What's your fave mini 9mm?

I have to agree with dalegribble.

I am partial to my PT709 Slim.

Kahr PM9.
Seven years, at least half of which it was my EDC, and is now again.
I'd sure like a Kimber Solo, and may try that one day.
I've had the EMP, but mine didn't work right from new...and it was the same size/weight as a .45acp 3" 1911. So I never really saw the point.
Tried the Glocks...not really a "mini'...except maybe a mini-brick.
Had the K-Ts, including the P11. Not only did it not work, but it was a mini-brick as well.
Yeah, I'll stick with my PM9. I am 5"9", 145 lbs and my PM9 fits every pocket I own, with the exception of the tight jeans that I no longer wear anyway.
Of course, my j-frame and my LCP wouldn't fit in those pockets either...
Bart Noir said:
I've yet to see one of those Bobergs and look forward to it. Are they reliable?

As an engineer I have to tip my hat to the designer. That whole idea of pulling the round back out of the magazine causes one of those "why didn't I think of that?" moments.

Does the Boberg have unusual recoil & muzzle flip characteristics?

Got hundreds of rounds thru mine, absolutely flawless performance....the engineering is superb. I work with engineering designers daily, they all gave it a resounding thumbs up! I'm looking forward the .45 shorty. Muzzle control is actually tame and very controllable because of the barrel length and set back into the web of your hand.
I finally broke down and bought a Kahr CM9. I have never been a fan of the no external safety, striker-fired type of pistol....but I wanted a quality "pocket-sized" 9mm....and finally just went with the CM9 (hoping that it would work out).

I must say that, it has been easier and more pleasant than I expected. One, the little pistol is ridiculously accurate (my FIRST magazine, standing/ off-hand at a distance of 12 yards, produced a group a bit smaller than 2.5"). Two, the trigger was much easier to master than I expected. I usually shoot any pistol (new to me) to the right and low....but not the CM9. I was dead-on, right from the first magazine. Third, recoil, even with relatively stout SD loads, was rather mild - not unpleasant at all.

To be fair, I must mention the feeding problems I did have with the pistol. The first round, though only from a fully loaded magazine, would nose-dive and jam against the feed ramp. Every other round fed just fine. I finally traced the problem to an over-long magazine spring. Removing 2 coils from the 6 rounder springs fixed the problem. The 7-round mags were even worse - 3 or 4 coils needed to be removed from their springs. Surprisingly, Kahr doesn't seem to have caught on to this, as of yet.

Anyway, I certainly am in no position to say that the CM9 is "the best". I'm sure that there are others available that are equally good, or even better. But, it seems to work for me - and was (and is) a pleasant surprise.
REMBRANDT- how does the Boberg work as far as pocket carry? Does that large "hook" on the back of the receiver hang up too much necessitating the use of an IWB holster?
BigD in Florida,

I will not put words in Rembrandt's mouth, but for me the Boberg is perfect for pocket carry. I keep one of mine in a "sticky" pocket holster just to keep it properly aligned for easy grip/withdrawal from the pocket. As flat as it is, particularly in the pocket holster, there is little indication I am carrying.

My other Boberg will go into a kydex IWB holster, just as soon as it arrives. And for the time-being, it too is in a "sticky" holster worn inside the waist band of my pants.

The smallest 9mm that I have is a Kahr PM9, so by default, that is my favorite. That being said, up until several months ago, it was my regular CCW for a number of years. A Springfield XDs45 has taken over CCW duty.
I'm browsing the Keltec PF9.. Think I'll call around a few ranges, and see if anybody has one to rent this weekend.

If anybody has more feedback on that, I'm all ears..
BigD_in_FL said:
REMBRANDT- how does the Boberg work as far as pocket carry? Does that large "hook" on the back of the receiver hang up too much necessitating the use of an IWB holster?

Haven't really used it as a pocket carry, but as an OWB thumbsnap....I'm quite pleased with it. Don't see the "hook" being an obstacle.
I'm browsing the Keltec PF9.. If anybody has more feedback on that, I'm all ears..

OK Ears, I'll tell you my sad tale of woe. Keep in mind this is only a sample of one.

Mine worked fine for the first 50 rounds. And barely made it though the next 50, with much manual pushing and pulling on the slide, eventually to include use of a plastic mallet. Now I cannot make the slide move far enough to even load a round or cock the hammer.

It is as if the slide rails in the frame moved around. The gun will shortly be returning to the factory.

Bart Noir
Sorry to hear that, but I very much appreciate it...

So it seems then, that the two fav choices of the board (budget realistic), are a mini sig of 290, or 938 or a kahr cm, cw, or p.

Between those two brands, I'm sensing a coin toss. Can anybody swing it one way or the other?