Walmart to end ammunition sales of handgun ammo

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I do not fault Walmart for making these changes, as they are only to appease the publics outcry. I just wish that their statement would acknowledge the fact that stopping sales of specific types of weapons or ammunition will not deter violent acts from happening, anywhere.
MTT TL said:
Walmart currently holds an unbeatable 20% market share in ammo sales. When they surrender that some will go straight to the LGS, but most I imagine will go to OLS and discount sporting good stores such as Academy. I haven't been able to actually find ammo worth buying at a decent price at my LGS since 2011. Really, none at a good price since 2006.
I suspect most of us have found the same thing. I certainly have. I'm willing to pay "a bit" more to support a local bricks-and-mortar gun shop rather than buy from Walmart or on-line, but 30 to 50 percent more for ammo isn't my idea of "a bit." When I bought my Henry H001 I willingly paid my LGS $25 more than what Walmart was selling it for. If I get it in my head that I want to buy a new firearm, I don't even look at Bud's -- I go to the shop at the range where I shoot and I ask the owner what he can do for me. He looks it up in his distributor's book does the math in his head, and gives me a price. If it's affordable, I tell him to get it. If I can't afford it ... I wait until I can afford it.

When he carried reloading components, I bought all my powder and primers from him. I can't afford his prices for plinking ammo, but that's why I reload. He never carried bullets, so those I buy directly from Berry's. Self defense ammo, that I carry but don't shoot more than a box a year or so, I buy from him.

It's a dilemma -- especially for those who shoot a lot. In theory, I think we all want to see local gun stores stay in business. Then we face the reality that a local gun store can't match the prices of the big box stores and the on-line dealers like Bud's. I've been in the shop at the range when people come in to ask about a gun they saw on Bud's web site. My FFL will open up to catalog from Jerry's and show the customer -- his buy price is higher than what Bud's is selling it for. So it's a non-starter to suggest that the local guys could compete if they just sharpen their pencils. They can't.

So IMHO we each have to ask ourselves how much we are willing to sacrifice to help keep the LGSs in business. To me it's worth at least 10 or 15 percent extra. Maybe even 25 percent, but that's probably about the point where I have to sit back and meditate on it. (Except that I never know for guns if I'm paying 25 percent or more extra, because I never ask. I trust my guy to give me his best price. If I can afford it, I buy. If I can't afford it ... I wait.)

What's it worth to you?
For those of you with a local BiMart store, I suggest giving them your business. They have always sold guns and ammo and also carry a good stock of reloading supplies.

Well, that is one way to get barred from Walmart.

how so, as long as it is legal for you to open carry in your location?

Asks shoppers not to open carry

The CEO of the world’s largest retailer also “respectfully” requested that shoppers no longer openly carry firearms into the stores, even in states where the law permits them to do, so unless they are authorized law enforcement officers.
Thank you MTT TL for posting the exact text.

I think it's more 'fair' to comment on stuff when you've got the stuff directly from the horse's mouth (for those of you in a frivolous frame of mind please feel free to substitute other horse parts).

That said:

We know these decisions [not to carry certain guns and ammo] will inconvenience some of our customers, and we hope they will understand.

I believe I thoroughly understand their actions and please believe me I have enough of a vocabulary that I could actually describe their actions without crossing the line into profanity but it would be pointless.

I highly doubt they will understand my reaction to their decision to quit selling a legal product used responsibly by 99.99 of their customers...the term 'virtue signaling' comes to mind.

In a bit of related news, Fleet Farm, a large chain of stores in my part of the country (Minnesota), is halting the sale of AR style rifles. Sad.

And let's not forget, this isn't going to do any good.
I go to Walmart now and then, to far to go regularly, 60 miles! I don't buy much factory ammo, box of 410 shells now and then. Everything else I reload. Seldom shoot my 22 RF's. Walmart doesn't want open carry in their store's? I don't blame them! Open carry is little more than gun people saying in your face to non gun people. Get a concealed carry license, they don't care about that! Considering the number f people going into their store's, I think they are being reasonable. I can carry open but unless I as out hunting, I never do. I have no desire to provoke either the idiot anti or the people actually afraid of gun's. I would like to see open carry made illegal. Wouldn't effect people that have or can get a carry license one bit! No reason at all to open carry! As for buying ammo, well guess if you use factory ammo you'll just have to buy it somewhere else. How about Cabelas ect! My local sporting good's store is a Bi Mart, they sell ammo. If Walmart was selling that much ammo you can be sure they would not be doing this, mostly I think from their side no more ammo than they sell, it's not worth the black eye these mass shooter's recently gave them. Now their customer base is probably far more anything but firearms and ammo, can't jepordise the company for a low volume area! I'll still shop in Walmart for thing's I can't get here. $22 get's me 50# of dog food I feed at Walmart, at the Safeway here in the closest town, $25 get's me 30#. Yea, I'll still go to Walmart. I think they made a business decision and we have to expect that. Quit being a cowboy, get a concealed license!
1. Support your local LGS,
2. Handload.

Yeah, that's easy to say. But to really restrict ammo, the powers-that-be will have to enact lots of laws and affect hundreds of companies. To really hurt handloaders, they only need to shut down two or three companies...even one deciding it's not worth the hassle of new legal hoops would hurt. How much of your powder is either Hodgdon/IMR/Winchester or Alliant?
9mm hand loaders vindicated

Are you still telling me that reloading 9mm is not worth it ? Now, you just lost a major retailer of “cheap 9mm range fodder”. Sure glad I added 9mm dies to my Dillion SDB a couple of years ago.
I haven't bought any ammo from WM in many years. Not even 22lr. If they want to stop selling certain guns and ammo fine by me. I reload almost that I shoot and one more set of dies and I will be reloading all I shoot.

I have a new store near me called Atwoods. Its a Farm And Ranch store like a super sized Tractor Supply. They have decent prices on guns and the little bit of ammo looking I have done they are in line with everyone else.

I have a new Neighborhood WM just down the street from me. I rarely go to the big WM anymore.

But I do hate to see the loss of another retailer that has caved to political pressure or public perception. But I guess with the ban on bump stocks and WM not selling handgun ammo the world is a safer place now. :rolleyes:
I went to the local Wally’s toady and bought 4-150 round boxes of Win NATO 124gr. 9mm. I believe this is a windfall for all of the other ammo retailers since they no longer have to compete with what was the biggest ammo retailer in the world. Ammo pricing in general is sure to go up as a result of this development.
I just got home from local Walmart with the last of their Federal American Eagle 45 acp & 9mm. Pretty much what the budget would stand. The 9mm and 45 shelves are now empty.

I dont like the Winchester white box junk and it was all sold anyways. The guy in front of me had a few 1000 rounds of white boxes all sizes. He was grinning from ear to ear. He got the last of it. I see that white box stuff all around, but; good prices on Federal not so easy to find. We were both lucky. We were probably the last two customers to find exactly what they wanted.

As for relaoding 9mm, have at it. Just dont try and tell me I should waste my time on that.
I too emailed Walmart...I may not spend much on ammunition at Walmart but I sure do spend a lot on other items when I was there. I will be going to another store for my none ammunition needs. Definitely cutting down my Walmart visits. Let Walmart become the next Dicks as they are already losing out to Amazon. Make no sense why Walmart would take such a risk.

Walmart's contact method below:

-select company feedback then follow instructions. you will be required to pic a store but email goes to Corp.
Walmart claims to provide 20% of the National ammo sales. If this is true, then they will feel the lost sales. Also, we need to ensure they feel the error of this foolish decision through none ammo sales. The only thing to get these Corporations to understand is their bottom line. If you cannot stop going to Walmart, then cut back on the number of visits. Get some of your groceries from another store. Get your gas from another gas station, and get your oil changed somewhere else. I’m personally changing my grocery shopping to another store. I will no longer browse their goods while waiting on an oil change. I will have any prescriptions moved to rite aide or CVS. I don’t buy much ammo from Walmart but I do spend a lot there on other things and this will stop. We are the only ones who can make a change.
Walmart is too big for most of us to boycott. Basically cutting off your nose for spite. As for emailing expecting a reversal, more likely they drop all guns and ammo. That wont matter to me, beyond 9mm and 45 ammo, they got nothing I need in the G&A dept.
how so, as long as it is legal for you to open carry in your location?
Walmart can bar you from their premises at any time for any reason in practically every state. If you do anything, anything at all they don't like they will do it. And they do it every day too. If they don't like whatever you are doing they will do it immediately and never give you a second thought.

Once you are barred they know you are going to come back anyway. You won't be able to help yourself. Except when you come back you will be better behaved. Because if you draw attention to yourself you will be arrested. is a website that specializes in satirical "news stories" and they just ran a piece titled "Walmart Discontinues Auto Part Sales To Prevent Car Accidents". Pretty much hits the nail on the head when discussing these types of knuckleheads and their goofy views on firearms.
if Walmart doesn't want my sporting goods money then I will take it elsewhere. Walmart will just be a cheap t-shirts, milk, bread, and bug spray type store for me. fishing, shooting et cetera gear will be bought elsewhere.
Just read the statement. Wow, WalMart really cares about the public and its safety. I expect that any day now, we will hear their announcement that they intend to stop sales of alcohol and tobacco since those two substances combined account for over 50 times more deaths each year in the U.S. than do firearm homicides. :rolleyes:
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