well shucks

Or I can go vote for McCain like a good little Republican, and they think I am one of them. That doesn't accomplish anything either.
If all you do is vote in the elections, you will be just a good little Republican or Democrat. If you sit out elections, you won't appear on the radar at all.

On the other hand, if you do more than simply vote in the elections, you will be more than just a good little Republican or Democrat, and you will be on the radar.

If my forefathers could separate themselves from hearth and home, and pick up a musket, I can separate myself from my couch and pick up a phone.

You have to do more than vote, because no candidate, no matter how much you agree with him, will give you everything you want. Even if he tries to, he can't do it by himself. If you really want to get want you want, you have to stay involved. Anyone too lazy to work for what he wants is too lazy to deserve getting what he wants.
I might also add that the Democrat Party will also ignore you if you give up and go home. If you stay in the fight, you give the Democrats a reason to shift toward you. Not all Democrats are uber-liberals.

You are either visible or invisible to both parties at the same time.
To all of those who will write in Ron Paul for president, or some other non-candidate, thank you for helping put Obama (or Hillary) into the White House.

Standing by one's convictions is fine, but it has a price. In this case the price is an extreme leftist president.
You're quite welcome. If I'm supposed to be willing to put my life on the line for my convictions how can I ignore them for anything less?
I know, everyone has an excuse to salve his conscience. But the result will be the same. We'll have an extreme liberal in the White House. I have no idea why someone who may claim to be a conservative would want that result in preference to a Republican who would at least be open to conservative thought and approachable by conservative interests.
because I don't see the world in "right and left" extremes and there are a lot more conservative thoughts and interests I strongly disagree with than those I agree with.
Who will our enemies fear more? And who will conspire with a Congress led by Pelosi and Reid to do the most damage to our rights and our economy?

There are three choices at this point;

Clinton- At least four more years of the same partisan crap, and we'd demonstrate to the rest of the world that our system is so broken that we can only chose our President from two families.

Obama- We've got a 1970's economy brewing, do you really want to add another Jimmy Carter to that mix?

McCain- Very far from perfect, but he would do the least amount of damage. And if you're a conservative you want the government to screw things up as little as possible.
If the Republicans wanted the conservative vote, they would have nominated a conservative. As things stand, we have a choice between three different flavors of liberal.

I agree, if we support McCain as conseratives then we give the GOP a green
light to promote guys like this in the future. I see no choice with this election.
Will America actually still be an independent nation in four years after a bunch of NON-AMERICANS vote a write in or a libertarian? I think I need to start a list of EVERY person proclaiming such nonsense. Just so I have a bit of an idea of who assisted in making my rights disappear. When in 2012 our only choices for president are from another nation remember who killed a decent nation:mad:
! It is a stupid move to vote for anyone not running.
Kindergarten mentality... "I'm taking my bally and goin' home...":barf:
Socialist America...? Why did we waste our time in europe in the 40's?
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hogdogs, haven't you been paying attention? Your ability to exercise your rights have been disappearing for years, decades even. That won't change under any of our 3 possible options.
WE need to change. WE need to quit accepting the choices that we are given. WE need to begin again to live in liberty. I ask you to join us.

"And what country can preserve its liberties, if it's rulers are not
warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of
resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as
to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost
in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from
time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
It's either that or I'm writing in Admiral Adama.
Adama would be pretty cool too but all he had to deal with was some angry toasters...Pufnstuf had to deal with Horatio J. HooDoo.

Either way, both characters are more centered in reality than Ron Paul. :D
Will America actually still be an independent nation in four years after a bunch of NON-AMERICANS vote a write in or a libertarian?
:rolleyes: Yes, how very non-American of me to stand for my convictions and vote for a man who believes in following the Constitution.
Either way, both characters are more centered in reality than Ron Paul.
rofl ouch
I think it comes down to a requirement to either vote for a President or vote to keep our nation from being absorbed by another nation.
Do us all a favor... if'n you ain't going to vote a serious candidate save us the gasoline by staying home...
just ask for a absentee ballot. In all actuality it is true. Absent of something. The only votes for paul better be from folks without the ability to know he is a dropped out has been. Like the goons living in the woods sippin' the creek water and eatin' 'possums.
Other wise it is sure sign of intelligence deficiency.
I think it comes down to a requirement to either vote for a President or vote to keep our nation from being absorbed by another nation.
So if I "vote for a President", I will not be voting "to keep our nation from being absorbed by another nation"?

I'm sorry hogdogs, but your previous post makes absolutely no sense to me.
Absorbed by another nation? o_O huh?

Thanks for the advice but I will be voting for the person I believe would do the best job for the country.
Thanks for the advice but I will be voting for the person I believe would do the best job for the country.

Thanks, I appreciate you writing me in, do you need me to pm the correct spelling of my name:D
Considering that klinton the male was willing to give some control of our National parks to the UN and Obama gets hundreds of thousands of bucks from iraqi billionaires filtered thru known criminals... I am not tin hatting... Hitlery would love to allow the same gun control as the european nations are facing. Obama has a proven track record of anti gun/ anti CCW. Both are open border and more so than McCain. Serriously both dems are anti military and pro socialist nation standards. We cannot have even a defensive grade military and socialist ideals... CANNOT BE DONE!
after a bunch of NON-AMERICANS vote a write in or a libertarian?

Bud, there's nothing in the Constitution about Democrats or Republicans. Freedom to vote your choice is as American as it gets.

Just out of curiosity, though, if you feel people who vote for libertarians are "non-americans," what do you consider the people who vote Democrat ? And what about RINO Republicans ? Which group gets to be anointed by you as genuine Americans ?
By that statement I only mean that to vote for a write in is the primo waste of a vote. second... until them libertarian/green party/independent parties can garner a significant % of the vote than it each American's job to keep America at least as free for the next 4 years as the previous... ans I lay my godly hands upon the head of McCain and bless his presidential bid... with olive oil to boot!