what is your loudest handgun ??

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NAA Single Action Stainless in 450 magnum express

Any of my encore barrels are louder than my other handguns. My .308 with a factory muzzle tamer brake is obscene to shoot. My brother's 270 win barrel with a JP brake on it is enough to make a grown man cry.
Here's the question :) How many handgunners have ringing ears? lol
Okay, maybe not a serious question, but I'll answer...

I have ringing ears and it angers me. :mad:
My whole life, I've always have phenomenal hearing. I can pick up sounds that (I would guess?) many cannot... I say this because I have and I do and sometimes, people think I'm making it up or cracking a joke. When driving down a highway, I can hear when a small leaf is caught under the windshield wiper, stuff like that.

My hearing has always been incredibly sensitive, and loud noises are absolutely painful to me, always have been. So, as a shooter, I've always taken a very pro-active role in hearing protection, simply because I couldn't take the pain of shooting without them. I started shooting in the 1980s, where most folks were conscious of the risks, not like the guys from earlier generations that weren't. (we rarely wore shooting glasses, though, so we were stupid in our way way...)

But now, my $%&#@#'ing ears ring. And it's not from shooting. I'm pretty sure it's from a maintenance drug to combat acid reflux. And yeah, I've discussed it with the doctor, this is actually the second drug we've tried because the first one was horrendous.

I've got ringing ears but without hearing loss. The ringing does obscure some of what I hear and it's not deafening, but I don't like it. And unlike a lot of shooters, I can't honestly blame myself & stupidity for ringing ears, so that's why it angers me.
Toss up by my ears but may be some difference with a meter.

5.56 or 35 rem in my Contender or 44 mag in my Taurus revolver or Desert Eagle. All sound about the same to me. Maybe just the slightest edge to the 35 rem.
Another vote for the CZ52.

I shot it side by side with a neighbor's 6" .357 magnum. It's just slightly quieter.
The .30 Carbine revolvers seem to have a higher-pitched crack that is harder on my ears than others that technically register more decibels on the meters.
The loudest I have is a Blackhawk 45 Colt 4 5/8" barrel when fired with their Georgia Arms 260gr JHP, which they call +P, and rate at 1200 fps. Yeah, it's loud and packs a wallop.
A friend a while back bought a Ruger Blackhawk in 30 carbine (well used) went out in his pasture and fired ONE round, and was convinced that something was wrong, so he unloaded and took it to a local gunsmith to check it out. Gunsmith said it's all good. My friend just thought that NOTHING in a handgun could be that loud and not have a problem.
Last I heard he is still using foam ear plugs plus ear muffs and having a ball with it.
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