What's your fave mini 9mm?

The only small 9's I have carried as follows:

S&W Sigma SubCompact
KelTec P-11
Glock 26
Beretta Nano

I currently do not have any of the above. There were pros and cons to each of the above. I shot the Glock 26 the best of the 4 listed above but I would not consider it a Mini 9 as it is quite a bit larger than the others. I think for a lot of shooters the Glock 26 is about the limit in size as to what they can shoot good with.

When looking at the width, length and height of the Glock 26 it is about the same size as a 2" J Frame Chief's Special so it should be able to be carried in the same locations as people have been carrying the 2" J Frame Chief's Special for years.

I don't personally own one but my brother loves his XDS 45. I would assume the XDS 9 would be about the same.
I have the Kel-Tec P-11 for the mini 9m/m because of the larger magazine capacity. Good in a pocket holster, have had no printing or drawing problems but, it is not comfortable to shoot for any more rounds than needed to keep it as a carry gun.
Have you got a favorite? I don't own one of these little 9's, but I just read reviews on Keltec's PF-9, and Karh's CM9; and uh, "I'm not too thrilled."

Want to change my mind....

No, not really. :p Buying something that apparently serves no purpose for you would be silly. Better to spend the money on practice ammo, etc.
Have had 5) Kel-tecs. 3) P-11's & 2) PF9's. The P-11's went bang every time but the loooong trigger is hard to get used to. I loved carrying the PF9's. They are extremely light. The problem is they don't always go bang. They usually do, but not always. I now carry a Shield 9. It's a little heavier than the PF9, but about the same size. So far (500 or so rounds), it has been 100% reliable. I'm sure there are other sub-compacts just as good, but I don't feel the need to keep looking, now.
I bought a used PF9 for $200 and it didn't always extract the empties all the way. I drove 15 minutes up the road to Keltec and they replaced the slide, springs and some other "internal parts" free, while I waited.

Now it's 100%. I carry it in a Remora holster daily. The rig is so comfortable that I wore it into the doctor's office today. Had to run out to the car and ditch it at the last minute.

I installed a LaserLite sight and sighted the laser at 20 feet. Real nice setup.
I'll vote for the Kahr K9 also, it is what I carry when I'm out for long periods. I think it offers the best balance of all CCW considerations, no external safety, consistent trigger pull with the striker fire, and the weight of the steel frame is perfect for control in a 9mm while weighing less then my fully loaded G19.

But I also like the CZ Rami 2075
I've fired a few other compact 9mm (Springfield and Ruger) but by far the best one is my Walther PPS. The gun is well made, reliable, has a clean trigger pull with no slop and is very accurate.

It is also easy to shoot and easy to carry. Simply put, it is a fantastic gun.
favorite mini 9mm

for concealment would be one of those old single stack firestar m43's

for a fun gun cz75 compact or cz82 if 9x18 counts
Bought a Shield 9 two weeks ago today and have over 300 rounds through it so far. Not a single issue, it's fun as heck to shoot, great trigger and very accurate.