The Dem's & La Raza Not Going To Like This!

Makes it clear why Dems want lax enforcement of voting laws and Repubs want a higher standard, doesn't it?

Yes. I know it doesn't sound great, but the fact is the Dem's, ACLU, & La Raza were the ones voicing opposition to having photo ID's to vote. Of course they did not say outright that they wanted to encourage illegals to vote, but I am sure the Dem's are aware that illegals voting helps them not the Repub's.
Toybox, that is not what I said

”Its great to know only illegals would be involved in voter fraud and that illegals would only vote for Democrats.“

I did not say only illegals were involved in voter fraud, and that they only vote for Dems. Better re-read what I did say.
pretty clear what your said

"It is a fact that most illegal aliens lean towards the entitlement programs and tolerance of crime as espoused by liberal Democrats. So, do the math, if 10% of the illegals found their way into a voting booth, and voted 90% Democrat, that would be 1-1.5 million votes falling to the Dems.

Makes it clear why Dems want lax enforcement of voting laws and Repubs want a higher standard, doesn't it?"

It sure look clear to me that you profess the illegals vote democrat. It goes along with Madmag's "I am sure the Dem's are aware that illegals voting helps them not the Repub's." Both of your are sure illegals vote democrat. Fact: an illeagal voting is voter fraud.
Playboypenguin wrote:

So you can deny it all you like, the main selling feature of these laws has been racism, and that is apparent in their ads.

Maybe I've missed something, but isn't it less a RACIAL thing, and more of an ILLEGAL ALIEN thing? So the largest population of illegals currently happens to be hispanic, so what? If the law keeps illegal voting from happening, isn't it a good thing?

It doesn't say anything about keeping mexicans from voting BECAUSE they are mexican, but because they are not legal.....whats racist about that?
It goes along with Madmag's "I am sure the Dem's are aware that illegals voting helps them not the Repub's." Both of your are sure illegals vote democrat. Fact: an illeagal voting is voter fraud.

I will have to answer for myself, but I have to say I agree. I think you have it. I will stick with what I said. Illegals do vote (illegally) Democratic, and by definition illegals voting is fraud.

Here an intresting story dated 2007.
It's a hot issue in the Texas Legislature, where republicans are pushing a bill that would require voters to show some form of identification before voting.

Figures obtained by 1200 WOAI news shows 303 illegals successfully registered to vote, and at least 41 cast ballots in various elections.
Voter fraud has existed all of my life. Here's one list of convictions recently by State.

The SCOTUS decision is logical and was a long time coming.

Can you imagine all the voter fraud incidents that were never discovered?!

All this Democrat talk about it being a racist case is ridiculous and naive.

It's historically been more prevalent with Democrats but it runs across the political spectrum. There's been many incidents of voter fraud ever since there has been voting in the USA.
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Voter fraud has existed all of my life. Here's one list of convictions recently by State.

The SCOTUS decision is logical and was a long time coming.

Can you imagine all the voter fraud incidents that were never discovered?!

All this Democrat talk about it being a racist case is ridiculous and naive.

It's historically been more prevalent with Democrats but it runs across the political spectrum. There's been many incidents of voter fraud ever since there has been voting in the USA.

Yeah, this certainly isn't a large list. If this list is in any way indicative of most voter fraud, it would seem the biggest problems are absentee ballots and illegal registrations.

Of course, there are no republicans on that list at all, so I highly doubt it's usefulness (not that I blame the site for being slightly biased in this regard)

This is as good of a place to put in a link to a Howto: Do Election Fraud. Seems like fraud is easiest for those currently in power (whomever that is at any given time)
Toybox -

I want you to follow the logic. The vast majority of illegals are Hispanic, up to 90% by some estimates. Hispanics go for Dems by 65% to 90%. (Reagan got 39% in 1984, an all time high. GWB got 34% in 2004, second place.)

So, you tell me, why is it illogical to assume that illegals would vote overwhelmingly for Dems?

Wake up and smell the salsa!
I can't believe this is even an issue, you should NEED to show your ID for voting, people who aren't even citizens should not be allowed to influence the direction in which this country goes.
RDak wrote: Voter fraud has existed all of my life. Here's one list of convictions recently by State.

The SCOTUS decision is logical and was a long time coming.

Can you imagine all the voter fraud incidents that were never discovered?!

All this Democrat talk about it being a racist case is ridiculous and naive.

It's historically been more prevalent with Democrats but it runs across the political spectrum. There's been many incidents of voter fraud ever since there has been voting in the USA.

SecDef wrote: Yeah, this certainly isn't a large list. If this list is in any way indicative of most voter fraud, it would seem the biggest problems are absentee ballots and illegal registrations.

Of course, there are no republicans on that list at all, so I highly doubt it's usefulness (not that I blame the site for being slightly biased in this regard)

This is as good of a place to put in a link to a Howto: Do Election Fraud. Seems like fraud is easiest for those currently in power (whomever that is at any given time)

Yes SecDec, that link is biased. I only showed it to let people know that voter fraud does happen and it is a "steady" problem over the decades`.

There's a guy in jail right now who tried to steal an election a few years back. It was a local ballot and he was a Republican candidate. Can't remember his name. There are other Republicans who have been convicted of voter fraud over the years.

This problem runs the gambit IMHO. Always has and always will. Making someone show photo ID is one way to help solve the problem IMHO. It certainly ain't going to cure it but it can help IMHO.
Yes SecDec, that link is biased. I only showed it to let people know that voter fraud does happen and it is a "steady" problem over the decades`.

There's a guy in jail right now who tried to steal an election a few years back. It was a local ballot and he was a Republican candidate. Can't remember his name. There are other Republicans who have been convicted of voter fraud over the years.

This problem runs the gambit IMHO. Always has and always will. Making someone show photo ID is one way to help solve the problem IMHO. It certainly ain't going to cure it but it can help IMHO.

Yes, showing ID will definitely help prevent ID fraud at the polling station. What concerns me is that this is a) a tiny blip on the radar of election fraud while b) The law of unintended consequences comes into play.. There were 93 year old nuns in Indiana that were turned away at the polls. Was that fair to them? probably not.. Did the good (preventing some election fraud) outweigh the bad (the nuns couldn't vote)? Maybe, I don't know. I would like to hope so.

It is not the cure, but it may help. Have we determined exactly how it may hurt?
SecDef: I only know about Michigan so I'm pretty clueless relative to the whole USA.

In Michigan you can get a photo ID from the State easily. Proof of residency (utility bills, lease, property tax statement, income tax return, etc., and SSN.)

Alot of people get them here that don't drive.

Now, if you don't have a SSN you have a problem IIRC.

How to get a SSN:

How do I get a number and card?
To apply for a Social Security number and card:

Complete an Application For A Social Security Card (Form SS-5); and
Show us original documents or copies certified by the issuing agency proving:
U.S. citizenship or immigration status [including Department of Homeland Security (DHS) permission to work in the United States];
Age; and
Then, take or mail your completed application and documents to your local Social Security office.

Citizenship or immigration status: We can accept only certain documents as proof of U.S. citizenship. These include a U.S. birth certificate, U.S. consular report of birth, U.S. passport, Certificate of Naturalization or Certificate of Citizenship. If you are not a U.S. citizen, Social Security will ask to see your current U.S. immigration documents. Acceptable documents include your:

Form I-551 (includes machine-readable immigrant visa with your unexpired foreign passport);
I-94 with your unexpired foreign passport; or
Work permit card from the Department of Homeland Security (I-766 or I-688B

So you can see SecDef, that illegals will have a hard time getting a photo ID from my State. They shouldn't be allowed to vote and, IMHO, that's a good thing. I don't see much of a downside here.

Why do you think the Democrats (i.e., currently) feel photo ID's are a bad thing? I basically think it is because they won't get as many people voting for their candidates?

Oh, political hacks like Harold Ickes will spin it this way and that way but I believe the real reason is it hurts their chances at the ballot box if we require photo ID's IMHO. His types will talk about the nuns but they probably could have gotten a photo ID easily in their State. They just didn't take the time to get one. Maybe they didn't know the rules?

The Democrats objections are just another form of dirty politics IMHO. Both parties engage in that - I think we can ALL agree on that one!?:p

But I definitely believe that this won't cure the voter fraud problem. Just one way to diminish it IMHO. I mean, I don't think we will ever abolish all voter fraud. We can only diminish it IMHO.
Yellowfin wrote:

Gerrymandering needs to be fixed just as much or moreso than voter fraud.

I agree but how do we solve that one? I mean everyone has a political affiliation. That's a real tough nut to crack IMHO.

The party in the majority at the census date decides the shape of the districts don't they?

It's a big problem IMHO. But I don't have a clue on how to really solve it. Maybe diminish it by having "independent" people decide the shape of the districts but WHAT THE HECK is an "independent"?:p
It's a big problem IMHO. But I don't have a clue on how to really solve it. Maybe diminish it by having "independent" people decide the shape of the districts but WHAT THE HECK is an "independent"?

Computer algorithms generally don't have a political affiliation. If you actually put some effort (read: money) into it you could probably pay developers to improve on the shortest-splitline algorithm so that, for instance, it respects natural geographical boundaries. Or, using the same data they use for gerrymandering now you could fashion a computer algorithm that anti-gerrymanders...creates nothing but competitive districts.

The hard part is getting anybody to agree to do so.
Several states have the districts drawn using members from both parties.

Still doesn't necessarily prevent gerrymandering, just changes the tone. "We'll give you a solid district in West Liberalopolis, if you give us an easy win out on Convervaburg and the surrounding farmland."
So you can see SecDef, that illegals will have a hard time getting a photo ID from my State. They shouldn't be allowed to vote and, IMHO, that's a good thing. I don't see much of a downside here.

How about the Amish that don't believe in photos ;)

You are missing my point, you are just reiterating the obvious benefits without delving into potential negatives.

I have zero problems with preventing illegal voters, I just don't want to disenfranchise voters.