Who are you voting for?

Who are you voting for?

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McCain will have my vote. Didn`t know who Obama was till Oprah started dumping millions in him. Don`t think he`s got the experience and I question the "time for a change" campaign slogan. Don`t know what he means as he`s not stated any important mind-blowing improving changes he`s going to make or if he`ll have the clout to do the things he`s said he will.I do know a bit of his short record on voting on issue`s pertaining to the 2nd amend. and I don`t like what I see. Nays or not present don`t particularly impress me.
Primary Results

Actualy, if the Democrats had run their primary like the republicans, a winner take all method, it would have resulted in their contest to end a couple of months ago. The results would also have been different.
I fear that a vote for him [Barr] would simply take support away from McCain and therfore help Obama

Take support away from McCain? What support is that? You can't take away something he doesn't have.

BTW, you know how we call Bush "Dubya"? I propose that we start calling Obama "H". But how would you spell it? Aitch? Nobody would understand... Damn! He's thought of everything! We're doomed.
Take support away from McCain? What support is that? You can't take away something he doesn't have.

Think again. Look at the poll results at the top of the page. It's like that anywhere you go.
McCain.....Don't want Barry Hussein Obama running the country, and Bob Barr just waited way to long. People complained that Fred Thompson waited to long to get into the primary's. Hold your nose, gang and vote for McCain, or hold your nose for four years when Hussein gets in, because this country is really going to stink if he's elected president.
Probably Bob Barr.

Alaska's three puny electoral votes don't mean squat in the big picture anyway and the LP will benefit more just from the numbers.
It's a shame that so many of you are so cowardly that you will let fear control your vote rather than hope.

Fear that someone worse than "the lesser of two evils" will win..instead of voting in a fashion that will actually help our nation reverse the trend towards socialism.

It's not cowardice that drives me but reality. Trust me, if I thought that a truly conservative candidate had any chance of winning then that candidate would get my vote. Unfortunately, I don't see any truly conservative candidates with even a remote chance of winning. To my mind, a vote for anyone besides McCain will at best have the same effect as not voting at all and at worst help give the election to Obama (well, maybe not a vote for the Green Party but I can't make myself do that). With the support he has now, a vote for Bob Barr will do nothing to "reverse the trend of socialism," and could possibly have the opposite effect even if unintended.
I will vote for a candidate who will seek to do good and fail rather than one committed to corruption.

Where is the logic in that? One of two is going to win. No third party or write in stands even a slim chance of winning. One of the two isn't all bad. True he has some issues I don't agree with but the other one has nothing I agree with and will basically bring this country down as far as he can. Maybe he doesn't mean to(debatable)maybe he's just misguided and has good intentions but the fact remains he's the worst thing that could possibly happen. I don't see the logic in letting him win just to stand on principals or send a message that isn't going to be seen as such. If it was anybody else, even Hillary I wouldn't care quite so much but it's not and I do.
I'm a democrat, but I like guns and 2A rights. Who fits me best?

Ironically given our opposite political leanings we are both in the same boat: the Democratic party is rapidly leaving you and your ideals just as the Republican pary is rapidly leaving me and my ideals.
For Commander in Chief I'm voting for the combat veteran with real experience in the legislative process. I respect Ron Paul but he wasn't very effective when he was in Washington and his military service was not in the combat arm. I have no respect at all for Mr. Obama nor his congressional voting record.

Democratic party is rapidly leaving you and your ideals just as the Republican pary is rapidly leaving me and my ideals.
Now here is a real puzzle. My 2 centavos as to the answer: The Republicans were Jeffersonian liberals until they opened the door in the 1960's and 70's for some reactionary Southern Democrats. They now drift back to normality as those former Democrats turn to belly-button-gazing, granola and Libertarianism. Finally the bulk of the Republican party swings back to the center, a process which started in the 80's and 90's. The Democrats on the other hand seem to be made of the Blue Dog reactionaries and the DU radicals and not much in the middle.The Libertarians defy description except that they seem to be paleofederalists. I can't help but think we'd all be better off if they rejoined the Democrats and gave that party a few tons of ballast. This is most confusing and reminds me of a song I once heard. :confused:
Wow do you have the wrong idea about the Libertarian Party, MeekAndMild.

We are most assuredly no closer to the Democrats than we are the Republicans, at least not as a party. Some individual libertarians are slightly more liberal than others..and some slightly more conservative...but for the most part we tend to think of ourselves as socially liberal but fiscally conservative.

Where the Democrats like to think that the government needs to be like your momma and take care of all of America's poor souls....we think that each adult must be responsible for themselves. Sure, we are as generous on and individual level as anybody else..but we know that nobody else has a RIGHT to the product of our labor. So the Democrats whole concept of "government knows best and will take care of everybody and everything" just doesn't sit well with us. We know that government welfare doesn't work and that for charity to be effective, it has to be voluntary and it has to be private.~

On the other hand...the Republicans think that they government is like your daddy...setting the rules...deciding what you may and may not do with your life, and punishing infractions of those rules. But we know that such a "one size fits all approach" is incredibly immoral as it deems to make moral decisions for everybody based on a very narrow set of ideals. And because morals are, more than not, a product of religion, then forcing a set or moral rules on somebody who does not share that moral viewpoint is not much different than forcing him to accept someone else's religion. No Taliban or Sharia for me thank you!

We believe that all human interaction should be voluntary, not coerced. We believe that all humans are sovereign beings and have the right to do with their lives whatever they believe will bring them happiness, life, property, etc. As all humans beings are different..we each must be allowed to decide for ourselves what is right for us. We only expect, and require that each person honor the same rights of other people. Freedom..and the responsibility that comes with it.

Government has two purposes and two purposes only in my view; protection of my rights and freedoms from outside invasion, and to preserve those same rights and freedoms from those individuals who would seek to infringe upon them.

There is one thing that government by it's nature cannot do...protect my rights and freedoms from itself. That is my job. That is the job of each and every one of us. So that is why I cannot, I will not, vote for a presidential candidate who I KNOW will further infringe upon my rights and my freedoms and those of my fellow Americans.
Speaking of disenfranchised libertarians:
If you haven't already, join the campaign for liberty and prepare for our first rally in Washington, DC on July 12th.

Good summary. The proper role of our federal government is not a "mommy" or a "daddy", but an obedient guard dog.
It's a sad state of affairs when people who want politicians to adhere to their oath of office are referred to as "fringe" or "ballast".
The sad part of this whole election is that a lot of the votes may not count. I wonder how many members of the electoral college will vote the way they want instead of going by the vote of their respective constituents? Personally I believe we should do away with the system and go to a "popular vote" system.

The electoral college is an antiquated system. But then again, the days of "Of the people, By the people and For the people" have been gone for many years.

It sickens me what this country is becoming. Especially all the political correctness. Too many of our elected officials forgot how they got elected and where they came from. Add too the fact that many people just "follow leader " like worker bees or drones. Thus some officials feel they can do what they want "for the good of the country"....:barf::barf:

I'm not saying all politicians are bad. Most are decent or atleast start out that way. But it seems a lot of them have their own agenda. Don't even get me started on the "pork barrel spending" crap.

Sorry if I wandered a little...:o
Didn't think I was going to post anything on TFL anymore until after the elections, its getting too old saying the same 'ol same 'ol, but this made me laugh, so I thought I would share...

Personally I like what Barack is preaching.
Hilarious...so you got sucked in too, huh? Just don't listen too closely or actually research his views and HISTORY, but that's ok, as long as your tickled by his words. :barf:

I might vote for Obama as a protest vote or not at all. I will decide in Nov.
Again, comedy at its finest. People on THIS board voting FOR Obama just to stick it to the Republican party. Hope you feel good when you vote, then get ready with a tube of Vaseline cause you'll need it.

I love my guns, but I love a healthy economy even more.
Man, you people are making me laugh so hard I am crying. With people like you guys voting, we are definitely doomed.

What was one of the mods suggestions here....Think twice, post once. Well sorry Capt. Charlie, I can't this time...some of the posters need a nice refreshing kick in the ass to remind them that we are voting for the PRESIDENT of OUR COUNTRY.

People, do your OWN homework and just read a little and the differences between the candidates are HUGE, not even a close comparison when you actually understand what you are reading.

I would suggest starting here for Obama... www.barackobama.com/

and then here for McCain www.johnmccain.com/

Then, READ some fricking history, preferably starting with the Constitution, the Federalist papers, the Declaration of Independence, and then some history books. That should learn you all some things.

I'm done with this site until after the elections, the screeching and hysterics of one Obama has gotten to the point where it is not even enjoyable to try and debate his supporters.

Jim, can you pass that Kool-Aid please, I think some of these NEWER TFL members' glasses are empty.

Fremmer, Bruxley, Creature, and others, see you in November, then we can get back to some other topics other than "Socialism coming to America in 08".
I'm not sure that I could vote for either McCain or Obama. Hate to say it, but in this great country of ours, those two are the best we can do?
Personally I believe we should do away with the system and go to a "popular vote" system.
Absolutely not.

The popular vote would always be biased in favor of urban voters.

The popular vote would always be biased in favor of those states that rig their elections, only now they would be rigging the entire election instead of just their state's electors.