The Dem's & La Raza Not Going To Like This!

Sorry I was in the Corn Field for the past few days! How do you funtion with out some form of I.D.?????

How to hell do you walk up to the voting folks and state a name with out I.D.?

I had a person I know that went to vote and the ladies at the table said Sir You Can't Vote You Allready Have!

In New Mexico You have to sign in! The signature was not his! What do you do?
Sorry I was in the Corn Field for the past few days! How do you funtion with out some form of I.D.?????

Aside from infrequent events (opening a bank account, getting a job) you can get by for quite some time without a photo ID. I misplaced my wallet not too long ago, and managed to go a couple weeks with no photo problemo.

You'd probably be surprised just how long you could go without really needing a photo ID, especially if you love somewhere where you don't drive.

How to hell do you walk up to the voting folks and state a name with out I.D.?

Well, here in Montucky you can just bring a bill or something else showing your name and your photo ID required. Power bill, whatever. They don't seem to care about verifying who you are, just that whoever you're voting as is actually registered.

And if ID info doesn't match registration info no vote. Your in the wrong precinct, State, or Country to vote. Why is that a problem. Vote in YOUR precinct, YOUR State, in YOUR Country. Unreasonable? Racists? No, it's just because people outside of a precinct should be able to select your City Council representative. People outside your City Shouldn't be able to select your Mayor, people outside of your County should not be selecting your Sheriff, people outside your State should be selecting your Governor or Senators or House Representatives, and people outside your country should not be selecting your President. Is this unreasonable?

I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that a military ID will qualify for voting purposes...which does not establish residency (in the state, county, precinct, whatever). All of that is established when you register, and has nothing to do with your photo ID.

And if the point of this law is actually to stop election fraud, then I ask again what about absentee ballots? Seems to me that, since you can register without photo ID, you can probably get one of those and cast your vote without it this requirement hardly acts as any real impediment to voting fraud. Call it the "absentee ballot loophole" if you will.

There is a pattern of who those people tend to be as stated by the OP. That pattern translates in the thread also. In lieu of substantive reason yell racist. Left wing 101. (If that fails yell lawsuit)

I'd not say it's racist. It likely does hit certain income levels more than others. I'd not guarantee that it affects either party more than the other, at least not significantly. But that's not the point. It seems both ineffective and unnecessary, which when we're talking about a Constitutional right is not a combination I particularly care for.

But you don't actually have to "show" it. Between the combination of those two forms and the fact that I never have to show up in person I'm not necessarily seeing any real ID requirement there to cast a vote. If I can get ahold of somebody's information, I can likely vote as them. Basically any ID requirement present at the actual polls is undermined by the ability to (to some extent) get around it by simply voting by mail.

So it seems like this law acts as a speedbump at best to actual voter fraud, while it will likely act as a serious impediment to at least some small minority of eligible voters. Again, in the context of a Constitutional right I'm not sure it's entirely worth it.

Of course, it's obviously Constitutional now. So, like many other restrictions on Constitutional rights that I don't agree with it's perfectly legal from here on out. Doesn't mean I have to like it, though. ;)
That's my point! Everyone need some form of ID. If you choose to live under ground you should not be voting! Opening a bank account, Drivers License, or any other faction of what people perceive as the real world.

I lost my wallet on a fishing trip and I tell you , I played hell doing what needed don until I got the new I.D.!!!!!!!
Look, the claim that ID being required is somehow hate of 'tan skinned people' is low brow and intellectually lazy. Smacks of Jeremiah Wright.
I am so glad you came in and said that. Now that you have spoken., and used a negative portrayal of a black minister to do so, all those support ads with images of illegals running through check points, that used charts showing the rising number of illegals, and other racial inflammatory images have magically disappeared. :rolleyes:
If a photo ID is required then it should be free of cost. I've said this before...if the state requires me to have a photo ID on my person at all times, then it needs to be free of cost to least directly.
You'd probably be surprised just how long you could go without really needing a photo ID, especially if you love somewhere where you don't drive.

So you didnt drive for a few weeks huh?:p

Of course, it's obviously Constitutional now.

Ka-ching....nice distraction :)

and used a negative portrayal of a black minister to do so

Jeremiah Wright isn't a black minister, he is a rascist hater. Folks should be described in accord with their primary characteristic. :)

WildimfatAlaska TM
SecDef considering the posting in this thread where posters claim there is no proof of a problem where people have voted illegally I'd say you've not paid attention to the thread. The entire premise of this thread began with the evils of the Democrats who want all the illegals to come and vote the Democratic ticket. The rebuttals have been no such problem exist so why require Id's.

Your insult only stand to illustrate your lack of comprehension over the entire spectrum of the voting issues identified.

See, you fail to discern the difference between what you said "no-one[sic] would show up to vote illegally" and the actual statement made of "Voter fraud of this type is a red herring argument. It just does not really happen in any substantial numbers. It is a way to distract people from paperless voting, easily hacked electronic machines with no back ups, etc."

It is not my lack of comprehension over the entire spectrum of voting issues identified, it is your attempt to ignore them by holding your hand over your ears and thinking that stopping illegal vote fraud with ID will as much of an impact as preventing electronic voting machine abuse and other methods would have over our elections.

The rebuttals have been no such problem exist so why require Id's.

No, you aren't getting it. The rebuttals have been that the impact of IDs could impose more of an impact on legitimate voters in a negative way than the positive of preventing illegitimate voters.

Of course, if you still think I am wrong, feel free to point out which posts by number I am missing.
I lost my wallet on a fishing trip and I tell you , I played hell doing what needed don until I got the new I.D.!!!!!!!

My Drivers license was expired for 18 months. It was only when pulling it out for a background check that I realized it.

18 months of not pulling it out of my wallet.

But, like I said, I'm not against requiring ID, I just think there is bigger voting fraud fish to fry at this point in the game.
But, like I said, I'm not against requiring ID, I just think there is bigger voting fraud fish to fry at this point in the game.

Your argument is one of practicality vis a vis constituionality?

WildcuriousAlaska TM
Your argument is one of practicality vis a vis constituionality?

Nope. Don't think I have an argument. Just hoping that any energy spent towards this type of voter fraud would be shared with some of the other methods that seems to be ignored.

A) We should prevent people from voting illegally
B) There are many ways of voting illegally, the particular one itemized in the OP happens to be one that has less of an impact overall than others.
B) There are many ways of voting illegally, the particular one itemized in the OP happens to be one that has less of an impact overall than others.

This assumes that we have to address every possible fraud issue in a single swoop.

This piece of legislation has addressed one of the ways people fradulently vote. Thats a good thing. Just because it hasn't completely eliminated the problem doesn't mean its useless. Less fraud is always a good thing.
I say we go to a vote by mail system like the one we use in Oregon. It is a great system that increases participation while reducing the chance of voter fraud.
This assumes that we have to address every possible fraud issue in a single swoop.

This piece of legislation has addressed one of the ways people fradulently vote. Thats a good thing. Just because it hasn't completely eliminated the problem doesn't mean its useless. Less fraud is always a good thing.

Just because I am against bank robbers doesn't mean I am not also against people stealing candy. It's almost like I put that as (A) in my previous post.
Just because I am against bank robbers doesn't mean I am not also against people stealing candy. It's almost like I put that as (A) in my previous post.

This makes no sense. Requiring people to prove who they say they are decreases voter fraud. Decreasing voter fraud is a good thing. Because it doesn't address every single type of vote fraud doesn't mean this isn't beneficial, especially since 99.9% of the population already has some for of ID, and the rest can get one if its that important to them.
This makes no sense. Requiring people to prove who they say they are decreases voter fraud. Decreasing voter fraud is a good thing. Because it doesn't address every single type of vote fraud doesn't mean this isn't beneficial, especially since 99.9% of the population already has some for of ID, and the rest can get one if its that important to them.

Why are you arguing as if I am against IDs? I'm going to start drinking to see if I can catch up...
You guys are up way too late....enough, let this one whimper out, go to bed somebody will come up with something new for our next regularly scheduled pissing match :)

Wildthinkillhaveadrinktoobutitsonly12:30amAlaska TM
Are you guys going to drink tequila or mescal? Tecate, Dos Equis, Pacifico Negro, or Corona?

Be careful, and keep your ID on you. Drinking any of the above may get you deported.....

Viva cerveza y chicas!
Being Black doesn't, or at least shouldn't, make Wright's statements any less repellent then Stromfront's are. Both couch their racism in a pseudo righteous premise. Stormfront perverts patriotism, Wright perverts Chistianity. Neither speak directly to it, they only retreat to it when brought to bear about their statements. Both are merchants of bigotry. If Wright were white he would be held in the same regard as David Duke. To exempt Wright from being accountable for his statements and hold Duke as a racist for his because Wright is black is in itself racist.

Identifying that people are eligible to vote in a particular precinct isn't any more racist then requiring registration to begin with.

And again, to slap the 'tan people' line on the issue is low brow and intellectually lazy. How about addressing the point of the post you quoted me from rather then to excuse a racist because he's black, which in itself is an act of racism actually as it holds a black man to a lower standard. Why is being racist OK if the person is black? Is it because you believe, as Wright says he does, that blacks are different then whites fundamentally? Is that belief racist? Do you believe, as wright says we does, that whites are evil in their intentions toward black people? I guess what I'm asking is why would you hold a person to a different standard based on their race? What is under the surface for you to feel uninhibited about taking such a position?

I know it's not a regard for Christianity. You wouldn't hold Duke up for his 'patriot' status either I'm sure.
I'm for holding up mi cerveza y mi chica mas fina!

I'm also for a no holds barred three way cage match among Wright, Duke and El Nacho Libre!

Let's get ready to rumble......