what is your loudest handgun ??

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Other indoor range users have commented that my .454 Casull 7.5" Ruger Super Redhawk is distractingly loud, especially when I'm shooting my full-house 250 gr. handloads.

Funny thing is, with doubled-up hearing protection, it doesn't seem excessively loud from the shooter's perspective directly behind the gun; it's only when someone else is shooting the gun and I'm standing slightly behind and to one side, that I get to experience what the others are talking about.
My 4" Redhawk .45 Colt.

Especially when loaded to the gunwales with 24gr of H-110 and a 335gr CP WFNGC. It bucks. It roars. It belches out giant orange fireballs and will probably ignite my tent and sleeping bag if ever called on for its primary purpose. :D
Not mine

My buddy has an S&W ported revolver called "The Trailboss" in .44 magnum with 3" barrel. I stupidly fired it ONCE without hearing protection. My ears rang for two days afterwards. Even with headphones on I don't like to shoot it much more than a cylinder full at a time.
Ruger Alaskan

My loudest gun is my Ruger Super Redhawk Alaskan .454 Casull loaded to the max charge and bullet weight.

That 2 1/2" barrel snub-nose is LOUD !!!!!!
Loudest I ever shot probably goes to a TC in 44-440. Loudest I own recently went to the Coonan .357. It is pretty ridiculous on the decibel level but a lot of fun to shoot. :D
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