What is the most fun handgun gun you have ever shot?

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Pretty much all of them, but if I had to choose one it would be a Ruger MK I, II, III...any of them. I've never seen much difference.
Mark III Ruger with a Vol trigger set and Sam bushing. Holy Hair Trigger! It is just endless amounts of fun.
Truth be told, I have about the perfect mix right now and I like them all in very different ways. So honestly no matter what I am shooting, it is just plain fun to shoot.
another vote here for the Colt OMM..
But any of them are fun..Well my CZ50 not so much since I cant get through a mag without a FTF..But even THAT is more fun than sitting in my office working..

The most UNpleasant..Hands down T/C in 45-70 :eek:
Just went to the range recently with a buddy that brought a High Standard in .22 Short that was passed down to him from his dad. I didn't expect to be impressed by it, but it was great...accurate, no recoil, crisp trigger...the most fun gun I've shot in a long time. It's just too bad that .22 Short ammo is so hard to come by these days!
I think the most fun is black powder revolvers. In public. Because you get an audience.
People get a kick out of it, but for me it takes me back two centuries to about the mid to late 1800s.
I feel the history of it.
Second most fun is bolt action rifle. It takes me right back to being a kid with a bolt action .22.
But I think shooting any gun is fun, even if it has a painful kick to it.
I'd have to say my T/C Contender in .30-30 edges out my Ruger .22s a bit. Normally .22LR is my favorite all-around caliber, but that Contender is just a dream to shoot. I really need .22LR and .223 barrels for it as well.

This is all excluding my pin gun that wasn't much fun before I worked on it.
A silenced Ruger Mk II.
A very light and abrupt wooshing sound, then the TING as the bullet hits a can. It was really damned cool.
Thuck-TING, thuck-TING, thuck-TING
AMT noise machine

I have a nice AMT Automag II in 22 WMR which is a lot of fun to shoot when it doesn't jam.Since I only shoot it for fun on the range its quirky reliability doesn't matter much.It delivers flash and bang all out of proportion to the claiber-probably because of the unusual chamber design.
Humbly, I submit this

Not horribly exotic, but I get a kick out of shooting my Cimarron Model P.

I enjoy all of them, but this one gives me the most grins.
Most fun would be a Beretta 21a Bobcat 22 LR. Most accurate would be a Colt Official Police 38 Special that is no longer with me :mad:because as my first revolver I thought all revolvers shot that good.:rolleyes:
Ruger security six. Just the right amount of kick. If I didn't want kick I'd shoot a 22 for plinking, but too light a gun and it's not fun anymore. Just my 2 cents.
I can't decide.
I LOVED shooting both the Smith and Wesson model 17 in .22 and the Beretta Storm in 9mm.
The Model 17 was the very first firearm I shot and the Storm was the next and the first center fire. Those two hold a special place because I got to bond with my brother shooting those.
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