting him because he was going to pull troops out of Iraq starting immediately (used to win the primary) or because he now says different? Was it because he wanted the POTUS to sit down with no conditions to speak with the President of Iran or one of his other stated positions on that subject? Was it because he advised invading Pakistan? Was it his opposition to the surge or his support of it because I can't figure out where he is on that now.

People have been hard on him calling him an empty suit. That is not true. There is something in that suit. Sadly it is a deceitful, manipulative liar who is far more concerned about improving his own position rather than that of the nation.
I'm waiting to see who McCain selects as VP to make my decision. I think they will have a big chance of becoming President during his term due to his health.
o you're considering voting for McCain now PBP?

What has you reconsidering Obama?
I have considered McCain from the beginning. It is too early to make any set decisions.

If McCain makes the mistake of selecting an officer of the church as his VP and Obama selects a conservative candidate I would vote Obama. If McCain choses a strong VP and Obama chooses Hillary I will vote McCain.
Who would you consider a strong VP for McCain?

Is there anyone other then Hillary that would cause you to reject Obama?
I'm voting for Obama because he just seems to think about things the same way I do.

Sure about that?

Note that if Obama had his way, two of the FIVE Justices who voted for an individual Second Amendment right would not even be on the Supreme Court of the United States.

Think about that, the Supreme Court came within one vote of pretending that one of the Bill of Rights didn't even exist. Not only that but this is the very same outcome Obama supported both for the case itself and with his votes in nominations.
McCain, because he's closest to being Conservative. And a straight Republican ticket, so he will have support at all levels.

McCain, this time around. The only "perfect" candidate you will ever have to vote for will be yourself, if you ever decide to run.

Everybody else is a compromise.

Frankly, I'm quite shocked to see the number of Obama voters here.

Especially ones who have suggested he will somehow "fix" the economy.

And here I thought everyone knows what happens to the private sector when you raise taxes. Thought that was common knowledge.

It sounds like too many people are listening to how Obama says things, not about what he is saying. Or the effects it will have on us.
The only "perfect" candidate you will ever have to vote for will be yourself
I'm not sure I would vote for me.

I am surprised that there are so many Obama supporters here, given his stance on gun control. It is an illusion that he supports the Second Amendment, if you look at his voting record. The NRA has a summary here.

In that this is a gun oriented board, why would anyone who wants to enjoy the right to keep and bear arms, vote for someone who would clearly do anything possible to take away that right.
There's more to the gun rights issue than just "am I going to get to keep my guns".

A politician's stance on gun ownership tells us a lot about what HE thinks of US.

If he is for more gun control, as Obama is, he likely considers Americans in general to be irresponsible, dangerous, and needing the gentle, guiding hand of a paternal government.

THAT is why a politician's stance on the 2nd Amendment is important. Not necessarily because of guns.

Folks, in 2007 Obama "out-liberaled" even Joe Biden, Hillary, Kennedy, and that kook from Vermont, Bernie Sanders.

Sanders refers to himself as a socialist...and Obama still managed to vote to the LEFT of him in 2007.