Walmart to end ammunition sales of handgun ammo

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Walmart claims to provide 20% of the National ammo sales. If this is true, then they will feel the lost sales.

Only as a brief dip, if that. They will be happily selling something else when the stocks of ammo run out. Remember they're not in business to sell ammo, or even sporting good, they're in business to sell things. And if the profit is there, one thing is as good as another, to them.

If you plan to boycott WalMart over this, by all means, do. But remember that you or I boycotting a store means NOTHING unless the store knows we are doing it, and why, and how much it is costing them.

In other words, for a boycott to have any chance of working, at all, you have to tell the company WHY you aren't shopping there, and how much they are losing. Otherwise, they won't know.
Thank you, JohnKSa, you beat me to it. I'm guessing that tobacco is statistically more dangerous and kills more people in America than all of this sensational gun violence that makes such news.
Here in Oregon, we have BiMart and they almost always have the best prices on ammo. Walmart isn't needed. Dick's isn't needed either. Honorable mention goes to Sportsmans Warehouse and Fishermans Marine. NEWSWORTHY HEADS-UP: The Oregon City branch of Coastal Farm and Ranch store cleared out their basement and made it into a shooting-hunting-fishing-camping department.:D Right of I-205, in the same lot as Fishermans Marine.
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They’ve already figured the “outrage” and losses due to any boycotts. They’d rather be moral and virtuous.
Remember what I’ve been saying that gun ownership is immoral in today’s society.
Corporations willing do what the government cannot. More accurately, we’ve been living in a Corporatocracy for a while now.
Expect a long ride till the next election, the last one didn’t go as planned.
Even though local governments are granting more gun rights, there will be fewer private entities that will allow you to exercise those rights. We will be back to only carrying a gun from your house to your car, or merely keeping them at home.

Was the Walmart shooter a licensed carrier? Not sure how banning licensed carry will accomplish.
Walmart claims to provide 20% of the National ammo sales. If this is true, then they will feel the lost sales.

Only as a brief dip, if that. They will be happily selling something else when the stocks of ammo run out. Remember they're not in business to sell ammo, or even sporting good, they're in business to sell things. And if the profit is there, one thing is as good as another, to them.

If you plan to boycott WalMart over this, by all means, do. But remember that you or I boycotting a store means NOTHING unless the store knows we are doing it, and why, and how much it is costing them.

In other words, for a boycott to have any chance of working, at all, you have to tell the company WHY you aren't shopping there, and how much they are losing. Otherwise, they won't know.

I did in post #33. everyone needs to send Walmart a note. They may not be in the sporting goods business but they decided to jump on the anti wagon: "We do not sell military-style rifles, and we believe the reauthorization of the Assault Weapons ban should be debated to determine its effectiveness."

Walmart's contact method below:

-select company feedback then follow instructions. you will be required to pick a store but email goes to Corp.
Walmart may not care that I cut back my spending with them however; I will let them know why. I don't know who their primary base of customers are but I would assume it included a lot of us. Below is what I emailed to Walmart. I did this on my phone and in a pinch but I'm sure there are others who can articulate much better than me. Please let Walmart know your thoughts regardless if they care or not.

Question Reference # 190903-043177


Company Feedback and Questions
Response By Email (09/04/2019 01:06 AM)

We appreciate you taking the time to share your concern with us. Be assured that your comments have been documented for our management to review.

Thank you for contacting Walmart where we are always happy to help.

Customer By (09/03/2019 02:20 PM)

Walmart’s decision to stop selling handgun ammunition....
I ask that you reconsider this short sighted reaction. As an avid Walmart shopper, you will lose patrons like myself. Though ammunition and firearms only make up a small portion of what we buy at your stores, Walmart will lose our purchasing power we bring to your stores as these policies will cause us to reduce our visits. Example; I will no longer have a reason to bring my vehicles to Walmart for an oil change or tire servicing. I will no longer roam the isle and make purchases while waiting on my vehicle. I will no longer come to your stores to see if you were having an ammunition sale and then make other purchases while I visited. I will no longer buy clothing, movies, electronics, etc. since there is no reason for me to visit as frequently. Walmart was my and many others like me "go to store" for all of our needs.

With some difficulty, we accepted when Walmart stopped selling ARs and no firearm or ammunition sales to any under 21yrs old. But now, Walmart is bending to more pressure? Your decision to stop selling "short barreled" rifle ammunition and handgun ammunition will soon not be "enough". Even if you decide to stop selling all firearm related items (including toys), you will soon be pressured to stop selling certain magazines, books, videos, fuels, etc.. Once you give into extortion, it will become easier for outside forces to manipulate Walmart. As an alternative to Amazon, please don't follow the path of Dick's sporting goods (which may not stay in business) and don't shun one of your largest spending bases. The lost sale you face will not all be from the lack of ammunition sales.
Walmart claims to provide 20% of the National ammo sales.

That's odd. After Parkland, they talked about not selling "assault rifles." In the statement, they claimed that guns and ammunition were such a small percentage of their sales, they wouldn't take a hit.

The irony here is, the El Paso shooter bought his ammunition online.
Haven't bought ammo there for ten years. After repeatedly trying to buy 22LR unsuccessfully at several local stores for over two years I stopped trying. They never placed a limit on purchases around here when they had it, and so they never had any stock for more than an hour or so due to hoarders. I seldom go into the stores anymore for anything and can get along just fine without them.
The irony here is, the El Paso shooter bought his ammunition online.

Irony - the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.

It would be irony if just about every measure taken by businesses and laws proposed and passed had something to do with the event that is cited for the reason of these things.

They practically never do.

So instead of irony I think we just kind of expect it at this point.
We will be cancelling our Sams club membership (November renewal). Cancelling, and doing it early and telling them why will help send a message.

9mm reloading: I know it doesn't make sense compared to cheap bulk purchases, but my practice ammo is as accurate as my SD ammo. My price comparison is against the $15+/box fmj/poly, not the $6.50 Wolf crap. It still doesn't make sense, but it eases the feeling of stupid a little...also, my pistols don't get as dirty and fouled as fast as with the cheap stuff.
SGAmmo and MidwayUSA are the only places that get my money for ammo usually anyway, unless I'm at the LGS and just bought a new toy that needs something I don't have. Then I'll grab a box or two. I loathe Wal-mart, generally speaking.
Definitely let Walmart know your thoughts regardless if they care or not. Maybe they will stop selling all firearms and ammo (end goal of the antis and CEO). Does not matter...what does is that we make our voices heard. We may not be able to change their mind but if we all send a message, we can certainly influence other companies. Contact info below one more time.

Walmart's contact:

-select company feedback then follow instructions. you will be required to pick a store but email goes to Corp.
Walmart has positioned themselves to be the only place to shop in many towns. In other places they aren’t a big deal, there’s other means.

In the end, boycotts won’t work because people simply don’t have the fortitude to follow through.
Just like this day and age, we all know that many of our products come to us at a cost in human suffering, but yet Americans continue to buy those products. Walmart has already calculated the risks in this move, and it won’t have a significant effect on their future.
Still let Walmart know your thoughts on this. If you cannot completely stop buying at Walmart then cut back a little...get some of your groceries somewhere else, prescription filled through Rite Aid, oil change somewhere else, a different place here and there. We may not be able to change Walmart's mind but we sure can let them know our displeasure.

I spoke with my wife (she never liked Walmart) about this and she agreed we will now do our grocery shopping at Shoppers or Food Lion. I will have my oil changed by a local shop whom is priced close to what Walmart offered. When I need meds, I will have it filled by CVS or Rite Aid. Will I still go to Walmart? Not sure...but not nearly as much as I did prior.
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In the end, boycotts won’t work because people simply don’t have the fortitude to follow through.

It is tough for me to boycott a place I don't shop at. There are lots of reasons to not go to Walmart:
- High crime area
- Lack of customer support
- Rude staff, almost as rude as the commissary
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