.44Spl. Surprise
Couple of months ago, I bought a Charter .44 Spl. Bulldog on a whim. Hey, I planned very,very well, and retired with my butt in the butter-tub on the Gulf of Mexico.
At 25 yds. you can't find anything that looks like a group -- or even a pattern. But, remember the "Rule of 3s" (3 feet, 3 seconds, 3 shots)...this is perfect and just falls into the pocket of a pair of old cargo shorts. Including the Sigs, this Charter Arms piece is one of the best buys I have ever made.
Oh, and to those of you who had planned on retiring in about the next five to seven years, sorry. But I spent it wisely on guns, ammo and greens fees.
Seriously, sorry dudes, but you --my kids and grandkids --are "totally fooked, fooked, I tell ya." (Groundskeeper Willie)