Time for a rethink? (drug war)

I'm guessing that a lot of you run in sheltered circles. Some people have no idea just how many people use drugs and funtion just fine, especially pot. It's much more common than you think. If you believe that good folks have a right to have guns if they don't hurt anyone else then the same goes for drugs.
We arent talking about marijuana in so much as the "hard" stuff like meth, crack and other truly dangerous drugs. The war on drugs is MUCH broader than that.
I think the government should get involved with distibuting illegal drugs. These illegal drugs should make the user sterile for say 5 years from the last time they used and if the drug is abused it would make the user sterile for life.
We arent talking about marijuana in so much as the "hard" stuff like meth, crack and other truly dangerous drugs. The war on drugs is MUCH broader than that.

Is it? Last time I looked, the war on cannabis was over half of the war on drugs, as measured by number of arrests. The war on cannabis is actually broader than the entire rest of the drug war combined.
Is it? Last time I looked, the war on cannabis was over half of the war on drugs, as measured by number of arrests. The war on cannabis is actually broader than the entire rest of the drug war combined.

That's true because as ironic as it is, pot being the least 'bad' of drugs is also the easiest to detect and bust people for. The stuff takes up a lot of volume for its weight, reeks to high heaven even when not being burned, and stays in the system for much longer than any other drug. Even the plants have a certain shade of green that make them easily discernible from other plants around them, making busting pot farms easy. All the pot busts just pad the numbers, and you have kids going to prison for it.

I also found it funny every time I'd buy a gun and fill out a 4473, question 12a. "Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana, or any depressant, stimulant, or narcotic drug, or any controlled substance?"

The funny part is how they specified weed, and threw all the rest under whichever category fit. They've demonized this stupid plant for how long, and people are not buying into the tripe anymore. I am still going to college as we speak, and i know quite a few users of pot who are very productive people and one wouldn't guess by looking at them. I'm in the engineering field by the way. And most of the potheads who just sit around and smoke all day are not the type of people who want to waste the energy to go out to get guns and shoot them... too much activity.

They should at least change the schedulings around. LSD (and other psychadelics) and cannabis have no place being schedule I drugs. I think we'd make a lot of leeway in this 'war on drugs' if gov't were to start with that.
I'm guessing that a lot of you run in sheltered circles. Some people have no idea just how many people use drugs and funtion just fine, especially pot. It's much more common than you think.

If you want to call associating with reputable people being sheltered, go ahead. I personally took the warning I was given as a kid that "you hang around with dogs and you'll get fleas" pretty seriously. Really now, if you hang out with druggies andf the like, sooner or later you get caught up in their personal issues. Not a good thing, if you want to keep your personal life in order.
I'm sure there are alot of you reading this thread who are in favor of the War on Drugs, but drink alcohol. When ever those of us who have and do smoke marijauna hear how bad it is. We feel the same way you would if someone who had never drunk a beer, told you one sip would get you hooked or drinking two or three beers would fry your brain. You would think they were uninformed, sanctimonious, dumb asses.

In fact alcohol is a much more dangerous drug than marijauna and its abuse is responsible for a great deal more deaths and injuries. In fact I'll bet you can't find one story where marijuana was directly responsble for a death, I can show you dozens and dozens where alcohol was.
Ahh...the marijuana argument, better known as the gateway drug.

No one ever asks an Alaskan about the failed marijuana legalization experiment of 1975...and why the residents of Alaska voted to reciminalize marijuana in 1990. Wild...care to weigh in?

Why does no one ever ask those that argue in favor of "medical" marijuana why they need to actually smoke the marijuana plant when a pharmacutical product called Marinol already exists?
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tc, you managed to miss my point entirely. Hanging out in circles where everyone who partakes in certian activities that harm no one else are considered dogs with fleas is being sheltered, be they productive pot smokers, homosexuals, members of other races or religions, people with long hair and tatoos or gun owners. If you believe the hysterical warnings of prejudious people and automaticly assume that the entire group that they warn about is beneath you and poised to bring you down then you are sheltered. People use drugs and harm no one in the process. If you believe they should be locked up for it then you should be in the next cell for having dangerous weapons that scare so many people.
Ahh...the marijuana argument, better known as the gateway drug.

By the theory that marijuana is a gateway drug that makes users more susceptible to using cocaine and other drugs, one could also make the same case for alcohol and nicotine. According to the NIDA, "People who abuse drugs are also likely to be cigarette smokers. More than two-thirds of drug abusers are regular tobacco smokers, a rate more than double that of the rest of the population."

I just think it is hypocrisy to ban one drug and not another, similar, drug.
tc, you managed to miss my point entirely. Hanging out in circles where everyone who partakes in certain activities that harm no one else are considered dogs with fleas is being sheltered, be they productive pot smokers, homosexuals, members of other races or religions, people with long hair and tatoos or gun owners.

I would not equate gun owners, people of other races/religions, homosexuals, long hair or reasonable tats with druggies. If you do hang out with druggies, then I advise you to reconsider who you associate with. I have no reason to find the advise I received so long ago top be in error, and if anything, I have seen it reaffirmed as I have lived my life.

If you believe the hysterical warnings of prejudious people and automaticly assume that the entire group that they warn about is beneath you and poised to bring you down then you are sheltered. People use drugs and harm no one in the process. If you believe they should be locked up for it then you should be in the next cell for having dangerous weapons that scare so many people.

Yes, druggies are beneath me because they make poor decisions by taking drugs. For you to say that "they hurt no one" tells me that you are biased on this issue and just making excuses for druggies, most of whom I have known are no where near "productive" and are far more likely to be sitting around waiting for their next welfare and section 8 paymnents. Thats real "productive" to you , I guess?
So far, I haven't weighed in on this discussion. Personally, I don't use any drug that my physician hasn't prescribed. I do take medications for cholesterol, high blood pressure, and type II diabetes. The fact is that our war on drugs is as much of a failure as Prohibition was. All it has accomplished has been to enrich criminals, engender gang violence, put a lot of folks in jail who could be on the streets with no more danger to society than that which we face from social drinkers, and use up a lot prison space better filled with robbers, rapists, etc.

In 5,000 years of human history, laws against the possession and use of inanimate objects and substances have proven to be singularly ineffectual if a good proportion of society wants them. Note that the term "good proportion" does not mean even a majority, just a sizable minority. The reason why we don't abandon the War on (some) Drugs is because, first, some people are making too good of a living off of it. Think about the lawyers and other such folks who make a lot of money off of this policy. Second, the politicians want every American to be guilty of something because that makes us easier to control. It gives the government a club to hold over more heads. Read Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged."
Couple of big drinkers here, methinks. I've noticed big drinkers usually have the knee-jerk "drugs are bad" reaction. They feel vindicated because their choice drug is "legal". Kinda hypocritical. They'll pass on a joint and then continue downing that 30 pack of Mich Lights without skipping a beat, after which they're as useful as a pork chop at a bar mitzvah. Alcohol abuse has contributed to a lot of pain in my family. I've never heard of anyone smoking a jay and then beating their wife, however.

And those of you who think none of your friends are "druggies", well, I'm willing to bet that if you knew the truth, you'd be surprised.
Couple of big drinkers here, methinks.

Dont think to hard...making that assumption based on what you are reading is wrong.

I think drugs are bad and should stay illegal...and I rarely drink. In fact, the last drink I had was a single glass of champagne at New Years...and the time before that was a glass of wine at Thanksgiving.

So there goes that arguement.
I think drugs are bad

Pretty deep. Does that include penicillin or just drugs your nanny state has deemed inappropriate for you?

If your doctor can prescribe drugs, why is there an arbitrary limit? Who knows more: doctors or politicians?
Couple of big drinkers here, methinks. I've noticed big drinkers usually have the knee-jerk "drugs are bad" reaction. They feel vindicated because their choice drug is "legal".

If thats directed at me, you'd be wrong. I might have a drink with dinner 5-6 times a year at most.
I think drugs are bad and should stay illegal
I think guns are bad and should be illegal.
I think cigarettes are bad and should be illegal.
I think combovers are bad and should be illegal.

I think it should be illegal for me not to be rich.