What Handgun Have You Had The Longest

S&w model 67-1 bought 15 years ago for the princely sum of 250.00. Still the bedside gun of choice. However I lost it in a moment of horrible decision, I let my wife shoot it. It's now her gun and she's frightfully good with it.:eek:
Christmas, 1971. I bought my mother a Detective Special. It probably saw about 250 rounds since. I took off the Pachmayr Compacs and put back the original grips and put it back in the original box. It will go to my son, but hopefully, not for a while......
Browning Medalist 22lr target pistol with case and all weights. Given to me by my Papa 42 years ago new. Many a jack rabbit fell to that tack driver. I still shoot it on occasion.
These two.


Not sure when I got them but I know I've had them longer than I've been married, and that is well over 20 years.

not very loyal, am I?

I still have a GP100 I bought in 1993.

I'm not counting the wife's M38 Airweight Bodyguard we bought for her in '89.
Ruger Mark 1 1976.
Bought it new but it was pretty much destroyed in a house fire 3 years ago.
I still have what's left of it, although I'm not sure why. It's not like it can be brought back from the ashes. :(
Ruger 22/45. Had it for 9 years now. Paid $200 for it new. It was my car gun for several years so the finish isn't that great anymore. Had the barrel threaded last year. I only wish I had bought two of them that day.
S&W 6" M686-2 purchased new on 02/17/1989. Very first firearm I purchased & owned. It will be handed down to my daughter & hopefully she'll pass it on to my grandson; unless I am really strapped for cash - but it would be the last gun I would sell.
Ruger P89 bought new in 91 I guess. Now sports Houge Grips and the P95 Trigger conversion. Not the prettiest, lightest or pin point accurate, but dead nuts reliable and will outlast me.
Not my first handgun but it was my first center fire semi-auto pistol and the 3rd one I bought overall. Oldest one I still have.

Bought it brand new in February of 1973. Retail was $135.

In 1975 I added the S&W sights and ivory stocks. Used in a self defense shooting in 1975. Stolen in a burglary in 1985 it was recovered by police about 6 months later. In 2012 I had it engraved.

It's been around the block.

rohm model 63 in 38spc, got it from my grandpaw when i was 15, im 42 now, I still shoot it now and then and i introduced the boys to pistols with it, i will keep it until i die then the boys can fight over it if they want it :)
The handgun I have "had" the longest is my Ruger MKII since Christmas 2011, but it was a gift.

The only Pistol I have purchased for myself will come into my possession at about 1:00 PM next Saturday. So, my answer is -1 week. :rolleyes: I know, I know I am a big dork...

It is a Glock 19 BTW that I purchased for carry. My FFL grandfather is selling to me at cost!