Walmart to end ammunition sales of handgun ammo

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I would remind all the children too young to remember, that life, and buying ammunition existed before WalMart, and will continue to do so.
From what I've heard tho is people were getting paid a lot more back then (adjusted for inflation) and weren't getting taxed to death then either.

If we were all making 80 grand a year after taxes, there would be no Walmart today.
I beg to differ on the 80K reference. Some of the cheapest people I know make way more money than I do. But they can afford 100K boats and I can't.

I hope Walmart reconsiders the ammunition thing. I don't care for open carry in urban environments or in a store. I HATE people thinking they are making a political statement by carrying an AR type rifle in an urban area or store. If I owned WM, I wouldn't allow them inside the door with a rifle. I think WM is going to have to develop some new signage at their door for this.
They are pandering to the left with this ridiculous virtue signaling.
If right thinking people simply stop shopping there, the business can then enjoy the benefits of solely doing business with their left leaning target audience. That may not work well for them.
There are many, many more people who need inexpensive 'stuff' that don't own or care about guns than those that do. 'Right thinking' people may not be able to simply stop shopping there..
WM target audience isn't any more 'left leaning' than any other business..

BTW-2 local WM..both out of 9mm..some 'minor' calipers...380, 45, 40..still a lot of rifle ammo...
There are many, many more people who need inexpensive 'stuff' that don't own or care about guns than those that do. 'Right thinking' people may not be able to simply stop shopping there..
WM target audience isn't any more 'left leaning' than any other business..

If some can’t stop going to Walmart, cutting down just a little will help. As mentioned earlier, it could be as simple as having prescriptions filled somewhere else, oil changed by another, online ordering for something else, etc.. Every little bit will help! I would not be so adamant about this if Walmart was not an American icon and if they remained neutral. We can all live with a little inconvenience of not shopping or cutting back our visits to Walmart. We must do our best to send a message that we can actually act as one and make a difference, if we fail, a lot more and worse is coming.
WyMark said:
I really have no issue with Walmart banning OC or limiting ammo sales, it's their business not mine. It's not going to affect our shopping choices, or stopping there to overnight when we're traveling in our RV.
Do you have an issue with Walmart using the money they make from you to partner with Bloomberg and advocate for AWBs and magazine bans?
Do you have an issue with Walmart using the money they make from you to partner with Bloomberg and advocate for AWBs and magazine bans?

If you dig deep enough, a majority of businesses that we deal with on a frequent basis donate money to causes we disagree with, or have beliefs we disagree with. Here's the most recent example for me. Believe it or not, the owner of the garbage collection company that I have pick up my garbage every Wednesday morning is anti gun. Rabidly anti gun. So I decided to search for another company to collect my garbage. Guess what? No other company that I talked with would send a truck out of their way to pick up my trash. Every one else in my small town uses this one company. I'm stuck with the company that is anti gun. Do I like it? Nope. Is there anything I can do about it? Unless I haul my own garbage 20 miles one way for another company to pick up, nope, there's nothing I can do about it.
Do you have an issue with Walmart using the money they make from you to partner with Bloomberg and advocate for AWBs and magazine bans?

Yes, but there's not a lot I can do about it. Like Mike38 said, sometimes you take the good with the bad. A 5-qt jug of Mobil-1 oil is about $7 more at Advance Auto, am I punishing Walmart by spending more somewhere else? And what cause(s) does Advance or Auto Zone support that I also don't care for.
Agreed. Now is the time to get creative with ads. Run "David Hogg" and "April Ryan" Specials. Saw one on Texas Gun Trader for an AR15 calling it a "Snowflake" special for the "Safe Space" in case one was "Triggered". ROFL
Yes, but there's not a lot I can do about it. Like Mike38 said, sometimes you take the good with the bad. A 5-qt jug of Mobil-1 oil is about $7 more at Advance Auto, am I punishing Walmart by spending more somewhere else? And what cause(s) does Advance or Auto Zone support that I also don't care for.

If you spend your money somewhere else, it does affect Walmart. Some cannot avoid Walmart which is understandable however; cut back where you can when you can. Every little bit we do makes a difference.
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Does anyone know if Walmart has posted their stores since they adopted the new policy? I haven't been to one since they announced it.

It's their right to "request" no open carry if they choose to. However, given that their policy has always to defer to the law of the state in which the store is located, it seems unfair and unreasonable to ban anyone from Walmart stores nationwide unless there was a prominently-posted notice that the guy walked right past to enter the store.

Also, I don't think I have ever entered a Walmart store where there wasn't a greeter at the entrance. How did the guy get into the store without being stopped and "asked" not to open carry? Maybe he was asked, and proceeded anyway. That could explain why the police were called. I think we need more details on the incident.
Looks like you open carry in Walmart you will be banned from all Walmarts.

That old dude at the door with a yellow vest gonna recognize you and shoo you away?
How on earth could WM ban anybody from ALL WMs?
Does anyone know if Walmart has posted their stores since they adopted the new policy? I haven't been to one since they announced it.

It's their right to "request" no open carry if they choose to. However, given that their policy has always to defer to the law of the state in which the store is located, it seems unfair and unreasonable to ban anyone from Walmart stores nationwide unless there was a prominently-posted notice that the guy walked right past to enter the store.

Also, I don't think I have ever entered a Walmart store where there wasn't a greeter at the entrance. How did the guy get into the store without being stopped and "asked" not to open carry? Maybe he was asked, and proceeded anyway. That could explain why the police were called. I think we need more details on the incident.
I have yet to see such a sign at our Walmart. Also, at the WM store where I shop, the presence of a "greeter" is an unusual event.

Someone with more legal knowledge can correct me, but I think that WM's anti-carry (open or otherwise) policies are going to vary from state to state, as well as from store to store. Here in Alabama, if private institutions don't want guns on the premises, they have to post signs to that effect. If someone is discovered to be carrying a gun, the first remedy is that management can ask him/her to leave. If the person refuses to leave, only then can law enforcement be called and the person can be charged with trespassing.

As for banning a person from all WM stores, I have no idea how that could possibly accomplished, other than having greeters (when they are on duty scanning the faces of everyone coming into the store and frantically flipping through a massive book of mug shots.

Bright side -- I scored a 150-round box of Winchester 9-mil at our store this past Saturday :D

Does anyone know if Walmart has posted their stores since they adopted the new policy? I haven't been to one since they announced it.

Yes they have. They have also changed some other policies as well (although I don't know if this is a national or regional policy). They are trying to prevent kids from hanging out in their parking lot on Friday and Saturday nights and more than a few managers are out running around in the parking lots barring rowdy kids.

That old dude at the door with a yellow vest gonna recognize you and shoo you away?

Walmart leads the way with facial recognition software. When you walk in to one of their stores if you are in the database of that store as a barred person loss prevention will double check to ensure it is you. If you were barred for theft they will monitor you to see if you are steal anything else during your visit. They may or may not take enforcement action against you but if you steal anything else they absolutely will.

If you have been barred for threats, violent behavior or anything else that they consider undesirable they will call the police right away. The police will be there before you can get your items and go to the self checkout.

Tucking down under your hat won't help much. They have cameras everywhere, some visible, some not.

How on earth could WM ban anybody from ALL WMs?

This is a sticky issue. In Alabama generally, if the stores are across jurisdictional lines they really can't. The staff at one store can bar you from that store. That staff has no control over the property of another store and therefore can't bar you from a different store.

Property and trespass laws vary from state to state and bar in one state is almost never going to be enforceable in another state.
Here in Alabama, if private institutions don't want guns on the premises, they have to post signs to that effect. If someone is discovered to be carrying a gun, the first remedy is that management can ask him/her to leave. If the person refuses to leave, only then can law enforcement be called and the person can be charged with trespassing.

No. While this is how it most often happens it is not the law.

In Alabama a property owner, lease holder or their representatives may bar you from their property at any time for any reason. Procedurally they have to have law enforcement present to witness this or they can make a court filing, which then has to be served to you.

If you have committed no crime your best bet is simply to leave the property before law enforcement shows up. The employees have no right to detain you if you have committed no crime. You are under no obligation to identify yourself to the property owner or his reps either.

The actual law as pertaining to carrying guns on private property is 13A-11-61.2 (2017):

(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a), a person, including a person with a permit issued under Section 13A-11-75(a)(1) or recognized under Section 13A-11-85, may not, without the express permission of a person or entity with authority over the premises, knowingly possess or carry a firearm inside any building or facility to which access of unauthorized persons and prohibited articles is limited during normal hours of operation by the continuous posting of guards and the use of other security features, including, but not limited to, magnetometers, key cards, biometric screening devices, or turnstiles or other physical barriers.

(c) The person or entity with authority over the premises set forth in subsection (a)(1)-(6) and subsection (b) shall place a notice at the public entrances of such premises or buildings alerting those entering that firearms are prohibited.

This was originally intended to allow workers to carry their guns in their vehicles to work and leave them in the parking area. It does however, apply to all property. A physical barrier can include a fence, walls or doors. A "guard" can be a Walmart greeter and/ or a Loss prevention worker.

So if Walmart posts a "no guns" sign (practically any visible sign will do) and has people acting as guards you could be found guilty of or even arrested for a Class C Misdemeanor. Although the police would actually have to see you inside the store, carrying a gun, with the posted signs present to arrest you there on the spot. There would also have to be someone in place to control entry and as noted not all Walmarts still use greeters and not all Walmarts have greeters or loss prevention on duty 24/7.

I have yet to see a Walmart in Alabama with a "no guns sign" and there is no known legal standard for such a sign in the state.

If you carry in the parking lot this law does not apply so you will not be in violation however you can still be barred from the property if the store decides to do so.
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Bought 1600 rounds of .45 the other day. It'll keep. Waiting for Beto to come and get them. Guess that will be next. lolol
He suggested he would favor expanding background check laws to cover private gun sales; banning so-called bump stocks that make semi-automatic weapons fire bullets faster; and outlawing assault weapons like the AR-15 that was reportedly used in the Florida massacre.
Most Republicans would support legislation banning assault-style weapons, a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll found Wednesday — a finding that contradicts President Donald Trump's claim earlier the same day that there's "no political appetite" for such restrictions.
The poll found that nearly 70 percent of all voters would back such a ban.

I know a 'poll' but it certainly is more than 50%.
GOP Congressman Brian Mast is calling for a ban on assault weapons.

Will you give it to Brian mast? How about Turner or Kinzinger?
If you think this is a democrat only issue..well..a few minutes with your friend Mr Google might be in order..
Cicilline has not attracted any GOP co-sponsors yet, but Rep. Mike Turner (R-Ohio), the former Dayton mayor, says he now backs a ban on military-style weapons, and Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.), who is training with the Air National Guard this week, said he supports "banning certain high capacity magazines, like the 100-round drum the Dayton shooter used."
After selling through our current inventory commitments, we will discontinue sales of short-barrel rifle ammunition such as the .223 caliber and 5.56 caliber that, while commonly used in some hunting rifles, can also be used in large capacity clips on military-style weapons;

Here is where that S.O.B. Walmart CEO really chapped my shorts! If he was truly concerned that these deadly calibers sold in his stores was going to lead to harm, he should pull them off the shelf immediately and eat the loss. Some "moral high ground" when you make this decision only after making all the money you can by selling your remaining inventory at full price! What a joke!
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