Walmart to end ammunition sales of handgun ammo

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Something about Walmart getting out of ammo just occurred to me. Lot of people complain that Walmart ran the mom and pop's out of business. No they didn't, consumer's did! There is no law that anyone has to shop at a store like Walmart yet they do. Well turn that around a bit now. Walmart no longer selling certain types of ammo. Open door for the small mom and pop's gun store. In order to keep it going for the mom and pop's, we also need to boycott Cabelas, all other on line sources of ammo and store's like Sportsman Warehouse. Now if we are not ready to do that think I really don't think we should be bringing the small local store's into it at all! Starting from zero, they have every opportunity the giant's have. They made their choice. I'd go small too and probably lose my butt because some many caring people would choose Walmart's inexpensive product's, selection of products and convenience of so many product's in one store. Sure is easy to hate a giant!
The reason I don't like it that Walmart is dropping handgun ammo is that I will have to go to the next county to buy it. Also, ammo doesn't fit in with Walmart products because it is not made in China.
The reason I don't like it that Walmart is dropping handgun ammo is that I will have to go to the next county to buy it.

In my case going the next county over is a good thing. There is small local chain of gun shops there that have tons of bulk ammo at around the same prices as online shipped. I do hate burning the time and gas. I wish they would open one up locally, and now they just might.
I've started cutting back my visits to Walmart. Not too difficult...just going to other vendors for my needs and found that it's not much of an inconvenience. I know it maybe more of an issue for others due to lack of alternatives however; every little bit of change can make a difference.
Eh, honestly, I can’t even remember the last time I bought ammo at a brick and mortar store (not counting ranges that require you buy their ammo). It’s been maybe a decade or more. I buy everything online now and usually 1,000 rounds minimum at a time. I may throw in a small 250rd lot of defensive or hunting ammo.
I stopped by Walmart after work today to pick up a couple things that aren't otherwise available locally. I also picked up a couple 550 boxes of Federal .22lr while I was there. That's really the only ammo I buy at Walmart, and if they do stop selling it I'm sure I can find it elsewhere.

The only time I can remember carrying open was this past July when I drove to western Oregon. When I stopped for gas in Bend I uncovered in order to remain legal, and once we got to our destination I left it in the RV for the remainder of our visit.

I really have no issue with Walmart banning OC or limiting ammo sales, it's their business not mine. It's not going to affect our shopping choices, or stopping there to overnight when we're traveling in our RV.
By continually to do business with an organization that indicated in their statements and actions as no longer being friendly or even neutral to our rights, will provide more resources to the anti’s. It’s their decision to join the side to infringe and now it’s ours to decide if we will continue support them...
Will Walmart double its rifle ammo sales to make up for the lost revenue?

While a will shop at the Walmart occasionally, I like many Americans prefer to do business at the Mom&Pop stores that help build this country...
Eh, honestly, I can’t even remember the last time I bought ammo at a brick and mortar store (not counting ranges that require you buy their ammo). It’s been maybe a decade or more. I buy everything online now and usually 1,000 rounds minimum at a time. I may throw in a small 250rd lot of defensive or hunting ammo.
Good point, I buy ammo online a lot also BUT..son calls and says, 'let's go shoot'...don't have ammo, go to WM on the go to a variety of LGS, on the way..I just went to local store and got about 200 rounds..'maybe' $2 more per 50..not a big deal. So, if you are willing to I have used took 7-10 days to have it arrive.
Will Walmart double its rifle ammo sales to make up for the lost revenue?

No, they'll fill that space with NASCAR memorabilia or cell phone accessories, both of which probably have better profit margins anyhow.

That's the thing. For all the claims of boycotts and whatnot, this will probably have little effect on their bottom line, and they know it.
I started cutting back my visits there. It may or may not affect their bottom line however, I’m doing my part to not support an organization that indicated hostility to our rights.
By continually to do business with an organization that indicated in their statements and actions as no longer being friendly or even neutral to our rights, will provide more resources to the anti’s. It’s their decision to join the side to infringe and now it’s ours to decide if we will continue support them...

This is what we all need to remember.

We need to stand together and simply stop doing business there. It WILL impact their bottom line just like it impacted KMart and Dicks.
We're currently in a fight to preserve our 2nd amendment rights. Anyone who continues to support those who are fighting against them for the sake of a few cents is a fool. There are lots of other places to buy guns and ammo. Personally, I would rather buy from someone who appreciates my business.

I've been shopping there less frequently anyway since they've started pushing everyone to use self checkouts. Since they don't offer a discount for self checkout and I'm not on the Walmart payroll, I will not use self checkouts.
Last time I was in a Walmart, they had three manned checkouts open with long lines while only a few customers struggled with the many self checkouts available.
Walmart is steadily becoming a less attractive place to shop.
I would remind all the children too young to remember, that life, and buying ammunition existed before WalMart, and will continue to do so.
Getting businesses to beat us into submission is possibly more permanent than a law, requires little funding and doesn't have to pass any level of scrutiny at any level.

I don't think the masses care about their own privacy much less the first, second or fourth amendment.

Until these strikes against free speech, search and seizure without a warrant, guilty until proven innocent reach the Supreme Court, this runaway train will keep speeding up.
What if your state passes a law "No more online ammo sales" like they did in CA? they cant even buy ammo out of state and bring it back , against the law

that would really mess up ammo sales

only LGS / FFL / licensed ammo vendor
Checked out the Farm King website. Awesome. Hope they come to Texas. Just had 1500 rds of .45 JHP shipped in and it was better price than Walmart .45s. So, there are alternate sources.
Getting businesses to beat us into submission is possibly more permanent than a law, requires little funding and doesn't have to pass any level of scrutiny at any level.

I don't think the masses care about their own privacy much less the first, second or fourth amendment.

Until these strikes against free speech, search and seizure without a warrant, guilty until proven innocent reach the Supreme Court, this runaway train will keep speeding up.

They are pandering to the left with this ridiculous virtue signaling.
If right thinking people simply stop shopping there, the business can then enjoy the benefits of solely doing business with their left leaning target audience. That may not work well for them.
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